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Hello readers! This one was half request, half random idea that popped in my head. SarcasticGrindylow, I hope you like it!

You stood in the lift, dreading the moment the doors would open. You loved working on the Enterprise, you liked the people, the only problem was two people.

The doors slid open, and you carefully walked out. "Aw! (Y/n)! How have you been?" A loud voice called out, making you jump. You sighed, and turned to your boss.

"Hello Scotty, I'm the same as yesterday when you asked me." You replied, trying to keep your face from blushing. Man, he was cute.

"Well, that's good! I'll see ya later, captain's callin' me." He walked away, and you sighed again. You turned to go to your station, when over the ship's intercom, you were called to the Med Bay.

You took a deep breath, mentally cursing the need for physicals. Not only that, but the one doing it was Dr.McCoy. Possibly the hottest doctor on the ship.

Maybe now is a good time to mention your dilemma, you had a crush, on two guys. And didn't know who to choose. They obviously liked you too, seeing as how they like to flirt, a lot. But you just couldn't choose.

You made your way to the Med Bay, trying to find a way out of it, when you ran into Scotty, again. "Oh hey (y/n), I got a question for ya."

You stopped and turned to him. "Well, I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go to dinner, with me?"

You mentally screamed with excitement, but somehow managed to stay calm on the outside. "Uh, I'll.... Have to uh think about it." You frowned to your self. Smooth move!

"Okay, take your time. See ya later." You frowned, and walked into the Med Bay, thinking.

"Ah (y/n), right on time, come and sit." Bones said, pointing to a medical bed, you sat down, and be began the physical. Just standard stuff, he took your blood pressure, height, weight. Checked your heart and respiratory rate, then looked inside your ears.

"Okay, you are perfectly healthy." He said, after going through the information. You stood up, and started to walk out, when he stopped you. "Hey (y/n), I have a question."

You stopped and turned around. Hoping your cheeks weren't red. "Would you like to go to dinner, with me?" He asked, and you could have sworn your heart skipped a beat.

"I'll have to uh.... Think about it?"

He nodded. "Okay, take your time." You smiled nervously, and walked out. You went straight to your room, and fell on your bed, head in a pillow.

What just happened? The two hottest guys on the ship just asked you out, on the same day! What were you going to do? You liked both of them, ad couldn't say yes without saying no the other. And you couldn't do that.

You sighed, and sat up. Just then a thought occurred to you. Two guys wanted to be your boyfriend. Two guys wanted you to be their girlfriend.

You smiled. This could get interesting. Very interesting. You took out your PADD, and messaged both of them, telling them that you'd meet them in rec. room 3 at seven, at table six.

But here's the catch, you weren't going. But you were going to hack into the cameras, because this was going to be priceless. And you didn't want to miss seeing how it was going to play out.

Haha, I'm so evil. Well I hoped you guys liked it! I tried really hard to make it awesome.
Keep being cool, my fellow trekkers!
(P.s., in the media I posted a very funny, very strange video, hope you like it)


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