Cant leave you alone .

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Hunter made me laugh , smile , everything i've wanted getting a man . the only thing is we weren't supposed to be together .

we're complete opposite . he's from the country and i'm from the suburbs . i don't mind going to the  country with him , i've done it for years with him . or listening to country music . but lately the arguing has been nonstop .

over dumb shit , and we haven't even been on our first date . which is two days away .
i met hunter at a rodeo my friend invited me to , and he was one of the contestants .

he came to my job where i was presenting different kinds of art , and he made a scene because some guy made comments to me in a flirting way .


it was the day of our date and he was nowhere to be found . i called and texted him no answer . i felt played .

hunter : i think it's best we just remain strangers

me : i agree . i don't need a man who stands me up on the first date anyway asshole .

after i sent my message i decided to block him , my feelings were actually hurt . i knew better than to fall for a country boy .


it's been a little while since i've talked to hunter , but i ended up staying here a little longer . and i met someone new and we're going on our fourth date .

i do think about hunter every once in a while , i mean who wouldn't ? i felt like we had a connect the first day we met . and because i thought i was leaving he didn't want me anymore .

we were going to the fair out here , i heard it was a big thing so i invited Tianna and her boo to tag along .

Mason was cool . very nice and respectful , but i think we both got the friend vibe from each other and we were okay with that .

i decided to go with a chill outfit . it was october , and windy . so i went with leggings , a hoodie and a jean jacket with my uggs .

i figured since it was a fair/ pumpkin patch i'd dress comfortably .


"let's go to the maze ?" i said as i saw the line wasn't too long .

"bet let's do teams" mason said , nodding we decided girls against boys . heading towards the line , i seen the one person i didn't expect to see standing by the coffee and hot chocolate stand . hunter was here and i didn't know how to feel .

"alright so there two ways you go , whoever gets back out first wins ." the worker said to us .

"now go." he said laughing as we all ran .

i was enjoying my time . i was happy i could be friends with mason without having the awkward conversation .

we had finally made it out and realized the guys weren't out yet , but as we waited i seen hunter standing in line waiting to go in . but he stared at me the whole time .

finally the boys came  out and my attention was on them as they looked at us shocked .

"how long have you guys been waiting?" mason asked .

"like 10 minutes" we said together .


mason's mom called and he had to leave so he asked if i needed him to drop me off first or was i okay , which i was okay Tianna could bring me home .

i took some pics in the pumpkin patch , got a pumpkin iced chai , and went on the hayride .

i was enjoying myself , as we were about to leave someone grabbing my arm making all of us turn around , "hunter?" i said in question form looking at him confused .

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