Very Important

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Okay, here's the deal. This is a very emotional topic for me. The lady in the video, her name is Caroline Rothstein, and she is my hero.

Caroline had an eating disorder, because she thought she was fat. She starved herself, and thought that, she wasn't perfect because of her weight. Because she was different.

It took her so long to realize that she wasn't fat. To realize that her body was perfect just the way it was, and that by starving herself, she was killing herself.

Now, I am not skinny. I'm not thin. I have meet on my bones, and for the longest time, I was ashamed of that. I was ashamed of what I thought my body looked like.

I didn't starve myself, I never could bring myself to that, but every time I ate, I always felt guilty, because in my mind, I was making myself fatter.

If fact, that was what I thought until about ten minutes ago, when I saw this extremely inspirational women give a life changing speech on a Buzzfeed video.

When I came across that video, it really did change my life. In more ways then how I see myself.

For most of my childhood, I was bullied because of my weight. I was ashamed that I had to buy my clothes in a different section of the store then my friends. Heck, then my own twin sister.

I was ashamed that I was different. All I wanted since I was six years old was to be skinny, to look like those girls in my class that, to me, seemed to beautiful.

But now I know. That, even though I'm still not skinny, even though I'm probably never going to be able to wear clothes below double digits in size, I'm still beautiful.

I am beautiful in my own way. And nothing anybody can say will ever change that.

I do know there are some people who think the same way I did. If you are one of them, then watch this video. I put one on the media, and am about to post the link to the Buzzfeed one.

Because they brought me to tears. They made me really realize that I am pretty. That you don't have to be starving yourself to be gorgeous.

If anyone wants to talk, about anything. About your struggles, about feelings, or just needs someone to listen and not be judgemental, always know that I am here, and you can personal message me anytime.

This is a serious problem, and the only one who can stop it, is you. Spread the word, tell a person who's been bullied for their weight that they're beautiful. Because they are.

Our society can't control what we think is pretty. Because that is what's killing so many people like us. Teenagers, preteens, even adults. Because they believe what a mean person says.

Yes. Spread the word, and don't forget. You are beautiful. Your skin color, your features, your weight, the way you talk doesn't dictate how beautiful you are.

You dictate how beautiful you are. Never forget that.

You are beautiful, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Sincerely, an over weight beautiful girl,

(Here's the link for that video)

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