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Hey guys, look who's not dead! So, I need to do some looking around for those requests, because I don't know what I did with them. But in the meantime, here's some Chekov fluff for y'all!

You walked about the deck, your nose in a book. You couldn't stop reading it,it was so good. You made it to the hallway, and paused. There didn't seem to be anyone in the hall, so you assumed it was safe to walk without looking.

Almost two steps after you walked out, you heard a loud crash, and the sound of someone running. Before you could even look up to see what was happening, a very heavy object ran into you. Or rather, a heavy someone. You hit the ground, the guy following suit. He groaned, and you lifted the book off your face.

"Ow." You muttered, sitting up. Your eyes widened slightly when you realized it was Sulu who ran into you.

His eyes widened sightly when he saw you too. "Oh my God, are you okay?"

Before you could answer, Chekov came running down the hall too. He smirked when he saw Sulu, and he proudly poked the other man on the shoulder. "Tag! You are it!" He called, his cheeks slightly red from running. His eyes landed on you, and he immediately came to your side. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Did you win your game?" You said, accepting his hand up. You gasped when a deep pain in your ankle suddenly decided to make itself known when you put weight on it. "Oh, wait, ow."

"Vwhat's wrong? Is it your foot? Sulu! You broke her foot!" Chekov panicked, running his hands through his hair.

"Relax dude, it's just her ankle...." Sulu mumbled, helping you stand up again, this time using his body to lean on.

Chekov was still freaking out, mumbling who know what in Russian, until you cleared your throat. "You gonna help me to the med bay, or not?"

His eyes went wide for a moment. "Oh... Da!" He came over and helped support your weight as well.

Together the tree of you walked to the med bay.


"Lucky you, it's not broken. It's just a really bad sprain." McCoy said, setting the PADD in his hands on his desk. "You're going to have to take a few days off, make sure you don't put any weight on your foot."

You nodded, and accepted the crutches he offered you. McCoy had already told your boss that you couldn't work, so you went straight to your room.

You were surprised to find Chekov standing outside your door, your forgotten book in his hands. "Hello (y/n)! Sorry about your foot. I have your book." He said, his accent making you blush.

"Thanks," you said, opening your door. He followed you in, and awkwardly looked around.

"So, I vwas wondering... Since you can't walk around and stuff... If you would like for me to help." You glanced at him, and his eyes widened. "L-like vwe could hangout and I could grab you things you need and stuff..."

You smiled. Hanging out with the adorable Russian didn't seen like too bad an idea. "Sure. Come on, we can watch movies." You said, and he smiled.

Together the two of you spent three days binge watching Disney movies, and eating junk food. It was to best three days you'd had in a while.

Once again, so terribly sorry! I hope y'all liked this.... By the way, I have A NOT seen the new Star Trek movie yet... Please no spoilers!


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