Stuck With Me Forever .

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Rahmir 'Rah' Davis

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Rahmir 'Rah' Davis.

From the first day they met Rah couldn't take his eyes off her . He knew she had to be his , but he knew that would be a challenge . He didn't mind it though . He liked that about her . He liked everything about that girl . From her attitude , to her personality , to her beautiful smile that spread across her face . all the way to her big beautiful curls that framed her face , her big soft glossy lips he wanted to feel , and her perfect short thick frame .

He was completely obsessed with her , and there was no denying it . He was beginning to lose his mind at the fact she wouldn't talk to him , but that wasn't no one's fault but his . After all the attempts of calling and texting her , he knew he wasn't going to get anywhere with his simple apologies .

He began to think of the first time they met at this kick back a  couple years back . She was so rude to him at first , but he was somehow able to get her to warm up to him . He had found out who she truly was after they drank together watching everyone dance and have fun . She was someone who didn't take love easily . but he knew why . No one has ever given her a reason to trust that the love they gave her was real .

He knew her temper and her attitude like the back of his hand . But letting her be wasn't something he could do . He was barely able to go without seeing or talking to her for 24 hours . What made her think he could go days ?

As he debated his next move he had forgotten where he was for a moment until he heard Jay calling his name , "My bad" he sighed rubbing his face down his hand , "She got you that hooked cuz ?" Jay asked laughing lightly . "You don't even know cuz , she been ignoring me for three days now ." Rah said before chugging his drink . "And i already know pulling up on her ass ain't gon end well for me . I'm already knowing she ready to chew my ass in ." he finished shaking his head .

"Man just go talk to her . You the only nigga i know that can handle her big ass attitude ." Jay chuckled , "chill on my girl now .." Rah laughed shaking his head . "but nah i'm finna head out . i got some making up to do ." he spoke standing up before dapping up all the guys .

As he made his way to his car he tried calling her one last time , before going straight to voicemail . As he drove drowning out the music his phone buzzed repeatedly before he picked it up .

As his eyes raked over the messages from the person he longed for most , he could tell she was drunk and angry . But she had every right to be . He had no right discarding her feelings the other night , but he wasn't sure how to explain himself . He was nervous how she'd react to his lifestyle . but there was no leaving it .

He knew she had a good idea of what he did , but she didn't know he was in control . As he pulled into her driveway he saw another car outside her house . He was confused and partially ready for blood when he didn't recognize that car . As he got out his car he bared himself for what would happen when she opened her door .

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