You Dont Really Hate Me , Gorgeous .

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Myles O'Neil

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Myles O'Neil

My pencil slowly wrote the small beautiful words that came to my head as i sat with Kya under a tree as we waited for her older brother and his best friend myles at they played basketball with some random guys on the court . Myles and I weren't the ones to get along . Every conversation ended bad . And it was always because of his attitude . He was rude and stuck up . And i hated it , especially his cockiness .

I was always the quiet one in the group . so i couldn't understand his dislike towards me . Most of the time my head was in my notebook or i sat quietly listening to everyone . I was more so an observer . But everyone has their own opinions , and i couldn't blame him for his . Even if i didn't agree .

Slowly standing to get something from the small food truck by the field of grass behind the court , my eyes slowly watched as he ran up and down the court effortlessly . I couldn't deny that he was handsome , and his tattoo's definitely increased it . I just didn't care for rude people . Waiting in line i feel my arm get grabbed aggressively as i see no other than an ex boyfriend i had a while back . "What's up baby ?" he asked smiling trying to grab on me as i pushed his hands away . "Don't call me that , and what do you want ?" I asked crossing my arms . "Stop fronting baby , you know you miss me ." He said grabbing me again as i struggled this time to get out of his hold .

"I don't miss shit . Let me go ." I snapped as his facial expression turned angry . "Bitch watch who the fuck you talking to ." He gritted getting in my face as his hands tightened around my arms . Just as i was about to speak i felt him let go as i watched Myles punch him brutally over and over again as Kya and her brother grabbed me to back away .

Just as Myles had stopped , i saw as his face held nothing but anger as he walked towards us . "I'm bringing her home ." He said grabbing my hand as he led me to his car . My mind raced at why he'd bring me home . But then again my mind wanted to be angry with him . Why do all that for someone you don't even like . As he pulled into my driveway parking the car it was nothing but silent . "You didn't have to do that ." I said with a slight attitude . "You're mad at me and i'm the that fucking saved you from that dumbass ex boyfriend of yours ?" He spat in disbelief . "I'm not your fucking responsibility , and what do you care ? As far as i'm concerned you're no better than he is ." I said getting out his car slamming the door .

Hearing his door open and slam as well , as i made my
way up the porch i felt his hand snatch me up as he pulled me to his chest , "There she is ." He gritted laughing angrily . "Has anyone else seen the real you or just me ? I'm sorry for stopping your boyfriend , i didn't realize you went back to abusive narcissistic users ." He spat letting me go before walking away back towards his car . "Fuck you Myles . You're so fucked up in the head , you can't even tell when someone's being fucking genuine towards you ." I spat before going inside my house slamming the door . What a jerk . All because you can't keep your hands to yourself .


So maybe i overreacted , something in me snapped at the thought of him standing up for me .  Most of the things he said to me before were rude , sarcastic , or remarks of annoyance . So when he helped me i didn't know how to react . I had hoped apologizing would at least help us be cordial , but i knew we both said things that should have never been said .

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