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You turned to the screen as an alarm went off. There was something wrong with the warp core. You clicked a few things on a PADD, and ran to where the problem was.

You ran across the catwalks, and made it to the main console. There were flashing lights and buzzing alarms all over.

You rushed from one side to another, trying to keep it from overheating. Suddenly, there was a loud explosion.

You flew back. Your head hit a console, and everything went black.


Pavel sat by your bed, his hand gripping yours. There were bandages covering the majority of your body, leaving only about half of your face uncovered.

Try as he might to hold them back, tears ran down his cheeks. You were his everything.

After hearing you'd been hurt, he rarely slept. He couldn't. Not when you were hurt. But he was exhausted.

When you finally woke up, Pavel was so happy. He grabbed your hand.

But you didn't smile. You didn't grip his hand back. "Who are you? Where am I?" You asked, and Chekov felt his heart began to break.

Dr. McCoy said you may never get your memory back.

Upon hearing those words, his heart broke even more. You kept on staring at him, a concentrated look on the unbandaged part of your face.

The guy looked so familiar. You just couldn't figure out from where. He kept glancing at you as well, a crushed expression on his face.

You looked back at the doctor, a man with dark hair, whose name you couldn't remember. He was talking to the guy with curly hair.

"I'm sorry, but what's your name again?" You asked both of them, and they glared at you.

"Don't you remember?" The curly haired one asked, his blue eyes full of concern. He had a weird accent. "I am Pavel, and this is Dr.McCoy."

"Oh! Right, right. Thanks." You replied, staring off into space.

"Her short-term memory as you can see isn't very good. And as far as her long-term memory, I don't know if it'll come back. Only time will tell."

"Thank you, sir."

McCoy tapped Pavel's arm, then walked away, his face full of worry.

Pavel turned back to you, and sat down. You were busy staring at a clock. Trying to remember what that doctors name was.

You couldn't.

Pavel tapped your hand, and you turned to him. "Hi, was it..... Parker?" You asked, trying to guess his name.

"Pavel." He said calmly. "My name is Pavel. Do you know your name?"

"Of course I know my name." You said. Then you realized, you didn't. Your smile fell. "Is it Jessica?"




"Then no. I.... I don't."

"You're name is (y/f/n) (y/l/n). You are an engineer. A very good one at that. And you and I, we've been dating for two years." He said, taking your hand.

You looked in his eyes, and saw nothing but sincerity. "I like that name." You mumbled, sitting back and closing your eyes.

Soon, you were asleep. And Pavel didn't leave your side once. It took almost four months for you to get your memory back.

And for it all, he was right beside you. Reminding you of things, and being the friend you needed.

He was never going to leave you. Pavel was sure of that.

I hope you guys liked this! Sorry if it's crap, I've been really busy. But I have some free time now!

So if you guys have any requests, ask away!


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