A New Friend

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You'd heard it all before. The names, the mean words. People calling you fat, short, ugly. But you never let it get to you, because you knew, eventually, they would get nowhere in life, while you'd be in space.

It had been your dream to go to space since you were a little kid. Your older brother was in space, and so was your uncle. So in a way, space was in your blood.

You walked through the halls of Starfleet academy, ignoring the snickers and comments people made about you. You had hoped, that by going to the academy, the bullying would stop. It didn't.

You were about to walk into your next class, when someone grabbed your shoulder, and yanked you back. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Seriously? " you asked, pointing to the open door you had almost walked through. The guy was a regular bully of yours. His name was Kevin, and since your first day, he made it his goal to make your life hell.

"You ain't going in there."

"That's a contradictory statement. 'Ain't' isn't a word. Seriously Kevin, you should know better." You muttered.

"What was that?" He raised his hand, but was stopped from doing anything, when a teacher walked past. He dropped his hand, and you took the opportunity to rush into the classroom.

He walked in, about five minutes later, a smirk on his face as he joined his friends. You continued to listen to the professor, but you couldn't help but feel as though something bad was going to happen.


(Time skip to later, maybe around 5:00pm)

You gasped in pain as you were pushed into a wall. Kevin and friends had ganged up on you while you were heading to dinner.

On of them punched you in the stomache, causing you to fall to your knees. The breath escaping from your lungs. You curled in a protective ball, as kicks and punches assaulted you.

"What's the matter (y/n)? No comments? No snide remarks?" He kicked you again.

"Hey! What are you doing? Hey!" Someone called from down the hall, you heard footsteps approach. Kevin and his friends ran away. "Hey, are you okay?"

Whoever it was, knelt down, and put a hand on your shoulder. You looked up, and were met by a pair of warm brown eyes.

"My name is Hikaru, " he said, he picked you up, bridal, and started walking to the hospital wing.

"(y/n)..." You mumbled, slightly losing consciousness, "how bad did they hurt me?" You thought, as you opened your eyes, you were on a hospital bed now. Hikaru sat in a chair by your bed, looking a bit mad.

"Eeeh, who hit me with a bus?" You mumbled, rubbing your eyes with your wrist.

"That would be that idiot, Kevin Lawowsky." His face grew red with anger. You looked around, and realized it was morning.

"What time is it? How long have I been out?"

"Two days."

"What?!?!" Hikaru's expression grew even more upset.

"He broke two of your ribs, your ankle, and gave you a really bad concussion. That's not okay."

You felt your cheeks grow warm. He cared, he didn't even know you, and yet, he cared. "Well, on the bright side, at least I made a new friend." You mumbled, not intending for him to hear. But, he did.

"Yeah, I guess. "

For the rest of the day, the two of you talked, and became better friends. When the nurse walked in, to tell Hikaru he had to go, you felt as though you had known him all your life.

You layed down, and got ready to sleep. You smiled as you thought of your new friend. Something told you that this was the start of some thing wonderful.


Okay, what do you guys think? This one was my first requested story, I hope you liked it! :]

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