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Okay people, I have a winner! Man, that didn't take very long. Anyway, JustALittleTrekkie got it right. So she gets to be a character! I hope you people like this!

You walked down the hall, and knocked on the third door on the right. Your best friend groaned, and after five minuets opened the door.

"Kendall? It's like 6a.m. what to you want?" He complained, and you smiled.

"Today's our first day of shore leave, Hikaru! We need to get started early!" You replied, walking into his hotel room. It was already messy, even though he just got it last night.

"Yeah, it's shore leave. That's exactly why I don't want to start early." He mumbled. You stood up on a chair, and pressed the button to retract the curtains. Most people could reach it, but you couldn't. Darn shortness.

When the curtains retracted fully, Sulu covered his eyes and groaned again. "Come in Hikaru. This planet is beautiful! There's so much to see! I can't go alone." You said, shoving a clean shirt and a pair of jeans into his arms. "Now go, get dressed. We don't want to be late for the nature hike I signed us up for."

He made an exaggerated sound of annoyance, and walked into the bathroom. "Fine," he sighed. "I'll go on your hike."

(About half an hour later)

You and Sulu stood next to each other as you looked at the map. "Okay, so if we take this path, then we'll get to see more stuff, but won't have enough time for lunch at the café."

You traced the path on the sign. "But if we take this one, we'll get to see the Valley Falls, and eat at the café. Which one you want to do?"

He looked at the two different paths, and thought for a moment. "I say we take the second one. That way we can eat, and the falls look like a pretty place."

"Okay, let's go!" You said, cheerfully walking to the path on the left.

"Kendall, that's the wrong way." Sulu called, and you turned around.

"I knew that. Just making sure you knew where it was." You muttered, as he laughed.

The two if you hiked for about twenty minutes when you decided to ask him the question that had been on your mind for a while. "So, how's you and Avery doing?"

He stopped, and picked up a hiking stick. "Eh. We broke up. She was too..." He thought for a moment to find the right word. "She was a hypochondriac. Kept on claiming she was sick. Why do you ask?"

"No reason." You replied, picking up your own hiking stick. About ten minutes of hiking in silence, you made it to the falls.

"Wow! Look at that!" You yelled over the roar of the water falls. It was beautiful. Way better than Niagara Falls, even though you'd never been.

You looked, and found a small area where you could climb up and see the valley that the falls were famous for.

You began to climb, and Sulu stood at the bottom, giving you looks like you were crazy. The rocks were slippery and wet, but you kept climbing. You wanted to see the valley.

You didn't realize that you had slipped, until you were already in the air, falling. "Kendall!" Sulu yelled, and he moved to catch you.

He caught you in his arms, and you tackled him in a hug, scared to death. "Hey, it's okay. It's alright. I've got you, nothing is going to happen to you." He whispered in your hair, and you hugged him tighter.

When he finally set you down, and you released him, there was something different in his eyes. You felt something wet, and looked down to see a deep cut on the palm of your hand. "Ow." You said, as Sulu got a first aid kit from his bag.

He wrapped it up, saying you could clean it out later. "Come on, let's get going before you decide to climb something else." He joked, and you nudged him with your elbow.
(At the end of the trail)

"Hey Kendall, wait a second." Sulu called, and you realized he had stopped in front of a big boulder.

"What is it, Hikaru?"

"Let's take a picture." He said, holding up a small, portable camera. You shrugged and walked over to where he was. You posed, and he snapped the picture.

"Oh, I like that one." You mumbled, looking at the screen. It was then that you realized Sulu was staring right at you.

"I have something I want to tell you." He said, and you looked up. He looked really nervous. "I really like you, Kendall. A lot. Please don't slap me!"

"Why would I--" You got cut off, when he slammed his lips against yours, in a very passionate kiss. You stayed still, shocked.

When he broke away, his face was extremely red, and he looked as though he was waiting for a beating.

You stood there, your mouth hanging open. He kissed you. Kissed. You. On the lips! You couldn't believe it, it was like a dream come true!

"About time." You muttered, and began to walk back to the rental car. Sulu stayed where he was, his turn to be confused. "Well are you coming? Or do I need to find another cute guy to take me on a date to the café?"

He smiled, and ran ahead to open the door for you. You smiled too. Something told you that this shore leave just got a litter more interesting.

Well, I think thus is the best Sulu one I've written so far! I hope you liked it JustALittleTrekkie! Congrats on winning my contest!


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