Spock/ Really important Note!

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Hello my turtles! Guess what, I'm not dead! I know, y'all are probably mad at me for disappearing for like three months, and I'm terribly sorry.

I've had school, stress galore, and some personal issues as well, but don't worry, I'm back and ready to write!

Plus, I'm officially on summer vacation, so tons of free time.

Now for all the requests I haven't written (is that grammatically correct?) , some of y'all are gonna hate me, but I think I'll just sort of scrap them out, start anew, if you know what I mean.

I'm not entirely saying I'm open for requests quite yet, but I may accept like five or so, get myself back into my old system, and used to having a ton to write.

So, now that my little rant thing is over, on to the one shot!


You sighed and glanced at the clock on the wall, wishing for the hands to move faster. You stared at it for what felt like eternity, only for it to move halfway to the next minute.

You were not feeling good at all. You wouldn't say you were sick, it was probably just allergies, after all, it had been an unusually wet spring so far, and all the plants that were usually dead from the heat by now were thriving.

Which sadly for you meant a horrible existence. Your nose was a never ending stream of snot, and your right eye was always watery, those combined caused an almost unending feeling of having to sneeze. Your pockets were stuffed with tissues, should any of your daily classes not have some, (which most didn't).

You put your head back on the desk, too tired to bother with listening to the professor give his lecture on the importance of thermo-nuclear-astrophysics. You weren't just skipping out on the lesson though, you had your PADD underneath your book, recording everything that was being said.

Just when you started to doze off, the bell rang, signaling thew end of the period. You sighed and sat up, gathering your bag and your PADD, as you were walking out, you grabbed a tissue and began to blow your nose, only to walk right into the guy stranding in front of you. He was relatively skinny, but build like a brick wall.

You fell back, groaning as you felt another sneeze form, only to go away, leaving you with an uncomfortably watery eye, and a feeling in your nose that felt as though you'd inhaled water.

"Ugh. Sorry about that dude, I'm not feeling all to well." You said, getting to your feet. The man you ran into didn't acknowledge what you said, nor did he help you up.

He just stared, as if he was confused by what you said.

"Are you okay?" You asked, wondering if you hurt him in some way. He was relatively handsome, with longish black hair, and deep brown eyes. But you immediately noticed his slanted eyebrows and ears pointing out of his thick hair. He was that Vulcan guy, Spock.

Spock blinked a moment later, clearing his head of whatever he was thinking about. "I apologize for that, " he muttered, not looking you in the eyes. "I was deep in thought, and am not entirely used to earthen culture."

You smiled a little bit. "That's alright. Usually when someone runs into another and falls, it's considered polite to help them up." You said, blowing your nose again. Spock made a slight confused look when you did so, and it made you smile even more.

"I have a free period currently. If you want I can tell you more about how things are here."

"That would be most appreciated." He said quietly, he jumped when you grabbed his arm and dragged him in the direction you were heading. But secretly, he enjoyed every minute you spend talking to him.

I feel like this went well. So anyway, expect another update soon!


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