The Good In You .

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Aries Marino

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Aries Marino .

He hadn't noticed me watching him yet , but man was he a sight to see . He worked hard for this . It had always been his dream to own his own Auto Shop , and he did exactly that . Just as he turned around his movements altered . The tension between us had grown thicker and thicker lately , and we both knew why . All these years of playing around , our feelings were starting to get involved .

"It's not nice to stare gorgeous ." He said as his smile spread across his face while we cleaned his hands off . "I wasn't staring ." I lied nervously looking away from him as he got closer to the car i was leaning on . "What brings you here ?" He asked as he stood in front of me . My breathing hitched feeling his body heat radiating off of him and onto me . "I don't know .." I whispered unsure of my actions .

"I think you do , you just don't know how to say it ." He taunted me as his hands wrapped around my waist . "Aries ." I whispered under his touch before feeling his hands lift me up and set me on the car behind me . "Tell me you don't want this and i'll stop ." He said almost like he was holding back . I didn't want him to stop though , i had craved this moment since the last time i seen him . "I don't want you to stop ." I spoke quietly before feeling his lips capture mine in a heated , rough and passionate kiss . Something we both needed and craved for .

Letting my head fall back i whimpered at the feeling of his lips kissing my skin and neck . "Aries .." I moaned out quietly before hearing police sirens as he abruptly stopped and turned to see officer Reyes . As he helped me off the car he kept me behind him as we made our way towards the officer . "Is there a problem Officer ?" Aries asked sounding slightly annoyed seeing the same officer who used to fuck him as a teen lurking in his Shop .

"There will be ." He said as Aries stepped in front of him not allowing him to walk any further . "Unless you have probable cause to come in here i suggest you leave ." Aries said as the officer laughed . "You grew some balls since the last time i seen you ." Officer Reyes spoke staring at me in a way that made me feel uncomfortable .

"What is a pretty girl like you doing with a boy like him ?" He asked before Aries pushed me further behind him . "I don't think that's any of your business ." I said slightly annoyed with his comment . "If you knew what was good for you , you'd leave him ." He laughed before walking away . "I'll see you soon Aries ." Mr Reyes said before getting in his car and leaving .

Watching as Aries demeanor changed i slowly walk towards him putting my hand of his back only for him to step away from me , "I think it's best you go home gorgeous ." He said walking away leaving me there confused and slightly hurt at how he pushed me away . "What he said isn't true ." I said before leaving his shop .


I was so angry with Aries . He had been ignoring and avoiding me since the incident with Officer Reyes . And i couldn't understand why . I didn't care what Officer Reyes said , or what he thought of Aries . I only cared what Aries thought of himself . I had sat and pondered for days wondering if i should go see him or not . Part of me was nervous to but then again the other part of me knew we had to talk sooner or later .

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