Prank Day! April Fools day Special!

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Pranking Special 5

Before we get started with the story, I just wanted to say, Happy April fools day everyone! I hope you enjoy this story!

You looked at your PADD, grinning like an evil person. Today was the day. The first of April. It was almost as if this day was meant for you.

You had planning this day since you first boarded the Enterprise, and it was going to be good. You sat up in bed, sure, it was midnight, and Chekov was bound to be sleeping like a bear in winter, but he was your partner. Besides, he was either with you, or a target. And you liked him to much to target him.

Dressing quickly, you shoved your shoes on your feet, and walked to Chekov's room. He was fast asleep, snoring louder than any other person you knew. "Pavel!"

You called, shaking his shoulder. He didn't budge. "Pavel!" You yelled into his ear. His eyes shot open, and he sat up, looking around sleepily.

"(Y/n)? Vwhat happened? Vwhat's vrong?" He asked, trying to comprehend why you were there.

"Do you know what day it is?" You asked him, and he looked at his clock.


"No! Well, yes... But today's April fools day!" You said, jumping a little in your excitement. The look on his face went from confusion, to comprehension, to mischievous.

"That means vwe get to prank people, and get away with it!" You nodded, and sat down at his desk. "Vwe need to start planning, and placing pranks..." He began, already having gotten up and pacing. "I need to get dressed!" He exclaimed, running to his bathroom. You simply waited, thinking of all the pranks you'd pull.

(Later that day in meeting room 1)

Kirk stood at the head of the table. Everyone but you and Chekov were present. "Okay guys. Report. What have (y/n) and Chekov done yet?"

"Actually nothing yet." Bones replied, thinking. "That's kinda scares me. "

"He's right. If they haven't done anything yet, then that means they're saving it. It has to be something big." Uhura said, brushing lint off her uniform.

"I agree with Nyota. They would not pass up such an opportunity as today." Spock agreed. Jim looked around. He was admittedly worried.

Everyone knew the two of you were the pranking masters. Pranking royalty. There was no way you'd skip out on this day.

He let his worry show. And everyone looked around nervously, expecting something to happen.

But nothing did.
(Meanwhile, in the vents)

You barely held in your laughter. They were having a meeting, about you. It was priceless. They were acting as though they were in a war.

You looked over at your PADD, and messaged Chekov. 'They're worried. They're having a meeting in the conference room.'

You took one last look at Jim's worried face, and began to crawl back to your room. When you made it, Chekov was already there, smiling.

"You got the stuff ready?" You asked, and he nodded, pointing to a small pile of tools. Some electronic, some regular.

"I have everything vwe need."

"Wonderful. They're going to be so surprised." You muttered, slipping the tools into your bag, and reentering the vent. "Remember, tell them I'm sick."

"I vwill. Good luck."
Chekov walked into the bridge, and a few people jumped. Pavel smiled a little at that. It felt good to be feared on April fools day.

"Chekov! Where's (y/n)?" Jim asked, looking around for you.

"She's sick. I think she ate something her stomach doesn't like." He told him, touching his own stomach for emphasis.

"She's sick?" He asked, trying to keep the look of relief from his face. "That's too bad. I hope she feels well soon."

"Me too sir." Chekov replied, sitting down at his station. No one saw the smug look on his face.

You exited the air ducts inside the mess hall. Because most people were either working, or sleeping, it was completely empty.

You crouched by the panel that held the wires that controled the food replicators.
Taking out a small screwdriver like tool, you got to work reprogramming.
You got out of the vent above Dr.McCoy's office, and looked around. He had plenty of little knick knacks. Perfect.

You took out a small tube of super super glue, and began to work.

You walked into Spock's office, there was no vent in there. The room had no character. It had white walls, with a matching desk.

You walked over to a nearby cabinet, and found all of his non important paperwork. Then you hopped on top of his desk, and took out the nearly empty glue bottle.
The best, you'd saved for last. You exited the vent, into Jim's room. It was the same as last time you pranked him, if not a little messier.

You walked over to his bed, and undid the way he made his bed. Then, working with expert hands, you folded the sheets.

But it wasn't just any type of folding. You learned the trick from your older brother. By folding the sheets with a special pocket, when Kirk went to bed, the sheets would trap him. Making it hard to get out.

You smiled evilly, and climbed back into the vents. Already covered in dust, you headed back to your room.
(Skip to around 5p.m.)

You sat on your bed, happily watching the live security camera feed. Any minute now, and Spock and McCoy would walk in to their offices. And Kirk would go to bed for a sudden headache.

Jim had to spend three frustrating hours trying to fix the food replicators. Apparently someone had reprogrammed them give everyone their food raw.

Chekov walked into your room, and sat down next to you, his eyes glued to the screen. The two of you watched as simultaneously, all three men fell into your pranks.

"(Y/n)!!!!" They yelled at the same time. Making you and Pavel laugh. Best April fools day ever!

I wish I could be this good a pranks in real life.... Oh well, I hope you guys liked it!

And to those who requested something, I'm going to start on them as soon as I can!

Love ya my awesome readers!

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