Pranking Special 3

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You walked down the hall, trying to think of the perfect prank, (a/n- I wonder if you can tell I like pranks) Scotty hadn't been pranked in a while. That needed to change.

You stopped at your door, and put in the password to get in. It had been a long day, and you were in the mood to do something fun.

You sighed as you flopped down on your bed. Pulling out your PADD, you messaged your best friend, today was his day off, and you knew he'd help.

Pavel walked into your room, wearing jeans and a plaid button up shirt. "Hey (y/n), vhats up?"

"I need to prank someone, will you help me?" He sat down at your desk, and played with a pencil.

"Who are ve going to prank?" A mischievous glint grew in his eyes, as a smile formed on his lips.

"I was thinking about getting Scotty, I haven't done anything to him in a while."

"Hmmm, vell vhat did you have in mind?" He had gotten out a notebook, and was making a list of things you'd do.

"Hmmm, I know we have to use his Scotch, maybe we could pretend to get rid of it? "

"Yes! Let's do that!" He started scribbling on the paper, writing in Russian. Little did you know, he was instead planning on how he could tell you how he felt.


You stood in a supply closet, eyes lock on your PADD. You had hacked into the security cameras, and were watching to make sure Chekov did his part right.

Scotty walked in to cameras line of sight, he didn't notice the net below him. He was looking up, at a bunch of empty alcohol bottles hanging from the ceiling.

He walked closer, and wham! The net closed around him, and lifted off the ground. " Yes!" You whispered, pumping your fist in the air.

You nearly jumped out of your skin when the door slid open, then shut. "(y/n)? Are you there?"

"Pavel? You nearly gave me a-" you were cut off when he slammed his lips against yours. You melted into the kiss, letting him push you him against the wall.

"I have been vanting to do that so long..." He whispered, when the two of you broke apart for some air.

" you have no idea." You say breathlessly, kissing him again. The two of you would have continued to make out, if Scotty wasn't still stuck in a net.

"Vwe should probably get Scotty out of the net." He said, you sadly agreed, and collected your stuff. Walking into the area the trap was set up, you found a very mad looking Scotty.

"It took the of you long enough! Can ya let me down now?"

"I guess," you smiled, and untied the rope, keeping him suspended in the air.

"Wait!" He fell to the ground, and you and Chekov laughed. "When will the of you grow up?" He groaned as Pavel helped him out.

"When we want to, which probably won't be very soon." You told him as the two of you walked away.

You couldn't get what happened in the closet out your mind. He had kissed you! Actually kissed you! He walked you back to your room, and you just stood there.

"Have a nice night, Ms.(y/n). I hope you can join me for lunch tomorrow." You nodded your head vigorously, a blush forming on your cheeks. He leaned in and kissed you again, just a quick peck, and then walked away.

You walked into your room, and smiled to yourself. You couldn't wait for tomorrow.


Okay guys, this is like my first attempt at doing fluff. How did I do? Let me know!

Comment your ideas! :)

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