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You nodded at your best friend, and took a deep breath. "Do you honestly think I can do this?" You asked, leaning against the wall.

"Yes, I believe you can. Besides, I am here to provide moral support." Spock replied, his voice still emotionless, but his eyes full of concern.

"You sure?"


"Okay. Here goes nothing." You said, opening the door, and walking in to Dr. McCoy's office.

A recent relationship left you with a broken heart, and an unborn child on the way. And you were not sure if the whole mom thing was going to work out.

But if Spock said you could do it, then why not? Raising a kid couldn't be that hard, right?

(Four months later )

You sighed, and sat down on the couch. Your belly was already kind of big, your feet felt terrible, and for some reason, you just really wanted a root beer float with whipped cream.

"Man, my feet are killing me." You said, taking off your shoes. Spock walked in with a bottle of water. That was all he ever did, make you drink water, and eat lots of healthy foods.

In a way, he became the stand in father.

"That is to be expected. Are you ready for your appointment?" He asked, and you nodded. Today you had an ultrasound scheduled.

Which meant you could finally find out if it was a boy or a girl. Most of the bridge crew had bet that it was a boy, but you personally thought, and hoped it was a girl.

"Yeah, just let me get some more comfortable shoes." You replied, finding some house shoes.

The two of you walked to the Med Bay together, chatting about your day, and the recent gossip around the ship.

When you finally made it, the nurse put the weird goop on your tummy, and began to move around with the little wand like device.

You listened as she talked about the heartbeat and how big the baby was. It was surprisingly small for how big you'd gotten, but they said it was normal to gain some weight.

Finally the nurse asked the question you'd been dying to hear. "Would you like to know the gender?"

"Yes, very much." You said, smiling. She nodded.

"It looks like you are having a girl!" Congratulations!"

You sighed contently. A girl. You were having a girl! You wiped the goop from your stomach, and met Spock outside the door.

"How did it go?" He asked, and you smiled.

"Don't tell anyone, but it's a girl."

He seemed to change at those words. His features grew a little softer, and his eyes filled with so many emotions.

"This is very good to hear. Do you have a name picked out?"

"Whoa, did you just say good, Spock?" Jim asked, coming out of nowhere. "Wait, did you find out what the baby is?"

"Yes to both answers, but I'm not telling you Jim, you're just gonna have to wait about five more months to gain of lose money." You told him, smiling.

"Awwww, come on! I really want to know!" He whined, stomping his foot like a toddler.

"Too bad, Jimbo, too bad." You laughed, walking into your room.

When the door closed, you breathed a sigh of relief. You were going to have a baby. A baby girl.

And you had Spock to help you along the way. Your life couldn't get any better.

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