TMNT x Reader Scenarios

By blue_divergents

1.5M 35.1K 24.9K

Ever wondered what it would be like to date a Ninja Turtle? Well don't hesitate hit that button to read! Ran... More

When You Meet: Leo
When You Meet: Raph
When You Meet: Donnie
When you meet: Mikey
When You Meet: Casey
When You Meet Again:Leo
When You Meet Again: Raph
When You Meet Again: Donnie
When You Meet Again: Mikey
When You Meet Again: Casey
When He Realizes He Likes You
What He Likes Most About You
When You Tell April You Like Him+ A/N
When He Gets Advice:Leo and Raph
When He Flirts in Front of April
When He Gets Advice:Donnie ,Mikey, Casey
When He Tries to Ask A Question
When He Really Asks
When You Meet His Family
His Nickname For You
When You Cuddle With Him
Your First Kiss With Him
When You Get Jealous
Christmas With The Turtles (Part One)
Christmas (part 2)
New Years: Leo
New Years:Raph
New Years:Donnie
New Years:Mikey
New Years:Casey
The "L" Word
When You Catch Him Singing
When He Gets Jealous
When You Disappear (part one)
When You Disappear (2)
When You Disappear (3)
Valentine's Day
When You Train
When You Talk Again
When He Goes to High School
When He Does Homework
When He Joins a Sports Team
When He Takes You to Prom (1)
When He Takes You To Prom (2)
When He Has A Game: Leo and Raph
When He Has Game: Don & Mikey
When You Save Him (1)
When You Save Him (2)
When You Save Him (3)
When You Save Him (4)
When He's Sick/Healing
When They Play Shirts and Skins
When It's That Time...
When You and Splinter Prank Him
When You Sleep in His Room
When Someone Catches You Kissing
When You're Caught Staring
When You Break Up
When He's Sad/Apologizes
When He Talks In Japanese
When He Talks Sweet About You
When He's Embarrassed
When He Defends You
When He's Drunk
When He Has a Hangover
When He Sings To You
When It's Halloween
When His Brother Flirts With You
His Favorite Type of Pizza
His Best Subject in School
When You Go to the Beach
When You Fight the Foot
How you Spend Your Free Time
When He Studies for Finals
When You Move In
When He Sings
When You're on Your Period (2)
When He Meets Your Sibling(s)
When Splinter Meets Your Family
Spending Time With Splinter
Spending Time with April
Cute Couple Moments
When He Cooks for You
Tickle Fights
Mating Season
Prank Wars
When It's Your Birthday *short*
When You Talk About Him
When He Blushes
His Form of PDA *Short*
Cute Text Messages
When You Fangirl
Movie Night *Short*
When You Are Sick *Short*
Vacation: Leo
Vacation: Raph
Vacation: Donnie
Vacation: Casey
His Favorite Show on Netflix
Extra Character Scenarios (1)
When You See Your Ex
Extra Characters (2)
When He Falls
When You Fall
When a Guy Flirts with You
When He Sees You Naked
Random Chapter
When the Kraang Find You
Nightmares (1)
Nightmares (2)
Nightmares (3)
Nightmares (4)
A Portal? How Interesting..
When He Accidentally Hurts You
Divergent? You're Kidding! -Leo
Akron What Now? -Raph
Hey There, Michael -Donnie
So, You're Percy?- Mikey
Did You Just Call me Greenie? -Casey
Dating Him Would Include...
Leo~ Difficult Decisions
Raph~ Difficult Decisions
Donnie~ Difficult Decisions
Mikey~ Difficult Decisions
Casey~ Difficult Decisions
We're Alive?~All
Extra Characters Scenarios (3)
When You Cook Together
When You Play Uno
Turtle Tots Scenarios (1)

Vacation: Mikey

2.9K 83 39
By blue_divergents

~Your PoV~

After months and months of homework, tests, and finals, you were finally released from the jail which is also known as school. You hugged your friends goodbye before heading back to the lair. You wanted to plan out an amazing summer with Mikey, but you wanted to wait for him to return home in order to do so.

He told you that he, Casey, and his brothers were going to hang out today for a while, so that left you, Casey and his brothers' girlfriends, Ice Cream Kitty, and Master Splinter. An hour went by before you guys decided to watch a movie together. You placed Ice Cream Kitty inside a portable cooler in front of the TV. Splinter handed out cheesicles and (favorite pizza) to everyone before turning on (favorite movie).

Mikey practically skipped into the lair with joy. He let out a booyakasha before entering, causing everyone to miss an important dialogue in the movie. When he finally came into the living room, everyone shushed him and turned back to (favorite movie). You lightly squealed when you felt Mikey pick you up and run to his room.

"Mikey! I'm going to miss the best part!" You whined.

"Trust me, what I have to say is pretty awesome dudette." He paused when he saw your expression."Have you ever been to Disneyland?"

"Why?" You questioned.

"Because I may have won this skateboarding competition outside of the mall and got two tickets to Disneyland and a two week vacation in California." He grinned.

"Really? Mikey that's awesome! When do we leave?"

He looked at the packet of information he received with the ticket. "Uh, tomorrow." He smiled.

You instantly ran to find a suitcase and clothes to pack.


After arriving to the airport, Mikey immediately wanted to go to the pizza restaurant. You literally dragged him away, promising him that you would get pizza once you reached your destination. Pouting slightly, Mikey finally agreed to leave the small restaurant.


On the plane, you smiled as you watched Mikey bounce in his seat with excitement.

"(Y/n), look at how small everything is. That car looks like an ant! Those skyscrapers are like those small model of cities that they use for those monster movies." He lightly stomped his feet and waved his hands in a typical old monster movie way.

You laughed at him as he went on and on about everything he saw. What Mikey seemed to enjoy the most was the clouds and how they looked like marshmallows crossed with cotton candy. Eventually, Mikey talked himself into a sound slumber, with your head on his shoulder.


Arriving at the Disneyland resort, you gazed up in awe at the hotel. There were waterslides, a huge pool, a lounging area, and the hotel portion of the resort was huge.

Mikey tossed the bags on the bed and quickly fished the tickets out of his pocket. He pulled on an orange Knicks hat over his hair.

"You ready for a day filled with fun and excitement?" he bounced on his feet with anticipation for the day.

"Do you liked pizza?" You watched as his eyes lit up with joy at your response." Of course I'm ready!"

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" he grabbed your hand and dragged you down the hall to the elevators.

After about ten seconds of waiting, Mikey grew impatient. "No time to wait. Let's take the steps!" he pulled you to the door for the steps.

"But we are on the sixth floor Mikey! Plus, I think I just heard the elevator come up." you yelped when he picked you up and finished the multiple flights of steps and bounding out of the resort.

"So, I was thinking first we could go on the Indiana Jones Adventure, then the Haunted Mansion, and to finish the day, Splash Mountain."

"Sounds fun to me."

The line was pretty long for each ride, but the line for the Indiana Jones Adventure was the longest. The ride was interesting, aside from some of the creeper elements of the ride which caused a few kids to scream. You and Mikey sat in the very back and held hands the entire time. Mikey would occasionally kiss you on the cheek.

After the Indiana Jones ride/tour, Mikey finally received the pizza he had been wanting since arriving to the airport in New York. You munched on (favorite pizza) while waiting in line for the Haunted Mansion.

During most of the ride, all the teens had their phones out, probably on social media. It wasn't scary, but I was fun to see the special effects put into the separate scenes. Once again, a few children would scream out at the "jump scares."

"I expected that too be, you know, scarier." Mikey shrugged.

"It's Disneyland Mikester. They can't make things too scary or the little kids would get too scared."

"Yeah, but still, the Purple Dragons are scarier than that. And that's saying something."

You rolled your eyes."Whatever, let's just get ready for Splash Mountain."


"That poor turtle." Mikey said randomly once you returned to the hotel.

"What turtle?" You asked as you slipped under the covers.

"The one in Splash Mountain that was being used as a drum." He laid down next to you.

He turned on the TV, flipping through the channels until he landed on (favorite movie). He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you closer to him. You placed your head on his chest. The rise and fall in his chest soothing you into a sleep.

"Hey, (y/n)?" He ran his fingers through your hair.

You yawned. "Yes, Mikey?"

"I love you so much, and I don't mean an Anna and Hans love. I mean a Percabeth type of love. I'd do anything for you."

"Even fall off a cliff?" You smile.

"If it means being with you, of course."

"I love you too, Mikey." You kiss him. "Also, when did you start reading Percy Jackson books?"

"Every once in a while I pick up one of Donnie's books in his lab."

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