!Chekov Special!

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Okay, so this is sorta (but not really) based off of one Whovian3135 wrote not too long ago. I hope you like it!

(And I know I put this story in hold in the last chapter, but I'm still gonna update every now and then. Just not as much as I used to, enjoy! Also, I made this one a special because it's my 150th!)

You sighed and sat back as Jim put more logs in the fire. He'd dragged you and the others on a camping trip, claiming it would 'better everyone's relationship with each other' and make working together easier.

Though, you knew it was just his excuse to get everyone to relax. It had been a stressful few weeks, and this was exactly what everyone needed.

You glanced nervously at your crush, Pavel Chekov. He was sitting across from you, trying to roast a marshmallow over the fire, and burning it before he could take it out. He obviously had never really done it before.

You smiled and moved to sit next to him on the fallen tree he was using as a seat. "Need some help?"

He blushed and nodded. "Yeah, I've never really done this before." He mumbled, embarrassed.

You found yourself a stick, and stuck the marshmallow on it. "The best way to get a perfect marshmallow, is to put it above the flames." You explained, holding it just above the fire, you rotated it as it slowly began to turn toasted brown. "Just like that."

"Thank you (y/n)." He smiled, eating the marshmallow you handed him. Across the fire, Jim got an idea.

"Hey guys, why don't we tell scary stories?" Kirk asked, a smile in his face

"Yeah, okay." McCoy said, and everyone else nodded.

Spock, Sulu, and Uhura came a bit closer to the fire, you nodded nervously. Scary stories weren't really your thing. You never liked them, they always made you paranoid.

Jim found a flashlight, and shone it on his face for dramatic effect. "So, it was a dark, cold night. Just like tonight..." He began, and you could already feel yourself getting a little scared.

"There was a group if friends who decided to go camping. They laughed and joked, even ate marshmallows. But little did they know, the Goatman was watching, anxious to get revenge on the people who trespassed into his forest."

By the time everyone decided to go to bed, you were a nervous wreck, jumping at every sound. What made it worse was the fact you weren't sharing a tent with anyone, and yours was a but farther than the others.

You got changed into your pajamas, and turned off the lantern, but not before looked around for the Goatman.

You finally began to drift off to sleep, when you heard a rustling in the bushes behind your tent. You sat up, scared out if your mind. Suddenly, the noise stopped.

Not wanting to be a target for the Goatman, you rushed out from your tent and ran to the first one you came across. Which with your luck, just happened to be Pavel's.

He jumped awake when you unzipped his tent, but one look at your terrified face, and he knew what was up. "Hey (y/n), vwhat's vwrong?"

"I am really scared right now. And thanks to Jim, I think the Goatman is out to kill me.... Can I stay in here with you?"

You both blushed at the question, and he nodded. In order to make room for both of you, he unzipped his sleeping bag, and laid it across the ground, like a mattress, and used one of his extra blankets to keep both of you warm.

You were blushing like crazy as you finally got comfortable, and closed your eyes. Within minutes, you were fast asleep, lulled by the soft breathing of your crush.

Pavel stayed awake a bit longer than you. He looked at you as you slept, you looked so peaceful when you slept, it made him smile.

In all honesty, he knew exactly how to roast a marshmallow. He just wanted you to sit closer to him. Because he liked you, a lot.

Slowly, his eyes closed, and before he knew it, he was fast asleep too.


Jim, Uhura, and Bones all smiled as they looked inside Pavel's tent, and saw the two of you fast asleep in each others arms. It was an utterly adorable sight, and soon, even Sulu joined them.

"Aren't they cute together?" Jim asked as he made breakfast a few minutes later.

"I knew it was a matter if time before they became a couple." Uhura smiled, accepting some scrambled eggs from Kirk.

Sulu walked up to them, carrying a camera. "Don't mind me, just collecting pics for their wedding scrapbook." He said, going into his tent.

By the time you woke up and went to eat breakfast, you and Pavel were apparently officially dating.

You pretended to be upset at their tendency to jump to conclusions, but you never denied it. And neither did Pavel.

And you knew he was fine with it when he winked at you, then got on to them for being snoops.

You sighed perfectly content. You got way more out of this camping trip then you expected. But that was a good thing.

Hope you liked this! I tried really hard!


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