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As requested Miss.JustALittleTrekkie, enjoy!

You sighed and watched your husband as he walked on to the transporter pad. You two had been fighting for the past couple of days, and it didn't help he was going on a dangerous mission.

"Love you!" He said angrily as he dissipated into yellow lights.

"Yeah right." You muttered, walking back to your friend Lynn's quarters. She was kind enough to let you stay there while you and Jim argued.

"I can't believe you two are still fighting." She said from the bathroom. She walked out, a hair tie in her mouth, she was trying to put her messy brown hair in a bun, and kind of failing.

"That's just how relationships work, Lynn. Maybe if you had a boyfriend you'd understand."

"But I don't want a boyfriend. I'm a single Pringle." She replied, and you smiled.

"I still love him, but he's just so irritating sometimes." You said, looking at the ceiling. "He said my cooking was terrible."

Suddenly your PADD beeped. You checked the message, then ran straight to the med bay. Not once stopping.

"Guess I really am a single Pringle now." Lynn muttered.

When you got to the med bay, the first thing you saw was Jim laying in a bed. His arm wrapped up in gauze. "Jim! Are you okay?"

"Yes (y/n), I'm fine." He said, and sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness!" Then you started punching his good arm. "What were you thinking?!?!? You were almost killed!"

"Ow! I saved lives. That's what I do. Okay, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, and I didn't mean to make you worried." He leaned in and kissed you. "But I still love you."

"I love you too. I guess I'll get my stuff from Lynn's."

"Alright. But I'm making dinner tonight."
He said, and you smiled. Maybe you should let him do the cooking from now on.

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