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Okay, the idea for this one just popped in my head. Don't worry, nothing bad happens, I promise.

You sat in a secluded part of the ships bar, drinking a barely alcoholic beverage. You were a doctor, and couldn't drink much, never knew when you'd be called in. You let out an exasperated sigh, as two guys walked over to you.

"Hey beautiful" one of them said, leaning on a chair for support, the other sat down next to you, sipping his drink. They were obviously drunk.

"Please go away." You mumble, starting to gather your things. They look at each other, then the one standing begins to laugh.

"Where do you think you're going, sunshine?" The one sitting asks, grabbing your wrist. You pry your arm from his hand and slap him. Aware of your change in attention, the other guy puts something in your drink.

You stand up, and grab your drink,

"Drunken idiots" you mumble, as you look to find another table. You see one open and walk to it, seeing the only person there was your friend Jim. "Hey Jim"

"Hey (y/n), should you be drinking?"

"Don't worry, this thing has almost no alcohol. Its mainly just fruit juice." He nods his head, and looks back down at his PADD, reading a report.

You take another sip from your drink, enjoying the surgary taste. The more you drank,though the more you began to feel dizzy, and a little drowsy. You had finished the small drink, and was resting your head in your hand, when Jim looked back up at you.

You didn't look very well, your face was really pale, and you had a far away look in your eyes. "Hey, (y/n)? Are you okay?"

You look at him, your eyes were cloudy. "Yeah Jim, I'm fine, why do you ask?" Slurring your words, you sit up a bit, only to slump back on your other arm.

"Okay, let me see that drink." He reaches across the table, and grabs your partially empty glass. He looks inside, and sniffs the small amount of liquid inside. He squinted at a cluster of white powder on the side of the glass.

He looked up at you, you were laying back in the chair, looking at the light through your fingers. Giggling like a loopy person. He looked around, and noticed to guys staring at you.

"Okay, (y/n), come on." He stood up and grabbed your hand, dragging you behind him as he walked out of the rec. room the bar was in.

"Where are we going?" You asked, giggling again as he pressed the button to the lift. He dragged you in with him, as the doors slid shut.

"(Y/n)," he said, turning to you, he put his hands on your shoulders to keep you from looking away, "you've been drugged, okay. I'm going to take you to my quarters, then call Bones. Alright?"

You laugh and poke his nose, "poke!" Kirk sighed and grabbed your hand again when the doors opened. You were known for being serious, even when drunk, you always found a way to be stuck up. Seeing you like this, it was actually kind of funny. But he had to be serious now, for you.

He opened the door to his room, and made you sit down on his bed. Then pulled out his communicator. "Hey Bones, I need to come help me with something"

"What is it this time, Jim?" McCoy asked, "did you get hungover again?"

"Hey Jim? I think I'm gonna be sick!" You said, holding your stomach, Kirk quickly grabbed your arm and pushed you into his bathroom.

"Who's that? Is that (y/n)? Jim what's going on?" By the sound of his voice, kirk guessed he was probably running to his room.

"Some guys drugged (y/n)." There was a muffled gasp, and then knocking on the door. Jim got up and let Bones in. "She's puking in the bathroom."

He walked into the bathroom, and scanned you with a Tri-Corder. A surprised look came across his face. "We need to get her to Med Bay, now!"

"Why?" Kirk asked, helping you stand up, your even more pale, and barely awake.

"Whoever drugged her overdosed by a lot. She's gonna fall into a coma if all of it takes effect." You suddenly collapsed, and Jim caught you. He picked you up bridal style, and carried you straight to Med Bay.

~°°°°~^^°°~°(about a week later)

Jim stood in the lift, a bouquet of flowers in his hands. The door slid open, and he walked to the Med Bay. He entered the part for recovering patients.

You were sitting up, reading a report on your PADD. Turns out you miss a lot when you sleep for a week. You look up when the Captain walks into your room. "Hey Jim."

"Hey, I got you some flowers." He held them up from behind his back. You smiled even more.

"Thank you, for everything."

"Of coarse. I couldn't leave you like that."

You laughed as he started telling you how you were acting while drugged. It felt good to have friends who cared. It felt really good.

Man, I feel like this was crap. But it is my first non-pranking Kirk one. I hope you guys liked it.

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