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"Aww, but Bones! It itches!!" You whined, trying to itch your arms. You had gone to the Med bay for a slight itchy rash. Turned out it was chicken pox.

"(y/n)! Quit trying to itch! It'll go away faster if you don't scratch it." Bones told you, typing on a PADD. You were stuck in an isolation chamber, so you wouldn't make anyone sick. Almost everyone onboard hadn't had chicken pox.

So you were stuck, all alone, trying not go insane while McCoy yelled at you to stop itching. "But it's driving me crazy! Take these off my hands!" You raised your hands, which were covered in some kind of glove, to keep you from scratching.

"No can do and quit complaining before I sedate you! "

You sighed, and sat down on the floor. You were bored. You stood up and went to the bed.  You had started to drift off to sleep, when the door slid open, and in walked two people. Dr.McCoy and Spock walked over to you.

Bones had a yellow contagion suit, but Spock didn't. "Why aren't you wearing a banana suit?" You asked, trying, and failing at moving the hair out of your eyes.

Dr.McCoy scanned you with a Tri-Corder, then helped you move your hair. "Well, your fever has gone down a little, but you need to be monitored around the clock." He pointed at Spock, "that's what he's here for. "

"Vulcans have a very strong immune system, the odds of myself contracting your illness are less than 6%" he reassured you, as Bones injected your arm with a hypo.

"So what? You're just going to be my nurse?"

"Until you are no longer contagious, yes." He sat down at a seat by the bed. You jumped when McCoy injected you again.

"How many more shots do I need?" You whined, stopping him from giving you another.

"Don't worry, this is the last one." He gave you the shot, and then left. He reappeared on the other side of the glass. "Let me know if her condition changes."

Spock nodded. You slowly started to fall back asleep, resisting the urge to try and scratch your cheek. Spock sat, rigid, in that chair, reading a report on his PADD. Suddenly, your stomach grumbled.

"Ms.(y/n), it would appear that you are hungry. I shall get you some food." He stood up, and walked to a food replicator in the room. He came back with a bowl of soup. "I find it fitting that you eat chicken noodle soup, while recovering from chicken pox." He handed you the bowl, and a spoon, after you had sat up.

"Was that a joke?" You teased, trying the soup.

"Yes, I believe it was an attempt at humor. Did you find it 'funny'?"

"Yes Spock I did."

For the rest of the day, and most of the next day, Spock took care of you. Until finally, you were released from the Med Bay.

"Okay, (y/n), you are no longer contagious, and you're gonna like this," he unstrapped the gloves from your hands. " you can itch now, it'll no longer spread."

"Yes!" You exclaimed, graciously scratching your forehead. The majority of the spots were on your face and neck.

You walked back to your room, a smile on your face. Freedom at last! When you walked back in, you checked you PADD. One new message.

Dear (y/n), I would appreciate it if you would join me for lunch tomorrow. I await your response.
Sincerely, Spock.

You smiled, and replied. Then you went to bed. Being sick was exhausting.  That night, you dreamed of what your date would hold. It would be a lot better than a few days ago. He had been nice, and gotten you some soup. But of coarse, you threw it up.

Hopefully you won't throw up in front of him again.


How is it? I don't feel like I've done a good job on this one, but I tried. Hope y'all liked it!  :]

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