Stood Up .

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Amir Morronee

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Amir Morronee

I could feel his presence the moment he entered the building . I'm sure everyone could . The moment he was in eyes view my eyes followed him until he found himself in a booth with a few other gentlemen not too far from me . I felt slightly embarrassed as i had gotten stood up by my date and i was almost already done with my third cup of wine .

I hadn't ordered hoping he'd show , but then again hoping would do nothing for me . As my eyes ran around the beautiful restaurant , my eyes couldn't help but land on him again but this time he was staring at me already . His stare did something to me , and i didn't even know him . I could tell he was a very powerful man , and there was no telling what he did . But i was intrigued .

Taking my eyes away from him i finish my drink before deciding to finally order an appetizer for now . I was tired of making sure i looked good for a man that wasn't going to show .

Sighing heavily , i head to the bathroom quickly only to bump into a hard chest as i rounded the dark corner . Just as i began to loose my balance a big strong hand quickly wrapped around my waist pulling me towards them , "My apologies , Tesoro ." His thick italian accent rolled off his tongue before i finally met his eyes . And god was he even more handsome up close . It felt like time stopped as we stared at each other without a word .

Looking away from him he clears his throat letting me go . "I'm sorry .." I began to talk looking at my heels before feeling his hand grab my chin to look at him , "I like being able to see that beautiful face , Tesoro mio ." He said as my breathing hitched . Who was he and why did he affect me so much ?

After he let me go i spent a few minutes in the bathroom thinking of the man that i barely met five minutes ago . Heading back to my table i see the table that he occupied was empty before sitting to eat my food . "Mind if i join you Tesoro ?" He asked softly , his voice was still deep and rigid . But i liked it , it almost soothed me . Looking up at him as he held a small smile , i nod . "Not at all ." i spoke after finishing my bite .

As he sat across from me staring i grew nervous under his stare as he made me feel small , but also like i was the most interesting thing in the world . "What's your name ?" I asked before pushing my towards him to have some . I didn't like the thought of him not eating while i did . Even if it was a couple steak bites .

Watching his smile grow at my gesture , he takes a bite before staring at me . "A lot of people call me Ace , but you can call me Amir ." He said watching me closely . It was like he was trying to read me and get to know me . "So what's a beautiful women like you doing here alone ?" He asked before downing the drink the waiter gave him . "Well i was supposed to be on a date , but he didn't show .." I said shrugging softly . "I'm sorry to hear that Tesoro , but that's his loss ." He said genuinely . "You're Italian ?" I ask knowing picking up the accent and small nickname he gave me . Darling , i liked it .

"I am ." He nodded . "My father was italian . He was the reason i came here in the first place ." I said , "What made you stay ?" He asked curiously . "I love it here . The united states was too much for me , I liked the calm life i have here . I just grow nervous that every time i go somewhere everyone is staring ." I said . "I'd stare at you all day if i could , so i don't blame them ." He said looking serious .

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