Wesley Crusher pt.2

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Okay, I want to dedicate this chapter to whovian3135, who has read my stories, and commented ideas, you rock!

You finished writing your report, and pressed the save button on your PADD. For the past two months you had been shadowing doctor Crusher, gaining research for when you'd have to take the test.

You sighed, and leaned back in the chair. Closing your eyes, you relaxed. Ever since you joined the program, you barely had any free time. What little time you had, you were either sleeping, eating, or studying.

You had decided to become a star ship doctor, just like your best friend's mom. She gave you little lessons, while treating patients, and even gave you notes. But it all depended on how you did on that test.

You heard someone walk up and sit down across from you. You opened your eyes, and caught Commander Riker trying to draw a mustache on you with a marker. He saw your open eyes and froze. "Dangit (y/n), do you even sleep?"

"Not when you're going around with permanent markers. Have you seen Dr. Crusher? I need to ask her some questions." You said, stretching your stiff muscles.

"Last I checked she was in sickbay, when was the last time you've slept?" He asked, taking in the shadows under your eyes, and pale face.

"No time for sleeping. I HAVE to pass that test. I'm taking it in four days! " you stood up, and grabbed all your stuff. "Bye Mr. Riker, quit trying to give people mustaches." You walked out, rubbing your eyes. He was right. You were exhausted, but you didn't have time to sleep.

Your entire future in the medical department of starfleet depended on this test. What kind of people would put that much stress on a 15 year old?

You walked through the hall, eyes glued to a medical book. Suddenly the ship jerked, knocking you into a wall. You sit up, and look around. Your all alone in the hall. Standing up, you pick up your fallen book, rubbing your shoulder.

You began to walk down the hall again, only to be knocked off your feet again, this time all your weight falling on your right hand. "Ahh!"

You got back up, and looked at your hand, it was limp, and when you tried to move it, pain exploded all the way up your arm.

You left your book, and hurried your pace to the sickbay. You walked in, and saw nurses running around, preparing for patients. "Dr. Crusher." You called, and she turned around, he strawberry blonde hair tied up out of her face.

"(Y/n)! What happened?" She asked when you showed her your arm.

"I was studying, and then the ship jerked, and I landed on my hand." She grabbed a Tri-Corder, and scanned it. Soon, the pain went away, and it healed.

"There you go. Oh (y/n), you look terrible. When was the last time you've had some relaxation?"

"I can't relax, I have to pass that test-"

"You will pass that test! But not unless you relax. Trust me, you are the most able person I've trained, but you'd be throwing it all away if you keep up with this. "She put the stuff away, and turned back to you. "Now go relax, no more studying. Doctor's orders."

"Yes ma'am." You said, you stood up and walked out of the sickbay, wondering what you should do.

You were so deep in thought, that you didn't notice your best friend walk up and stand beside you. "(Y/n)? You okay?" You jumped, and looked at him.

"Oh, Wesley! Hey, I'm fine, just thinking. How's your training on the bridge going?"

"It's going alright, can be a little boring at times, but still fun. How's sickbay? You haven't taken that test yet, have you?"

"No, I haven't, I've been studying nonstop. I have four days! But I can't study now. Your mom banned me for the day." His face brighten a little, and he stopped walking.

"Hey, come with me."


"Just come on! " he grabbed your arm and led you to a rec. room. Inside, he made you sit down, and went to get something. You looked around, and noticed Riker trying to flirt with Troi, classical.

He came back, carrying two cups of soda. "Wesley, what are you doing?" You asked, taking a sip of your soda.

"Taking you on a date." He said, and you nearly spit out the soda, did he say a date?


"Yep. This is a date, and you are my girlfriend now." He replied confidently, watching your expression carefully.

Your cheeks grew red, and a smile formed on your lips. "Okay..." He smiled too,  and the two of you just sat there for a moment, blushing and smiling.

"Why can't it always be that easy?" Riker asked, pointing at you and Wesley from his table.

"Because were not fifteen. No come on Will, time for our shift." Troi replied, and they walked out.

You and Wesley stayed at that table for a few hours, talking. Maybe taking a break was a good thing.

Happy pi day everybody! Hope you enjoyed!

π out!

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