!Thanksgiving Pranking Special!

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You smiled as you walked to the mess hall, Chekov in tow. He was wearing a Turkey hat, and looked very upset about it.

"I still don't understand vwhy you make me participate in holidays you celebrate." He said, and you laughed.

"I don't make you Pavel, you never say you don't want to, so I take it as a yes. Besides, you look adorable in that hat." You replied, smiling. You were wearing a sweater with a turkey on it, that way the two of you would be somewhat matching.

Since it was a holiday, the kitchens were extremely busy. They'd decided to actually cook this year, to make it more festive.

But that also meant that most of the crew was waiting in the mess hall, reveling in the smells of food cooking.

Which left plenty of space for you to prank people. There were so many opportunities, you didn't know where to start.

"So, what should we do first?"

"How about you don't prank anyone today?" Someone said, causing you to turn around. It was Jim, Spock and McCoy standing next to him.

Bones seemed to be very confused by Chekov's hat, and Spock looked just as perplexed. "Son, what have you got on your head?"

"A turkey hat."

"Why, you scared of my pranks?" You asked, your voice sounding very teasing.

"I've gotten too many complaints from the crew, they want you to stop."

"You mean you've been complaining."

He glared at you, and you knew you'd guessed right. "Just please not today."

"Ugh, fine. I won't prank people." You said, crossing your arms. The three of them stared at you, surprised. They hadn't been expecting it to be that easy.


"Yes, now leave me alone."

They walked away, staring suspiciously. You sighed and rolled your eyes. They were such dorks.

"Are vwe really not pranking people?" Chekov asked, and you smiled.

"Oh of course we are, we're just going to wait until everyone's asleep from eating so much food." You said, and he nodded, smiling.


At dinner, everyone gave you and Pavel worried glances. As if something was going to happen at any moment. But nothing did. Which made them sort of nervous, but also not.

If nothing was happening now, hopefully it wouldn't either, right?

But of course, they were wrong.

You had big plans.


You went after Jim first. The last major prank you did to him was shaving his head. It had just grown back, and he did just about everything he could to protect it from you.

But nothing could keep you away.

You turned on the electric razor, and slowly went to work.


Later that day, he barged into the rec. room you and Pavel were in, a sad look on his face. "It just grew back!" Jim whimpered.

You smiled. "That's what you get for threatening me." You said, then, you walked out.

No one threatens you and gets away with it.

Okay, happy Thanksgiving guys! I'm a little late posting this, considering it's midnight here, but oh well.

I hope you guys had a good day!

Expect (hopefully) another one shot tomorrow!


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