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Help guys! I need more ideas! I'm not saying I won't write them, but please back down on the TNG ones. Yeah, I like TNG and all, but I haven't really watched it in a while, and have no clue on things in that version. Okay, so this is a Sulu one, hope you enjoy.

You felt your hands shake as you opened the email. It was from a hospital, on earth. Your father had been sick for a while, but insisted you stay in space. Claiming a little cough wasn't enough for you to quit.

You took a deep breath, and read the typed letters.

"Dear (y/f/n) (y/l/n),
I regret to inform you that at 7:45 pm your father went into emergency surgery for a small tumor growing in the lining of his lung. The hospital staff did everything they could..."

You stopped reading a moment as tears filled your eyes. You knew what was coming next.

"but were unable to save him. He passed away peacefully, I am terribly sorry for your loss. You may contact me, or one of my assistant's for scheduling funeral arrangements.
My condolences,
Admiral Mira Zem."

You blinked a few times. You wanted this to be a dream. You wanted to just wake up, and know it never happened. But it did. You threw the PADD at a wall, looking away, you expected to hear it crash, and shatter into a million pieces. But it didn't.

You looked up, it had somehow wedged itself between your desk and a shelf on the wall. You reached up, and grabbed it. Reading the email again.

Soon you fell asleep, curled up in a ball, in the corner of your room, the message still on your screen. You had a shift in the morning, but you didn't care. Nothing mattered anymore. You dreamt about death, and your father, the very first funeral you ever went to, and how sad you had been, even though you barely knew them.


(The next morning, eight a.m.)

Sulu waited by the door to the mess hall for you to walk in. You were one of his closest friends, and usually ate breakfast with him. He checked his watch, you had a shift in a few minutes.

He began to get worried. You always ate before a shift, mainly so you wouldn't need any breaks later. He looked around, then went to your room. It was only a deck down, and the lift was empty.

Arriving at your door, he knocked on the cold metal. "(Y/n)? You in there?"

"Go away!" You yelled, you sounded miserable, and he knew you needed someone to talk to. He took a tool out his pocket, and crouched by your door lock.

Being best friends with a wiz kid sure did have some perks. For example, he thought Sulu how to hack open the doors on the ship. And in return, Sulu gave him some advice on how to ask out some girl.

He finished what he was doing, and the door slid open. "Hikaru, I told you to leave me alone!" You said, tears coming to your eyes, your voice came out hoarse, and dry. You had been sobbing all night.

He walked in, and squinted in the dim light, he eventually found you in the far corner of your room. A sobbing ball of sadness, the light of a PADD illuminating your face. He went over and sat by you. You wiped your cheek with your sleeve.

"What's the matter? You look awful." He said, looking at you. It looked like you'd been in that spot all night.

You didn't reply, you just simply handed him the PADD, letting him read it. "Oh my goodness, (y/n), I'm so sorry." Tears came to your eyes again, and you leaned on your friend. He embraced you in a hug, and you wept into his shoulder.

He stayed with you for hours, having messaged the captain about the situation, he gave the two of you some time. You were drifting off to sleep, your head pounding from crying all day, when you heard your friend mutter something.

He looked at you, and said it again, thinking you were asleep, "I love you." You turned onto your side, you were sleeping on the couch, and he sat on the floor by you. You began to dream, a slight smile on your face. You knew, no matter what, he'd be there for you, just like now.

Because he loved you.

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