Chekov pt.5

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It's been about two weeks since Chekov's mom came and went. You were a nervous wreck, because your father had decided to come and pay a visit too.

Usually you'd be happy about seeing your dad. The only problem, was that he was an army vet. He walked around yelling orders at people, wearing camo, and insisting everyone called him Admiral. Even though he never got above lieutenant in the ranks.

What made things worse, was the fact that he said you couldn't have a boyfriend. And Pavel really wanted to meet him. Great.

You and Chekov stood in the transporter room, this time the roles reversed. The lights dimmed, and your father appeared on the transporter pad, his hair clean shaven in the military style.

You took a step up, and he looked at you. At first he didn't recognize you, you'd changed so much since the academy. "(Y/n)? Look at you!" He said, stepping down.

You met his eyes, and saw him looking at you. "You look just like your mother." He said, hugging you. His eyes landed on Chekov, who looked a little sad this wasn't going as funnily as he'd hoped. "Who is this young man?" He asked, and you cringed.

"Dad, this is my....boyfriend. Pavel Chekov."

"Boyfriend, eh? I'll be the judge of that." He then walked up to Chekov, standing very close, and you knew he was about to go into drill Sergeant mode. "State your full name, place of birth, and rank!" He yelled in his face.

Pavel jumped, but held his ground. "Pavel Andreevich Chekov. Russia. Ensign." Chekov said, his accent coming out a bit more.

"An ensign, huh? What makes you think you can date my daughter?"

"She is very beautiful sir, and kind, and smart. I really like her." Chekov said, looking your father in the eye.

Your dad turned back to you, a slight scowl on his face. "Alright. He's cool for now. But I'm not approving him just yet." Then he walked over to Kirk, who had been in the room the entire time. "It is an honor to meet you captain Kirk. Would you please show me to my room?"

Afraid to say no, Jim nodded, and walked away, your dad trailing behind. Pavel sighed, and looked at you. "I think he likes me!" He said.

"No I don't." Your dad yelled from down the hall, making Chekov hang his head, sadly.

"Don't worry, he likes you." You said, taking his hand. "Now come on, we've got to warn the bridge crew of another crazy parent."

He nodded, and the two of you walked to the lift. Dreading the next week and a half.

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