Pranking Special 13

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(By the way, in the picture, Kirks is calling Spock illogical)

You snickered as you positioned a bucket of paint in just the right spot. Right above the door way to McCoys bathroom door.

You see, after the whole "I'm gonna kill you and mount your heads on a silver platter." Thing passed over with Spock and Jim, he dared you to get McCoy.

Because he'd been too good for too long. Like Canada.

So you and Chekov came up with the idea to make sure he was always doused in pink paint.

You were too short to reach the contraption Chekov put up there, so you were on his shoulders.

"(Y/n), hurry up! You're heavy!" He complained in a hushed whisper. You shushed him, and finished the last thing.

Bones was currently in the shower, and he could hear pretty well. Even with the water running. So you had to be very quiet.

"Done!" You whispered. "Let's get out of here!"

Chekov tried to get you off his shoulders, when the sound of running water stopped. The two of you looked at each other, then ran out. Pavel not even bothering to try and take you off his shoulders until you were a few halls down.

People gave you strange looks as he walked around. But you refused to get off. It was fun to be able to see over everyone's heads, and you knew you weren't that heavy. Pavel was just an over complainer.

You stopped at his office in the med bay, and did the same thing. Then, you waited to watch the fun happen.

Let's just say that, after all the paint was dumped on the doctors head, you couldn't show your face in the med bay for a month.

But it was worth it. So worth it.

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