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This one was requested by @whovian3135, hope you like it!

The mission was simple enough, go to the planet, collect some samples, then leave. Boy did that plan backfire! You, and Chekov were running for your lives through the forest you'd been beamed down to.

You were a science officer, second in command, next to Spock. You usually weren't chosen for away missions, mainly because your leg was messed up.

When you were a baby, it had broken, and never healed properly, leaving you with a limp. Which pretty much meant you couldn't walk all that well, let alone run.

But Spock was on shore leave on New Vulcan. Which left you, to be the one to go to the planet.

You didn't know what the animal was, it looked a little bit like horse, well in size anyway. It was covered in scales, like a crocodile, and had very sharp teeth. It had what resembled hands, but with very large claws. It stood up right, using its big legs to propel it through the trees.

You were running as best as you could, but even then, you weren't very fast. "Come on (y/n)! Vwe need to go faster!"

"Pavel," you said, out of breath, "I can't go any faster!" You were struggling, and on the verge of tears. The creature behind you let out a loud, deep roar, that said it knew where its prey was.

Chekov stopped, and ran to you, he put his arm around your waist, and helped you move faster. The two of you gained some distance, but your lungs were burning like crazy, and it didn't help much that you had really bad asthma.

"Pavel..." You were struggling to breath "I need... To stop...... I can't...." You took a ragged breath, " go...much longer!" You stopped, he helped you sit down on a root that was sticking out of the ground.

He took your hand, and croutched down to where he was eye level with you. "Okay, (y/n), just breathe. You'll be fine, just breathe." He whispered, trying to get you calm down. Stood up, and took out his communicator.

He tried to signal the ship, but all he got was static. The creature roared again, closer this time. "(y/n), we have to go now." He said, helping you back up, you'd managed to catch your breathe a little bit, but were still unable to breathe all the way.

The two of you ran as fast as you could, as rain started to fall from the sky, and wind blew your wet hair around. Chekov could feel you shivering, and tightened his arm around you.

You kept running, until you came across a cave. It was big enough for you to fit through, but small enough for that creature not to fit through. "Let's go in there!" Pavel yelled over the wind.

You nodded, and he helped you climb into the entrance. He was just about to climb in with you, when a clawed hand-like paw, grabbed him. Chekov screamed as he was pulled back, back to the trees.

"Pavel!" You screamed, reaching into your bag, you pulled out your phaser. "Hold on Pavel! I'm coming!" You slipped out from the opening of the cave. Falling on your hands and knees, and getting covered in mud. Tears were in your eyes, as you limped in the direction he went.

You found him laying unconscious on the ground, covered in scratches and cuts. You ran to him, and touched his arm, he jerked a little at your touch. "Oh, Pavel!" You touched his cheek, and his eyes fluttered a little.

Suddenly, the creature appeared in front of you, blood in it's teeth, and on its claws. It looked at you, a deadly look in its eyes. It snarled at you, stepping a bit closer. You gasp, and reach for your phaser. Panic spreads through you when all you touch is mud.

"No no no no! " you cried. It started to come after you, and you screamed, closing your eyes. Right when you thought you'd feel its claws rip through your body, you heard a familiar high pitched whine.

Opening your eyes, you saw Chekov sitting up, holding your phaser. All that was left of the creature was a pile of ash. "Pavel!" He looked at you, his eyes wide. You hugged him, and he hugged back.

When you broke apart, you (with some difficulty) stood up, and held out your hand to help him up. He shakily stood up, gasping in pain. The two of you limped to the cave.

You crawled in first, and then helped him in too. As soon as he was in, he collapsed, loosing consciousness. You helped get him situated, and used your bag for his pillow.

Then, you crawled out of the cave, looking for some dry wood. Surprisingly, you found some dry branches, in a tree with big, green leaves. Carrying back as much as you could, you made as many trips as you could.

Finally you crawled back in, and took out some emergency matches. You lighted the match and started a fire with some of the wood you had gotten.

You warmed up some, and then examined Chekov's injuries. Taking out the first aid kit, you treated as much as you knew how to do. Then you bandaged his cuts, and gave him some antibiotics.

You put some more wood in the fire, and then slowly feel to sleep, comforted by the warmth of your friend, and the crackling of the fire.

You woke up to the sound of talking, and sat up. Digging out your communicator, you heard the voice of Uhura, kind of static-y, but still understandable.

"Lieutenant (y/l/n), do you copy, lieutenant, do hear me?"

"This is lieutenant (y/l/n), I need help, Pavel's hurt." You said, gathering all the things you'd left out of your bag.

"It's okay, (y/n), we're locking on to your signal now." Just as she said that, the familiar yellow lights spun around you, and next you knew, you were sitting in the transporter room of the Enterprise.

Dr.McCoy and captain Kirk walked in, jim helped you stand, while McCoy checked on Chekov. "You look terrible." He teased, as you limped to the Med Bay, McCoy following with Pavel on a stretcher.

"You try going through what I went through, I think my appearance does me justice." You muttered, as you were scanned with a Tri-Corder.

You were given some medication for the slight fever you had, and were sent to your quarters for rest. You walked in, and immediately took a shower, enjoying the way the warm water felt on your cold skin. After putting on some pajamas, you layed down, and fell fast asleep.

When you woke up, it was late afternoon. You put on some clothes, and limped back to the Med Bay. Chekov was awake, he sat up, eating a fruit cup. His face brightened when he saw you.

"Hey Pavel, are you feeling better?" You asked, sitting on the foot of his bed. He nodded, and blushed, looking a bit nervous.

"Hey, I vwas vondering, if maybe.." He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, "vwhen I get out of here, you'd like to... Go on a date? With me?" You smiled, and looked into his warm eyes.

"Yes, I would love to." You replied, giving him a hug. Maybe going on that mission was a good thing after all.

Man, this one turned out long, oh well. I hope you guys enjoyed it.
Remember, if you have a request, or just want to talk, I'm always here. I might not answer right away(I don't always have internet), but I'll still answer eventually.

~love, Clieo Whiteshadow

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