He's Always Been Here .

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Simon "The Duke" Hastings

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Simon "The Duke" Hastings .

The duke was not one to marry , or love . He did his affairs privately and went onto the next . But there was something about her . He was intrigued by the way she didn't fall to his feet for attention or care to be seen . She was mysterious to him . The little words they did share , informed him that she was indeed feisty and he loved every second of it . From her smart remarks , to her quickness to ditch the royal balls for a night stroll in the garden . To her gentle smile that she tried so hard to hide in front of him . And he had yet to even dance with her .

But tonight he was deeply determined to make her take his hand in a waltz dance at least once . He had never wanted a woman's attention so badly , but he wanted hers . He was utterly convinced she was the one to make him change his mind about love . And part of him believe it as so because they shared the same beliefs on marriage .

It was scary , most marriages are to make another heir , where they believed it should be about love . But not everyone was fortune to find love in marriage . He kept replaying her words for the last week now . To everyone he was a coward , who left his village . Not caring about his peoples needs or wants . But to her he was someone who just needed love .

He remembered their first conversation . Of course him being him , he was cocky and confident . He loved her little eye roll and giggle as well as her blunt and honest words . Or how her cheeks got chubby when she smiled . Or how she'd laugh at the wrong times some times . I was fascinated maybe even in love .


Even with his cocky remarks , and his completely noticeable confidence i couldn't get him off my mind . The other men didn't intrigue me like he did . And their answers to my questions were dull . Simon's told a story . It made me curious . But rumor was The Duke doesn't marry . So he was off limits . And truthfully part of me was concerned because i didn't like any of the men that were eligible . What would Queen Charlotte think if her diamond of the season didn't wed ?

"Mum ?" i asked looking myself over in my dress . "Yea my dear ." she smiled , "Do you think i could find someone who wants love ? Or am i just going to disappoint everyone in town ?" i sighed . "Darling , if your father were here he'd tell you our love story , but since he's not listen up ." she said sitting me on my bed . "I was a diamond just like you were except back then your parents chose . So when they chose your father i tried sneaking out of the castle the day of the wedding . I got lost in the garden when i ran into the handsomest man i'd ever seen . He was nice and gentle . But when i asked for his assistance in helping me out he denied . But not because he didn't want to let me but because that would mean he was letting his wife go . And if letting you go doesn't change Simons mind then he's not the one ." she smiled hugging me . "Thanks mum" i whispered into her shoulder .

As she left i got myself together before heading downstairs to leave for the ball . I was nervous and part of me prayed he didn't show . But knowing him he always made an appearance . After a few dances and gathers with different people i began to get overwhelmed not wanting to be around everything and everyone .

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