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Requested by onlyhuman119, please enjoy!

This is a brother/sister moment!

Spock was very confused. He wasn't confused like one was at a difficult school lesson. No, this was an emotional type of confusion. He felt... unhappy... Even though he was supposed to be a joyous time. His mother had a baby, and he now had a new baby sister. You.

Yet, he wasn't happy. There was no real way to describe his feelings, Vulcans were taught at an early age to not feel. To not let their emotions control them. But how can you ignore something, when you feel it so strongly?

He watched his mother, looking exhausted, holding the little bundle that was you. You took after your mother more than your father. But you still had the slanted brows and pointed ears. Amanda noticed Spock watching, and called him over. "Would you like to hold your baby sister, Spock?"

He was going to say no, but then he looked at your little face. You were so tiny, and when she held you out to him,he had no choice but to accept. Being very careful, he sat down and looked at you.

You opened your eyes, and he felt something. Slowly, let himself smile. You smiled back at him, and he knew, having a sister wouldn't be too bad.

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