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(You and Jim, age seven)

You waited by your best friend as the men in uniform talked to your mother. "Why do they want to take you away?" He asked, his blue eyes full of concern.

"I did something wrong, and they wanted to find out how. Now they want to put me in a special school."

"What did you do?"

"You know how I can break into computers?" You asked, picking at a piece of grass. You were well known for your hacking talent, mainly because you had hacked into your teacher's computer and changing your grade.


"Well, this time I broke into the computers at starfleet, and sent everyone a picture of a butterfly."

"But that's not bad." He argued, playing with grass too.

"I didn't think it was, but now they want to go with them." You said, tears coming to your eyes. "I don't want to leave Riverside."

"Then don't." He said, taking your hand. "Don't go."

"You don't understand. I heard momma talking to my grandma in California. She said this was the chance of a lifetime for me. That I couldn't give this up. If that's true, then I may never be anything but a smart kid."

"But what about me? If you leave, then I won't have anybody. And my stepdad hates me, I don't want to be alone." He said, tears coming to his eyes too.

By the time your mom came to get you, both of you were crying. "(Y/n), say goodbye to James. Are your bags packed?"

"Yes momma." You turned to your only best friend, and gave him a hug. "Bye Jim." You whispered, and he hugged you back.

"(Y/f/n) (y/l/n), you will become somebody, I just know it." He said.

"James Tiberius Kirk, so will you. I promise I'll find you." You replied, the man in the uniform helped you into the hover car, and waved to your mom. Then, he got into the front seat, and began to drive away, leaving behind a pale, skinny, blonde little boy with a broken heart.
(Years later)

Ever since the day you were sent away, you'd spent all your time with progressional computer programmers. They asked question after question about how you'd learned code, how you knew how to hack into computers.

But you only had one answer. 'I don't know' you'd told them, distracted by the code streaming on the computer screen. 'But your firewall sucks.'

You had made the best programmers seem like fools. It was the best time for a seven year old. Then they started having you hack into enemy computers, and create firewalls yourself. You rose in status as possibly the best programmer ever.

But you never forgot Jim. Every now and then, you break into his school record and change his grades, or change the sentence on his police record.

You watched as he entered Starfleet, and then defeated Nero. And then he died, protecting his crew. Then Spock took down khan, and then they revived him.

Finally, you decided it was time. Time to keep your word, and find him. You turned to your computer, and began inputting the code to get access to the Enterprise's computers.

It only took seconds. Soon, the bridge crew appeared on screen, and you appeared on their screen.

You locked eyes with Jim, and the biggest smile spread across his face. You smiled back. "Told you I'd find you." You said, watching the confused faces of the other members of Jim's crew.

"(Y/n), I was wondering when you'd come. This is my ship." He said, spreading his arms.

"This is my office. But not for long." You replied.

He looked confused, and your smile grew more. Suddenly the linguistics officer turned to Jim. "Sir, I'm getting a message from starfleet. They're saying we need to head to earth to pick up a new crew member. (Y/f/n) (y/l/n)."

Jim looked back to you, and smiled even more. "Mr. Sulu, set coarse to earth. We've got an old friend to pick up."

"Aye sir."

"I'll see you seen (y/n)." He sighed, and looked back at you. You smiled back, and waved, then shut off the transmission. You had bags you needed to pack.

And gear to prepare. Oh, it felt good to be a hacker. Because until this morning, you were just a programmer. But know, you're the Enterprise's new technical support.

The ship wouldn't be here until tomorrow, but you packed early. Because it was time you saw your old friend.

The video in the media is completely irrelevant, but I thought I should add it. That dude is creepy.
Well, have a nice night peoples!


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