The note, part 2

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Okay guys, this is the moment! Part 2 of The Note! Hope y'all enjoy!

You had just finished Scotty's check up, it had run a little long because he kept squirming away the vaccines you had to give him. "Goodness, lass, how many bloody shots do I need?"

"As many as you need, now hold still." After giving him his last hypo, he ran like a monster was chasing him, back to engineering.

Now you walked back to your room, anxious for the date. You were pretty sure it was Chekov, one of your good friends. You had had a crush on him the instant you meet him.

You made it to your room, and checked the time. Ten minuets until it was time. Quickly you ran to your dresser, frowning at the small amount of fancy clothes you owned. Choosing randomly, You put on a dark blue dress, with yellow and white flower patterns. Then a pair of black slip ons, and made your way to the rec room.

Pavel by a table, wearing a white button up shirt, and black jeans. His face brightened up when he saw you. "(y/n)! You look amazing." You blushed.

"It was you?"

"Da." He held out his arm, and you took it. "Ve have a fun evening planed."

"We do? Where are we going?" You asked, the two of you were walking away from the rec room. And you were curious as to where you were going.

"You'll see." The two of you walked down a few hallways, until you came to a stop in front of one of the officer's mess halls. The door swooshed open, you stepped inside. There was a single table, with a white table cloth. There was a vase with flowers, and a fake candle illuminated the table.

You sat down, admiring lengths he went to. "Pavel, this is beautiful." He blushed. You looked to servants door, and saw a very unhappy kirk in a butler's uniform. Carrying two silver platters.

He set them on the table, and walked away, muttering something about a bet. Chekov giggled. "Ve made a bet to see who could drink more vodka. As you can see, I von."

You laughed too, he was just so cute! You lifted the cover over your plate, and smiled. A bowl of Mac n cheese. Your favorite. Pavel lifted his, and you saw he had gotten some kind of fish. Smiling again, you dug in.

(Time skip brought to you by Chekov's adorable accent!!!!)

Pavel and you were walking back to your room. You had spent the entire date talking. To be honest, you didn't want the night to end. But sadly it had too. Both of you had to work tomorrow. You stopped at your door, and sighed. You looked at Chekov, and saw the same feeling displayed on his face.

"Thank you, for the date. I had fun."

"Me too." Then, before you knew what was happening, he leaned forward, and kissed you. You were shocked at first, but then you kissed back.

He pulled back. His cheeks a bright scarlet. And you knew yours were red too. "(y/n), have a nice night, until next time." Then he walked away, smiling that amazing smile of his. You walked into your room. Fingers on your lips. There was no way you were sleeping tonight.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this story. Remember, if you have any requests, I am open to any you have. Also, if you have any criticism, don't be afraid to let me know.

With love, your author, Clieo :)

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