You & me Forever , Tesoro .

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Luciano 'Lucky' Moretti

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Luciano 'Lucky' Moretti .

I stood in the room alone trying to cover every bruise and scar that sported my body from my fathers hands . He was marrying me off to the most powerful and wealthiest mafia leader there was . His name was Luciano Moretti , and i had yet to know what he looked like or who he was . My dress was absolutely beautiful and his family had been nothing but kind . I was beginning to run late before hearing a knock .

"Just one second ." I spoke softly praying it wasn't my father . "You're late , Tesoro ." I heard from the other side other the door . I couldn't recognize that voice but i liked it . "Oh , god ." I panicked opening the door before covering myself quickly noticing he was the man i was marrying . "I thought the groom wasn't supposed to see the bride before the wedding ." I spoke nervously . "Well i got worried you might have changed your mind ." He chuckled before i opened the door letting him in . As i shut the door i watched as he turned to face me .

Watching as his face turned slightly angry i remembered i hadn't quite covered my bruises . "Who did it , Tesoro ?" He asked as i had started to like this nickname . "I can't tell you that ." I whispered shaking my head as i went to grab some makeup to cover it . "Let me protect you ." He said as he stood behind me looking me in the eyes staring at me through the mirror i stood in front of . "You don't even know me ." I said before he turned me around grabbing my face . "i want to know you , so let me ." He said as my breathing hitched . I had never been this close to a man before .

"My father .." I whispered as the anger on his face became more evident and that's when i saw the mafia and power in him . "Did he force you into this ?" He asked , as much as this was arranged i was never given the choice . My father took that from me . Nodding he try's to stay calm before kissing my hand . "The choice is yours Tesoro . As much as i'd love to watch you walk down the aisle i would never force you . i will stall for five minutes so you can make your choice . I hope i get to see you walk down that aisle ." He said before leaving me to think .

He was gentle . I never had that . He was kind , and caring . No one ever showed me the kindness and care he had showed me in the matter of ten minutes . Calming myself down i get ready to start a new life . I'd do anything to get away from my father and if that meant marrying Luciano so be it .

Hearing the music start i wait for the doors to fully open before seeing him at the end of the aisle with a smile that was absolutely contagious . Smiling i look down at my beautiful flowers before walking down the aisle . "I see you made your choice ." He whispered making me chuckle . "How could i turn it down ?" I said as he chuckled with me before we paid attention to the man who was to marry us .

"Today we are here in holy matrimony to witness a marriage between two beautiful souls . Luciano , do you take Ms . Aurora as your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold ?" He asked before Luciano looked at me , "I do ." He spoke smiling . "Aurora , do you take Luciano Moretti to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold ?" He asked me before i looked up at Luciano . "I do ." I said as we stared at each other , it was like it was just us . "I now announce you Husband and Wife . You may now kiss your bride ." He said before Luciano cupped my face before kissing me . Falling into his touch i couldn't help but feel like this was a fairytale . As he pulled away he stayed close as his nose rubbed against mine , "You and me forever , Tesoro ." He whispered .

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