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Okay guys, here's the dealio! I have a bunch of requests, and all of them are awesome! But, because of the high number, I don't really have an order... So please don't get mad at me if your request came first, but doesn't get written until after a few.

Honestly, I'm choosing the ones I feel like doing at the time, and writing it.

So... Yeah...

Requested by CodeViolet, I hope you like it! (her request was awesome!)

This one is kinda sad, by the way. I also changed it a bit...

When Khan was first awoken from his cryosleep, he did everything he could to ensure the safety of his crew. When he completed certain tasks, sometimes Admiral Marcus would let him see the frozen members of the people he called family.

Little did Marcus, or any of them know, when Khan was given the opportunity to visit them, he woke someone up. You.

You had few memories of your life before you were frozen. You weren't quite like the others. You'd been nothing more than an experiment. A sort of test to try out Khan's ability to make more people.

Your entire life was nothing more than experiments and then being frozen again. Experiments, and darkness.

Despite your appearance, you were the second oldest of the crew. Khan knew he could trust you, because you were pretty much his child.

He woke you up, and when you were able to walk, he explained the plan.

What he saw was a way to have a leg up. A surprise element in case the plan didn't work. But you saw a chance to escape. He gave you a weapon, and sent you off, expecting you to carry out what you'd been told. After all, your whole life you'd followed his orders.

When you got out of the secret facility, you ditched the weapon, stole some clothes, and made a new name for yourself. No longer were you (Y/n), the experiment. Now, you were Kari, a cadet at starfleet.

While there, you met a guy, he was so much different than the men you had in your life before.

He was sweet, and kind, and his eyes held a warmth to them that made you just want to hug him on the spot. Hus name was Pavel Chekov.

You were there when Jim Kirk was on trial, and when the Enterprise had to race to Vulcan. You were specially selected for your job by Captain Pike himself. It wasn't everyday a student fresh out of the academy got chosen as the head strategist on board a starship.

You tried everything to keep Nero from doing what he did, but it wasn't enough.

Now, you sat at your station, worried that at any moment, Khan, known to everyone else as John Harrison was going to recognize you. You'd taken every precaution to prevent that. You dyed your hair, and wore colored contacts, you made sure all scars were covered up, and even spoke with a fake accent.

Though, no one knew it was fake. You were fluent in French, and the accent was easy to mimic. Only Spock really noticed how your accent sometimes went away some when you were excited.

"Kari, what can you tell us about him?" You looked up as Captain Kirk walked in, followed by Spock. He'd sent a few videos to you, but you didn't have to watch them to tell your answer.

"He's dangerous sir. I highly suggest you don't trust him. His tactics are sporadic." You said, looking up.

Kirk nodded, and turned to Spock. "I agree with Lieutenant Kari. He cannot be trusted."

"I know, but we need more information. Kari, could try talking to him? I know you're good when it comes to this stuff."

You felt your cheeks grow red with fear. "I... Uh..."

"Good, come along!"


"Don't worry, you don't have to talk to him if you don't want to. Just listen in." You sighed in relief. Nodding, you took a position by the door, and listened in.

He was just as scary and manipulating as you remembered. His cold eyes held no emotion. Then, he turned and looked at you. A look of recognition crossed his face, but then uncertainty.

Your hair was a completely different, and so were your eyes. And you carried yourself with way more confidence than he remembered. But he would never forget the face of his first creation. (That sounds a little creepy...)

Jim noticed him staring at you, and he could tell how uncomfortable you were. "Kari you're dismissed. I'll speak with you in a little bit."

You smiled graciously and left.

After you were gone, Khan turned back to Kirk. "Kari? That is an interesting name."

"You shut up. Now tell me what I want to know."

Khan just smiled, and began to pace. "She's one of my crew, you know. That girl. I'm not sure how she managed to become a member of Starfleet, I know who she is."

Spock turned to Jim, they shared a look. They decided to save that possibility until later.


A month after everything that happened with Khan was over, you were in your hotel room with Pavel, watching a movie. You'd been told that another mission was coming up, and decided to make the most of being on Earth.

You had almost fallen asleep when there was a knock on the door. Before anyone could get up to open it, four men in black kicked open the door. "Lieutenant Kari Smith, you are under arrest. Come with us."

Pavel stepped in front of you. "Who's arresting her? Vwhere is she going?"

"Starfleet HQ." The man said, putting handcuffs on your wrists. You didn't say anything. You couldn't. You knew exactly why this was happening. They'd found out.


All the doctors had to do was take a sample of your blood. That was it. One sample and they would know your secret. For some cruel reason, they sent your friend, Doctor McCoy, to do the blood draw.

He seemed very upset. Like someone had told him his sister was a secret drug addict. He couldn't look you in the eye.


The Starfleet council (I'm not sure if there actually is a council, but just go with it...) Eventually decided that the best thing to do was have you... put to sleep. Killed.

You expected that much, but the others didn't. They fought and argued for your sake. But it didn't matter. That was the decision.

But they did let your friends be there for you. Pavel held your hand as you were given the shot.

"I'm sorry I lied to you guys..." You whispered. By now you'd dropped the fake accent.

"Don't be sorry," Chekov said. "you couldn't tell people. It was to save your life."

They stayed with you until your heart stopped beating.

Your friends knew they'd never forget the girl who went against her 'father' to live the life she wanted.

I feel like this could be better, but I did my best! More will be up maybe today or tomorrow!


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