Wesley Crusher

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Okay, this is probably going to be my last TNG one shot. This was requested by whovian3135, I hope you enjoy!

You walked through the halls of the Enterprise, kind of board. No, you didn't work on the ship, but your father did. They let you come along, but you weren't prepared for the amount of nothing you'd be doing.

"Hey (y/n)!" A voice called, you turned to see your friend Wesley running up to you, his light brown hair sticking up in weird places, black smudges on his face.

"Hey Wesley, what happened to you?" You asked him when he caught up to you. You were the same age as him, but he still managed to be a full three inches taller than you.

"Geordi was showing me some things down in engineering. Did you know that when you cross the yellow and blue wires in a console they explode?"

"I know now. Why were you messing with the wires in a console?" You turn a corner, and he follows.

"I'm planning on signing up for that Starfleet program. The one for kids who live on a star ship. "He tries to smooth down his hair, and fails miserably. "I gotta know something if I want to stay on the Enterprise when I grow up."

You stop. He noticed and stopped. "Wait. We're old enough for that?"

"Yeah, at least I am. You still have to wait a few weeks. You can join two months after your 15th birthday. You didn't know that?"

"Does it look I knew that? I'm gonna go ask your mom if I can intern with her!" You ran away, down to the sickbay. Leaving Wesley all alone.

"So much for asking her out...." He mumbled, walking in the opposite direction. Maybe next time he finds you alone he'll ask you. Just maybe.

Well? Hope you liked it. So while I was writing this I had a change of heart. But only for this one. Let me know if I should continue this, maybe do a part two?


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