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This was requested by @Sp0ck800 I hope you like it!

You sat down in the grass, watching dads play with their kids. You sighed, your dad was in space. You missed him so much.

Even though he was Vulcan, your mom was human, making you 1/4 Vulcan. Enough to give you all the same abilities as any other Vulcan, just not as exaggerated features. Your eyebrows slanted just slightly, your ears were barely pointed. Making you look more like a pixie than anything else.

Your dad worked for starfleet, so he was gone a lot. You sighed, and wondered what he was doing right now. "(Y/n)?"

You turned, and squealed excitedly, jumping up, you enveloped the man in blue in a huge hug. "Dad! You're back!"

"Yes, I am. Look at you, you've gotten so big." He said, his brown eyes full of emotions. You smiled, and picked up a baseball.

"Want to play catch?"

"Of course." He said, taking the ball, you walked a little bit away, and he threw the ball. You caught it easily, and threw it back.

This was the best day ever, your dad came back. And he said he'd be staying for longer this time. You couldn't be happier.

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