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Requested by @SuperWholock709 please enjoy responsibly, for this contains high amounts of adorableness!!!

No one was for sure what you were. Some claimed you were a ghost, others, just a figment of exhausted peoples imaginations.

But McCoy had a theory of his own. He stood beside Jim and Spock. Jim was arguing that the little girl everyone had been seeing was a ghost, but Spock claimed ghosts didn't exist.

"Bones, would you please tell him that ghosts are real?"

"Dr. McCoy, there is so scientific proof that ghosts are real, surely you understand that."

"Look guys, I don't know. But I have a report to write, so please try not to kill each other." McCoy told them, walking away.

He went to his office, and began typing on his PADD.


About two hours later Bones heard someone walk into the Med Bay. He sighed and got up. "Look Jim, I'm getting into your debate over ghos-..."

Kirk and Spock were staring at him, confused looks on their faces. Holding onto Jim's hand was you. You were really young, maybe six or so. You rubbed your eyes tiredly with you other hand.

"Who's the kid?"

"We don't know. Spock found her asleep in one of the closets in the bio lab. She says she can't find her mom." Jim explained.

You looked up at Bones with wide eyes. "You look like Jeff!"

"Who's Jeff?"

"Her imaginary friend." Spock whispered, and he nodded.

"(Y/n), why don't you go play with Miss. Angie? She's really nice." Bones said, pointing to one of his nurses. You nodded and ran over to her.

"Doctor, we need someone to take care of her, at least until we reach star base 10. Do you know of anyone?" Spock asked, and McCoy smiled.

"I sure do."

"Well who?"

"I'll do it. She reminds me of Joanna."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. Besides, we're only about a week from star base 10."

You looked up and smiled up at him, revealing a missing tooth right up front.

Little did anyone know, you weren't going anywhere anytime soon.

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