TMNT x Reader Scenarios

By blue_divergents

1.5M 35.1K 24.9K

Ever wondered what it would be like to date a Ninja Turtle? Well don't hesitate hit that button to read! Ran... More

When You Meet: Leo
When You Meet: Raph
When You Meet: Donnie
When you meet: Mikey
When You Meet: Casey
When You Meet Again:Leo
When You Meet Again: Raph
When You Meet Again: Donnie
When You Meet Again: Mikey
When You Meet Again: Casey
When He Realizes He Likes You
What He Likes Most About You
When You Tell April You Like Him+ A/N
When He Gets Advice:Leo and Raph
When He Flirts in Front of April
When He Gets Advice:Donnie ,Mikey, Casey
When He Tries to Ask A Question
When He Really Asks
When You Meet His Family
His Nickname For You
When You Cuddle With Him
Your First Kiss With Him
When You Get Jealous
Christmas With The Turtles (Part One)
Christmas (part 2)
New Years: Leo
New Years:Raph
New Years:Donnie
New Years:Mikey
New Years:Casey
The "L" Word
When You Catch Him Singing
When He Gets Jealous
When You Disappear (part one)
When You Disappear (2)
When You Disappear (3)
Valentine's Day
When You Train
When You Talk Again
When He Goes to High School
When He Does Homework
When He Joins a Sports Team
When He Takes You to Prom (1)
When He Takes You To Prom (2)
When He Has A Game: Leo and Raph
When He Has Game: Don & Mikey
When You Save Him (1)
When You Save Him (2)
When You Save Him (3)
When You Save Him (4)
When He's Sick/Healing
When They Play Shirts and Skins
When It's That Time...
When You and Splinter Prank Him
When You Sleep in His Room
When Someone Catches You Kissing
When You're Caught Staring
When You Break Up
When He's Sad/Apologizes
When He Talks In Japanese
When He Talks Sweet About You
When He's Embarrassed
When He Defends You
When He's Drunk
When He Has a Hangover
When He Sings To You
When It's Halloween
When His Brother Flirts With You
His Favorite Type of Pizza
His Best Subject in School
When You Go to the Beach
When You Fight the Foot
How you Spend Your Free Time
When He Studies for Finals
When You Move In
When He Sings
When You're on Your Period (2)
When He Meets Your Sibling(s)
When Splinter Meets Your Family
Spending Time With Splinter
Spending Time with April
Cute Couple Moments
When He Cooks for You
Tickle Fights
Mating Season
Prank Wars
When It's Your Birthday *short*
When You Talk About Him
When He Blushes
His Form of PDA *Short*
Cute Text Messages
When You Fangirl
Movie Night *Short*
When You Are Sick *Short*
Vacation: Leo
Vacation: Raph
Vacation: Donnie
Vacation: Mikey
Vacation: Casey
His Favorite Show on Netflix
Extra Character Scenarios (1)
When You See Your Ex
Extra Characters (2)
When He Falls
When You Fall
When a Guy Flirts with You
When He Sees You Naked
Random Chapter
When the Kraang Find You
Nightmares (1)
Nightmares (2)
Nightmares (3)
Nightmares (4)
A Portal? How Interesting..
When He Accidentally Hurts You
Divergent? You're Kidding! -Leo
Akron What Now? -Raph
Hey There, Michael -Donnie
So, You're Percy?- Mikey
Did You Just Call me Greenie? -Casey
Dating Him Would Include...
Leo~ Difficult Decisions
Raph~ Difficult Decisions
Mikey~ Difficult Decisions
Casey~ Difficult Decisions
We're Alive?~All
Extra Characters Scenarios (3)
When You Cook Together
When You Play Uno
Turtle Tots Scenarios (1)

Donnie~ Difficult Decisions

1.5K 23 5
By blue_divergents

Whew chile, it's been a lifetime since I updated. I'm so sorry. And to make it worse I left it off with a cliffhanger (my bad guys). Here's a somewhat long chapter to make up for it. Also, my Spanish may be a little (lot) rough so please correct me if it's wrong.

You enter the gates, following closely behind Lincoln. The guards eyed you suspiciously as you mumbled who you were there to see.

"Back again? You were here yesterday." The guard stopped you.

Lincoln turned around. "She's here with me. Now do your job and go get Michael and Donnie."

You released the breath you didn't know you were holding as the guard stomped away. You spoke a quiet thank you to Lincoln before continuing your walk. The guard ushered you towards the gate where you would be allowed to talk to Donnie.

(I don't know if you can picture the scene that well so I'll add some visuals of the prison.)

The "recreational" area

The outside of the prison (Sona). There's a forested area on the outskirts of the prison and part of it leads to a beach.

Michael came up to the fence with Donatello trailing close behind. He eyed you curiously, before turning to his brother.

"I assume this is the girlfriend Donnie told me about." Mike asked.

"Yeah, she was there when I found the box..." Linc trailed off.

Michael heaved a deep sigh before continuing the conversation. "It happens tomorrow tonight. Make sure you have everything buried under the sand on the beach by midnight. Have enough for all of us."

"We already bought the supplies, just make sure you make it out safely." Lincoln stepped away from the gate.

"Wait, Linc. (Y/n) I need you to go with Sucre tonight to burn the hole into the gate with acid. You'll be on look out, and after you finish that, be back at the car by 11."

"Wait, why does she have to come back here? Won't she be safer with Lincoln?" Donnie questions.

"She'll be our last source of distraction for the guard that keeps watch late at night. Keep him at least a 100 feet away with his back towards us. Once we give you the signal, run North into the forest to our meeting place." Michael continues.

"And that signal will be?" You asked.

"I don't know? Something only we will understand." Linc shrugged.

"How about Holy Chalupa?" Donnie suggests, while cracking a slight smile.

Michael and Lincoln looked at the two of you in confusion while you laugh slightly at Donnie. "Sounds good to me."


You, Lincoln, and Sucre worked to make the final preparations for hiding places that held the remainder of the supplies Michael, Donnie, and the others will need after escaping from the prison.

You and Sucre returned to the prison to make sure the part of the gate you sprayed with acid hadn't been replaced. Luckily, it wasn't.

Unluckily, Sucre got arrested as you two were making your escape back into the woods.

You hid behind a tree nervously as the guard dragged him away into one of the buildings the guards occupied. Time passed and Sucre never returned, meaning they caught on to what you guys have been doing the past few weeks.

You knew the only way you could help would be to somehow get the keys off of the guard once he exited the building. It had begun to get dark out when the officer finally exited. You hurriedly ran up behind him and put on your best innocent face.

"Excuse me, sir." When he didn't answer, you tried Spanish in hopes that he would respond this time. "Perdóname, señior! Puede ayudarme?"

Upon hearing you speak in Spanish, his head whipped around. "Por que está aquí?" You tried to think of a proper reply that would sound legit, but as you stumbled on your words, he sighed and spoke in English. "Visiting hours have been over for two hours. What are you doing here?"

"Are visiting hours really over? I needed to see my brother." You quickly thought of an excuse as you inched closer to the guard. "A family member just passed away and I need to let him know."

"You can tell him tomorrow."

"Can't. It was his wife who died." You lied again, with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Yeah? How does that change anything?"

"Well, someone has to watch his kids since she's gone and it's up to him-"

"You can watch the kids. Now, go away." He narrowed his eyes at you an turned around abruptly.

You groaned in frustration to play the part, but once his back was fully turned away from you, you grinned deviously at the set of keys in your hand.

And that's when the alarm went off, signalling the escape attempt.

The guard instantly looked back at you and saw the keys in your hand. "You little... You're coming with me."

~~~Donnie's PoV~~~

Five of us stood cramped in the tightly packed tunnel we had finally finished navigating through. The three other prisoners that were with us had already attempted to flee from the prison, setting off the alarms as soon as the power that Lincoln knocked out was kicked back on.

"You told them they had thirty seconds to get across, but you knew the generator would kick on earlier than that." Alex, another prisoner who was escaping with us said.

Michael looked to me, and we both shared a small grin and looked back to the others. "We must have miscalculated it a bit."

The three escapees that went ahead of us were people who deserved to be in the prison. We couldn't trust them, and there was a likely chance they would plot to kill us as soon as we all made it back to safety.

"This is the real plan." I assured everyone as Michael began to give orders to the small group.

As the trucks piled in, we skillfully crept underneath them to make our way to the hole in the fence (Y/N) and Sucre created earlier.

A small part of this will be a little different than the TV show goes so it fits the story better.

As we weaved our way through the trees, we spotted (y/n) and Sucre. He had part of a filing cabinet attached to his wrist by handcuffs. (Y/N), too had a pair of handcuffs dangling from one hand.

"Donnie!" She hugged me quickly, and pointed in the direction we all needed to go in.

Ten minutes later, we found the escape vehicle and began to pile in. I stood next to Michael waiting to get into the back seat when an officer came bounding out from the woods.

"No se muevan!" The officer pointed his gun towards Michael. "Don't move!"

His command was too late. Michael was already hopping into the car. My heart pounded in my chest as the officer fired a bullet at Michael. I pushed him down in the car as the bullet sank into my chest.

"Donnie!" (Y/n) ran to my side and tried to slow down my blood loss. "Get out of here guys. Finish the job!"

I watched as she chucked a rock at the police officer, which hit him in the forehead. The rest of the group hesitated to move.

"I said go!" She said with tears in her eyes as she cradled my body closer to her.

The car flew down the path. Everyone looked back at us with sad eyes. "(Y/N) you need to get out of here." I managed to force out.

"No... no I'm not leaving you. I-I love you, Donnie. You gotta stay with me." Her tears fell onto my body as she cried.

Two more officers found us. The taller of the two saw his companion knocked out on the ground and growled at us. He raised his gun at (y/n).

"No! Don't shoot her!" I cried out and tried to move her out of the way, but my injury slowed me down and the bullet sank into her back. A second one followed and found its way into her side. The officers then followed the tire tracks and left us there to die.

With the last bit of life I had in my body, I held her against me and cried.

She was gone.

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