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Hey guys! So I'm writing this on my phone, and it will most likely have typos... Just a fair warning!

You sighed as you propped your feet up on the coffee table in front of you. It had been a long day at work, after filing countless amounts of paper, you were tired, and you wanted nothing else than to relax.

A high pitched shriek erupted from the next room over, and you glanced up to see your husband chasing your three year old son Conner. Conner laughed, and shrieked again, running to you.

"Help me mommy!" He laughed. "The monsters gonna get me!"

Jim made a fake roaring noise, and hunched over pretending to be a monster. "Grrr! I'm a monster!"

You laughed and stood up, picking Conner up in the process. "Don't worry buddy, I protect you!" You said, carrying him away as Jim ran after you.

You laughed at him when he tripped and fell to the ground. Conner jumped from your arms and sat on  his legs. "We took down the monster!" He cheered, and you  gave him a high five.

"Nooo! I've been defeated!" He said, pretending to die.

You sat down with him, a little out of breath from running around. The three of you sat in silence for about three minutes before Jim stood up.

He leaned up close to you, and poked your shoulder. "Tag, you're it!"

Both he and Conner giggled before running out of the room. You sighed and stood up with a smile, those two always knew how to cheer you up.

Just something I thought I'd whip up real quick. Hope you liked it!


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