Playing with fire .

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Elijah Antonov

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Elijah Antonov

I was having the worst day of my life . Not only did i manage to spill my bosses coffee of my blouse, i also managed to be 23 minutes late . And our meeting started eight minutes ago . I knew my boss would be livid .

I couldn't go into a meeting with a dirty blouse , and i couldn't go in there without Mr . Antonov's coffee .

As i rushed into the elevator i tapped my foot against the floor anxiously scared . I'd either be Terminated or warned and i didn't want either .

Seeing Mr. Antonov i walk into the conference room with coffee and pastries to distract from my lateness . "Sorry Gentlemen, i figured a delicious pastry would be nice for our meeting snack this morning . little did i know it would take 30 minutes." i said not looking at my boss once and just the vendors we'd be meeting with today .

"Alright , so as for Layton Enterprises we will split percentages by 80 percent and 20 percent . that 20 percent being almost 200,000 dollars a months off what we make . giving you two million and four hundred thousand a year ." i said . "How so ms. Harris ?" one of our vendors asked interested .

"let's say Myself and Mr . Antonov make 1,000,000 a month . and you get 200,000 multiply it by 12 for each month . that's your two million and four hundred thousand right there ." i said handing each vendor a paper copy of the info .

"I think we got a deal Ms. Harris ." the man smiled shaking my hand . "let's say same time next week ? and we can set everything up ?" i say . "See you next week ." they said before leaving .

grabbing my things i see that Mr . Antonov hadn't moved from his seat , he held a cold stare which told me he was angry . as i was going to walk out he stops me with his dominant voice . "my office now ." he said walking before me as i walked behind him scared for my life .

"What you did today was not acceptable. and i will not tolerate it ." he said looking at me angrily standing behind his desk . "You are to never be late correct ?" he asked . "yes sir." i whispered . "you are to be here before anyone other than me , correct ?" he questioned again . "yes sir" i said intimidated .

"SO WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU 30 MINUTES LATE?" He asked raising his voice at me making me flinch . i didn't reply , i was too scared to . "I ASKED YOU A QUESTION MS . HARRIS ." he said with the same tone again getting even angrier .

"I understand you are my boss . But without yelling at me you could have simply asked what made me so late . and you could have got your answer." i said completely over the disrespect . "But since you didn't and you chose anger instead . i quit . i will empty out my office now ." i said walking out this office door , "YOU CANT QUIT ON ME MS . HARRIS." he yelled following behind me causing eyes to wonder towards us , "i can and i am." i said walking into my office .

"Mr . Antonov i've let you disrespect me and speak to me in ways you shouldn't for years and i'm done ." i said grabbing all my things . "thank you for the opportunity ." i said walking out the office i've worked at for four years now .

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