Pranking Special 2

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Messing with Bones

You were bored. Bored out of your mind. And, being the bored person you were, you created a plan. It was a glorious plan, the perfect plan. (You were the pranking queen after all, all your plans were perfect).

You had already pranked most of your friends, Spock, Kirk, Sulu, even Scotty. But the one person you hadn't pranked, was Dr. McCoy.

So you consulted your pranking partner in crime, your best friend, Pavel Chekov. "So, how should we prank him?"

"Vait, prank who?" He asked you, getting that mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Bones! Come on Pavel, that's all I've been talking to you about!"

"Oh yeah. Um, are you sure you vwant to prank him? He can get pretty hypo-happy." He shivered, thinking of a time you weren't there for.

"Yes I wanna prank him! I'm bored out of my mind!" You flopped on to your bed. "You don't have to help me, I just need an idea."

He stood up from your desk, and started pacing. "Hmmm, you could do vhat you did to Kirk?"

"Nah, he'll expect that, and besides, he knows how to spot that one. Not to mention that he doesn't spend that long on his hair." You grumbled messing with your pillow.

Chekov would have continued to pace, but his communicator chirped, and he had to go the bridge.

"It's alright, I'll just think of something..." You mumbled to the empty room.

~~~~about an hour later~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You were sitting in your desk chair, spinning around in circles. Suddenly, you jumped up, you had the perfect plan.

Walking over to the vent shaft by your bed,(which shouldn't have been open, but you used it for your pranks) and crawled in.

If there was one thing that Bones hated, it was ghost stories. He'd mentioned one time time that one of his childhood homes had been haunted, and that he was worried telling stories would jinx him, or something.

You silently crawled your way through, until you found yourself above his bathroom sink. You had messaged Chekov to make sure to keep Bones busy, and that was what he was doing.

~~~~~~~Meanwhile, in the Med Bay~~~~~~

"Chekov! Just leave me alone! "

"But!?!?!" Pavel followed Dr. McCoy across the room, holding a "bloody" paper towel to his hand, which was also "bloody".

"Chekov, your hand isn't hurt, that is..." He looked closer at Pavel's hand, "...ketchup?"

Chekov's face grew red, and a loud gulp! was heard. "Eeeh, vwhat makes you think it is ketchup?"

"Pavel, you're sweating, and that is too thick to be blood. Did (y/n) set you up to this?"

Chekov paled, studdering on his words, "I..h.have go" He walked out.

Bones smiled, then realized something. You were plotting something. And he was at the receiving end of it. The smile fell from his face.

~~~~~~~~~~~~back at your room~~~~~~~~~

"(y/n)! Are you happy? I did your dirty vork!" Chekov whisper yelled at you when he walked in to your room.

"Yes, i am. Thank you Pavel." You replied, trying to get the powdery dust out your hair. Sometimes the vents were dirty, you had decided to crawl through before the weekly clean out. Wonderful.

"Vhat did you do?"

You smiled evilly. "You'll see."

About a few hours later, you, Pavel and Sulu were sitting in a lounge, talking about stupid stuff, when "(y/n)!!!!!!!"

Bones walked in to the lounge, his face white as snow. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!?!?"

"What do you mean? " you asked innocently, Chekov and Sulu snuck away, being careful not to get in the doctor's way.

"I know it was you!"

"It was Hikaru's idea!" You claimed, pointing at the door where the two traitors had went. "Pavel helped him!"

He nodded his head and walked out. Revenge would be his! You turned back to your PADD, another evil smile on your face.

"That's what you get, traitors!"


I meant to publish this sooner, but it decided to be stupid, so here it is now!

P.s- this is kind of like a continuation of Revenge is Sweet, for you prank lovers! I feel ya!

Sincerely, Clieo

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