I've been waiting

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You didn't know how it happened. One moment everyone was there, talking, laughing, doing their jobs. Then next thing you knew, everybody disappeared. At first you thought it was a joke. But after looking around, you realized, you were all alone.

You didn't cry. Didn't panic like most would. Instead, you took up the new responsibility of running the ship all by your self. Even though you were a science officer, second after Mr. Spock, you knew enough to know how to be an engineer.

Every day you'd wake up, alone, and went to fix something. You didn't worry about where the ship was going, or who was piloting. Somehow you were dead in space. Everything worked, but the ship didn't move. No matter what you did.

You had just finished fixing a leak in a pipe, when you decided to go to the bridge. It was just as they had left it. All the screens had something flashing, reporting about how the ship wasn't moving. You sighed and walked over to where Sulu and Chekov usually sat. The consoles were cool to the touch.

"Why do I even bother?" You thought. You had been alone for so long, you were amazed you hadn't gone crazy yet. You had heard stories of people trapped in escape pods for a few weeks, and going completely insane. But you had been alone for months, yet, as far as you could tell, you were still sane.

You turned back to the lift, it was tough, being on your own, but you had made it work. You had adapted. You now wore a tool bet, full of every thing you'd need.  And your hair was always in a ponytail, something you used to hate.

You went back to the engineering decks, and began to weld some pipes that broke back together, when an alarm went off. You jumped at the high pitched sound.

Wen everyone had first disappeared, you had set up little cameras and motion detectors on the bridge and other places. You pulled out you PADD, and checked the data. Motion detected on the bridge. You jumped down and headed to the lift.

You didn't let your hopes up, there had been false alarms before. Usually from something breaking in front of the camera. But still, as you stood in the lift, you pulled out your phaser.

As the doors opened, you quietly walked out, weapon raised.  When you saw what had set off the alarm, you gasped, dropping your phaser. The noise was enough to make the people turn to you.

"(y/n)? What's going on?" The captain asked you. You were almost to stunned to answer. But were somehow able to whisper your reply.

"Where have you guys been?" It was then that Kirk actually looked at you. You were skinnier, your hair was longer, and you were wearing a tool belt.

"What's happened?" Sulu asked, looking up from the warnings on his screen.

"You... You've all been gone. " you whispered again. Everyone was looking at you now. "Its been months. Where did you go?"

"(y/n), we didn't go anywhere, what are you talking about?" Bones asked from Kirks left. 

You were about to answer, when Scotty's voice sounded over the intercom "Captain, you're gonna want to see this."

Kirk, Spock and you went to where Scotty was. He had a PADD in his hands, he was looking at the security tapes.

"Sir," he handed Kirk the PADD, and he watched the videos, flicking through them. Apparently what you were saying was true.  He looked at you, you were staring at a group of ensigns, who were wondering what happened to their broken pipe.

"(y/n), how long have we been gone?"

"Five months." Kirk immediately felt pity for you. To be all alone for that long.

"But how did this happen? It would appear that no time has passed for us. " Spock questioned, looking from the videos to you.

"I don't know."

After about a week, everything went back to normal, and you went back to your science post. But question still hung in the air. What had happened? 

Everyone who knew wondered the same thing. But no one had an answer.

As you walked into the science department, you couldn't help but think "I've been waiting for this." You walked up to your little lab area, surrounded by other people, and for the first time in what felt like years, you smiled.


Hey guys, sorry if this is confusing. I am currently sick, probably not in my right mind, but I was bored, and decided why not write a one-shot? Well let me know what y'all think, and if you have a request, I'm all ears.  :)

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