Spock~in memory of Leonard Nimoy

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Okay, so today, Leonard Nimoy, the guy who played Spock on the original series, died. I heard about it at school, and literally busted out crying. I don't always have internet, so this will be a little late when I publish it...
I'm making a Spock one shot, in honor of Mr.Nimoy's passing.

Live long and prosper, Spock!

Today was the day. The day you finally got to meet your cousin. Sure, it was at your aunts funeral, but you didn't really get to know her all that well. She had a life on Vulcan, and never really came to earth.

You walked into the old church. Moving your hair behind your ear. You knew some of the people here, but a few people stood out.

Two men sat in the front, their heads bowed. You walked closer, and realized who they were. Your uncle Sarek, and your cousin, Spock.

You walked to the row, and sat down next to them, bowing your head like theirs. About five minutes before the service started, Sarek stood up, and walked out of the room. Spock opened his eyes, and looked at you. He had his mothers eyes.

"I do not believe we have met, my name is Spock."

"I'm (y/n) Greyson. Its nice to finally meet you." You gave him a small smile, and he tilted his head slightly.

"You are, as humans say, my cousin?" He asked, and you nod your head.

He simply nods back, and turns to the front, as an elderly man, your grandfather, and Sarek walk up to the stage.

All through the service, you listen intently, wanting to know more about the aunt you never knew. But you were also thinking about something else too. Everyone you knew had told you that Vulcans were emotionless. That they couldn't feel.

But when you first met Spock, his eyes were so full of sadness, so full of regret, that it almost brought tears to your eyes. He was full of so much emotion, so much inner turmoil, and yet, you felt as though you were the one to truly notice.

You glanced over at your cousin, and saw him wipe a tear from his eye. He may be half Vulcan, but he was also human, just like everyone else. To be perfectly honest, to you, he looked like he needed a hug.

The ceremony ended, and since there wasn't a body to bury, everyone went straight to the little reception, at your grandfather's house.

You sat on the porch swing, while everyone else was either getting the food ready, or talking. You sat back and closed your eyes, as a breeze blew the hair from your face.

"(Y/n)?" You opened your eyes, and saw Spock standing on the bottom step of the porch. He seemed a little unsure of what to do.

"Hey Spock. What's up?"

"I was wondering, what everyone was doing here. I am not very familiar with the customs here. "

"It's a reception, usually after a funeral, the family comes together, and eats. They also talk, and...just remember the lost one." You answer, Spock comes up and sits by you on the swing. You never really realized just how tall he was.

"May I join you? My father got called back to new Vulcan, and my duties don't resume until Wednesday."

"Sure. Come on, the foods done." You stand up and grab his arm, dragging him inside,you introduced him to all your uncles, and aunts. As well as your great grandfather, and grandmother.

Later that day, you were sitting on the swing again. Spock sat next to you, the two of you were just talking. "So, Spock, what do you do?"

"I am the first officer, as well as the science officer onboard a starship."

"So you work for starfleet?" He nods "me too!" You exclaim, sitting up a bit straighter. "In fact, I just assigned to a ship yesterday."

"Which one?"

"The Enterprise. I'm a linguistics officer."

"Fascinating. It just so happens that I work on the Enterprise." You smile at that. After this long day, he felt more like a brother to you than a cousin.

"Yay! We'll be able to see each other everyday for a while then, huh?"

"Yes. We will."

~~^~^~^~°°~°~°°~'~~°(on Wednesday)

Spock sat at his station, running through some data the ship had collected while he was gone. He attention was brought to the lift doors, as you and Uhura walked on the bridge.

Kirk whistled, "wow! Who's the new recruit? She's hot!"

"That is my cousin, (y/n) Greyson, sir." Kirks smile fell from his face.

"Your cousin? I didn't know you had one, let alone one in starfleet."

"Neither did I, until Monday." Kirk nodded, and looked back at you, there was a slight similarity between the two of you. Not much, but enough to tell the two of you were related.

"Hey captain, Spock." You said as you walked over.

"Hello (y/n), how has your first day been so far?" Spock asked you, ignoring the look Jim was giving him.

"Excellent, thank you for asking. This place is amazing!"

"Yes, it is. I will see you during lunch?"

"Yep. See you later, bye captain!" You walked away, back to where Uhura was.

"Why are you staring at me like that Jim?"

"That was possibly the most emotion I've seen out of you. "

"She is like a sister to me. " he continued to work on his console, but was aware of the smile that formed on his captains face. And for the first time, since he was a child, a smile formed on his lips. You were like the sister he never had, and it made him happy.

So yeah. This is it. I am currently watch Star Trek || Wrath of Khan. Felt it fit the situation a little bit.

Well, I hope you enjoyed.

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