The Walking Dead: Emperor of...

By FriendlyNeighborhoo2

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Y/N Bio
Chapter 1: Beginning of The End
Chapter 2: A New Day
Chapter 3: On the Farm
Chapter 4: Moving On
Chapter 5: New People, New Problems
Chapter 6: Quiet Steps
Chapter 7: Not So Lucky
Chapter 8: Cleaning House
Chapter 9: Attention
Chapter 10: Starved For Help
Chapter 11: News & Action
Chapter 12: The Brothers
Chapter 13: Farmers & Bandits
Chapter 14: Approaching Madness
Chapter 15: When the Cows Come Home
Chapter 16: Hell on Earth
Chapter 17: Too Much Salt & A New Resolve
Chapter 18: Survival of The Fittest
Chapter 19: Long Road Ahead
Chapter 20: Traitors & Thieves
Chapter 21: Suspicions & Culprits
Chapter 22: Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
Chapter 23: One Foot In Front of The Other
Chapter 24: Fast Enough
Chapter 25: The Tracks
Chapter 26: On the Tracks
Chapter 27: Someone New
Chapter 28: On The Move
Chapter 29: Heavy Hearts & Empty Guns
Chapter 30: Confrontation & A Plan
Chapter 31: All Thought Out
Chapter 32: What Could Go Wrong?
Chapter 33: A Part of The Group?
Chapter 34: On the Road Again
Chapter 35: Around Every Corner
Chapter 36: A Temporary Home
Chapter 37: Cleared
Chapter 38: Love Is In the Air
Chapter 39: Not So Quiet Streets
Chapter 40: Sewers
Chapter 41: Still Kicking
Chapter 42: Restored Hope
Chapter 43: The Heist of Crawford
Chapter 44: Unexpected Events
Chapter 45: A Simple Plan
Chapter 46: Supply & Demand
Chapter 47: Truths & Silent Steps
Chapter 48: Small Talks & Big Steps
Chapter 49: When The Past Catches Up
Chapter 50: Lost
Chapter 51: Don't Stop
Chapter 52: No Time Left
Chapter 53: Stuck
Chapter 54: Not Enough Time
Chapter 55: The Will to Keep On
Chapter 56: Thanks For Everything
Season 2
Season 2/Chapter 1: All That Remains
Season 2/Chapter 2: Gone Again
Season 2/Chapter 3: Out of Water
Season 2/Chapter 4: Mistrust
Season 2/Chapter 5: Thieves In The Night
Season 2/Chapter 6: Sparks Fly
Season 2/Chapter 7: After Last Night
Season 2/Chapter 8: A House Divided
Season 2/Chapter 9: A Running Gun
Season 2/Chapter 10: Questions & Answers
Season 2/Chapter 11: Quick Steps, Slow Breaths
Season 2/Chapter 12: Arguments
Season 2/Chapter 13: The Moonstar Lodge
Season 2/Chapter 14: Old Friends
Season 2/Chapter 15: Little Missions
Season 2/Chapter 16: Dinner Table Arguments
Season 2/Chapter 17: The Past Catches Up
Season 2/Chapter 18: No Say In The Matter
Season 2/Chapter 19: Nothing Left to Do
Season 2/Chapter 20: In Harm's Way
Season 2/Chapter 21: Locked Up
Season 2/Chapter 22: Reunited
Season 2/Chapter 23: Catching Up
Season 2/Chapter 24: Unfortunate
Season 2/Chapter 25: The Trials Ahead
Season 2/Chapter 26: What Can You Do?
Season 2/Chapter 27: Look Out Below
Season 2/Chapter 28: Painful Reminder
Season 2/Chapter 29: Still Standing
Season 2/Chapter 30: The Longest Night Yet
Season 2/Chapter 31: Cold Blooded
Season 2/Chapter 32: Achilles Heel
Season 2/Chapter 33: Permanent Reminder
Season 2/Chapter 34: Batter Up
Season 2/Chapter 35: On Foot
Season 2/Chapter 36: Amid The Ruins
Season 2/Chapter 37: Against The Wall
Season 2/Chapter 38: We All Have Dead People
Season 2/Chapter 39: Similarities
Season 2/Chapter 40: Bird's Eye View
Season 2/Chapter 41: A Walking Inferno
Season 2/Chapter 42: Search Party
Season 2/Chapter 43: A Possible Threat
Season 2/Chapter 44: Supply & Demand
Season 2/Chapter 45: A New Face
Season 2/Chapter 46: We'll Meet Again
Season 2/Chapter 47: Permanent Goodbyes?
Season 2/Chapter 48: Death & Russians
Season 2/Chapter 49: No Going Back
Season 2/Chapter 50: Decisive Action
Season 2/Chapter 51: Passing the Time
Season 2/Chapter 52: Slow Recovery
Season 2/Chapter 53: Tread Lightly
Season 2/Chapter 54: The Last Good Night
Season 2/Chapter 55: Watch Where You Step
Season 2/Chapter 56: A Misplaced Step
Season 2/Chapter 57: Static
Season 2/Chapter 58: End of the Road
Season 3: Info Drop
Season 3/Chapter 1: Ties That Bind-Pt.1
Season 3/Chapter 2: Nightmares
Season 3/Chapter 3: Ties That Bind-Pt.2
Season 3/Chapter 4: Never Hold A Sneeze
Season 3/Chapter 5: Where People Meet
Season 3/Chapter 6: Reunited
Season 3/Chapter 7: Above The Law
Season 3/Chapter 8: Other Plans
Season 3/Chapter 9: No Other Choice
Season 3/Chapter 10: Righteous Vengeance
Season 3/Chapter 11: Back In Town
Season 3/Chapter 12: Thicker Than Water
Season 3/Chapter 13: You And I
Season 3/Chapter 14: What Keeps Us Going
Season 3/Chapter 15: Put To Sleep
Season 3/Chapter 16: Retrieval
Season 3/Chapter 17: What Lies Ahead
Season 3/Chapter 18: No More Lies
Season 3/Chapter 19: From The Gallows
Season 3/Chapter 20: Consequences
Season 3/Chapter 21: No Child Left Behind
Season 3/Chapter 22: Am I My Brother's Keeper?
Season 3/Chapter 23: One Small Step For Man
Season 3/Chapter 24: What Have You Done?
Season 3/Chapter 25: We'll Meet Again
Season 4: Info Drop
Season 4/Chapter 1: Done Running
Season 4/Chapter 2: Piano Practice
Season 4/Chapter 3: Awaken
Season 4/Chapter 4: Troubled Youths
Season 4/Chapter 5: Kings, Queens, and Apologies
Season 4/Chapter 6: Talks By The River
Season 4/Chapter 7: Sentimental
Season 4/Chapter 8: Death, Feasts, and Relaxation
Season 4/Chapter 9: Never Hesitate
Season 4/Chapter 10: Suffer The Children
Season 4/Chapter 11: Leave or Stay
Season 4/Chapter 12: Leave
Season 4/Chapter 13: Familiar Faces
Season 4/Chapter 14: Strength and Tangents
Season 4/Chapter 15: Stressful Leadership
Season 4/Chapter 16: The Dearly Departed
Season 4/Chapter 17: One Step Closer
Season 4/Chapter 18: Something Potentially New
Season 4/Chapter 19: True Feelings
Season 4/Chapter 20: The Attack On Ericson's
Season 4/Chapter 21: The Clashing Of Powers
Season 4/Chapter 22: Broken Toys
Season 4/Chapter 23: Other Friends
Season 4/Chapter 24: An Old Barn & Older Memories
Season 4/Chapter 25: How It Goes
A/N: Please Read
Season 4/Chapter 26: The Pre-Party
Season 4/Chapter 27: The Party
Season 4/Chapter 28: After Party Fun +18
Season 4/Chapter 29: Dreams & Resolutions
Season 4/Chapter 30: Let's Light This Candle
Season 4/Chapter 31: Bonfires & Bon Voyage
Season 4/Chapter 32: Roasting On An Open Fire
Season 4/Chapter 34: Death or Chains?
Season 4/Chapter 35: Rise Of The Flame Emperor
Season 4/Chapter 36: Bad Luck & Sharp Bolts
Season 4/Chapter 37: Trust
Season 4/Chapter 38: Thoughts Of The Future
Season 4/Finale: Thank You, For Loving Me
Prologue: A Lit Match

Season 4/Chapter 33: Truth & Chains

310 17 4
By FriendlyNeighborhoo2

Y/N Pov. 

After getting Mom out of the cuffs as well as my little sister, I start sneaking down below the deck where I should find the others. I'm not sure where Clem or Violet are but I know they're probably down here. I look around the corner of the ship and find no one there so I walk out & head to the place where the cells are. A guy walks out as I slip behind a box and as he walks by, I grab him by the face. 

Y/n: Shh... Sleep. 

I snap his neck and shoot him in the head with a flame bullet, leaving his body in a closet that's by me. I leave the area and go down to an even lower level, but just as I go to turn, I bump right into Minerva. I look at her and she looks at me, neither of us saying anything. I turn my first into flames but she raises her hands. 

Minnie: W-Wait, your friends. I know where they are. I can take you to them, get them out. Then you can go. Run away as far as you can with them. 

Y/n: Why would you want to help me? 

Minnie: It's not for you, it's for them. I-I just want them and my brother to live... To live better than I did. I don't want this for them. Please, just get them and my brother and go. 

I look at her and turn my fist back to normal. Minnie breathes a sigh of relief, but for some reason something doesn't feel right. I follow her towards the place where the cages should be & we talk. It's clear she's not the same person that Violet used to talk about with us. She's not the same girl Violet was heartbroken over for a year. But I'm still choosing to trust she care for her and both of our friends enough not to screw us over. 

Y/n: What do you think you're going to do after all this? 

Minnie: What do you mean? 

Y/n: When we escape. Will you go back to the school or stay with the Delta? 

Minnie: I... I can't go back. Not now. 

I shake my head. 

Y/n: That's not true. By the way, Tenn wanted me to tell you that he forgives you. 

Minnie stops for a moment but shakes her head and continues leading me. Soon, we reach a part of the ship but Minnie falls a little behind me. I look over and find Louis, Omar, Aasim. All those we'd come for, but when I look to my left, I see Clem and Violet in a room. They both see me and their eyes widen. 

Clementine: Behind you!

I go to turn around, but I feel something lock onto my wrist and find that it's a pair of handcuffs. Minerva slipped them onto me while I was distracted. I look at her and try to turn into fire, but it doesn't work and I feel weaker than I had a moment ago. Shit, these are made out of Seastone. I really should've seen this coming. 

Minerva: Don't try anything. With those on you won't be able to transform, so no fire. 

Y/n: You bitch. After everything, you're still on their side. 

She raises her crossbow at me as she opens the door to Clem and Violet's cage, but I don't budge. 

Minerva: Go into the cell. 

Y/n: Tenn was wrong about you. Violet was wrong, too. You're not someone worth crying over. You're not even someone worth saving. 

Minerva: Shut up! Just go into the cell-

Even while weakened, I still maintain enough strength to fight back. I lean forward and grab her crossbow, making it aim up before kneeing her in the stomach. She doubles over as I throw her crossbow across the floor and shove my forearm into her throat, shoving her against the wall to choke her out. 

Y/n: Once you go night night, I'm getting us all out of here but I'm going to leave you to fucking rot with these people. Because that's what an asshole like you deserves. 

Her face starts go a slight red as she coughs, trying to push off the wall, but I'm too strong for her. Normally I'm against violence when it pertains to women, but she's making it easy for an annoyed guy like me with a cowboy hat to choke her out. I don't even feel bad about it, in fact the opposite. However, before I can fully finish the job, I feel a gun at the back of my head and this time it's Lilly. 

Lilly: Move away from her, and go into the cell. Otherwise you'll be painting it a sheen of red. 

With no other choice, I let Minerva go and she drops to the ground while holding her throat. Lilly shoves me into the cell where Violet and Clementine are; they quickly rush to me while holding me to them. I look at them. 

Y/n: (Whisper) Did you plant the bomb? 

Violet: (Nods) Yeah. 

Clementine: Did you save your Mom and sister? 

I nod to her, continuing to whisper. All of us do. 

Y/n: I did. They're back at the school, but shouldn't be coming back. I told them to stay put there while we finish our business with these assholes. Unfortunately, this is looking to be a shit show. How long until this bitch goes boom? 

Clementine: Not sure. Thirty minutes? An hour? I couldn't tell you. 

I sigh. 

Y/n: Well I hope it's not too soon. 

Looking back at the door, Lilly walks in while holding her pistol out. She points us towards the bed so I sit in the middle of Clem and Violet. She looks at us and asks about Abel, though I am trying to see if I've still got the key from earlier. If I can, I'll pull out that key I think I still have to the cuffs then get out and release hell. Unless I've somehow dropped it and just forgot. Which I really hope I didn't. 

Lilly: Where's Abel? 

AJ: He's dead. We killed him. We put a knife in his head.

Lilly: Fuck. You little monster...

She bangs on his cell door, but I look at her. 

Y/n: Don't worry, Lilly. I made sure he didn't turn, even made gave him word I wouldn't let him. So you don't have to worry about him suffering. Well, at least not too much. Trust me, after the fall he had one hell of an easy body to fuck with without any effort. One poke was it would have taken to make him beg for mercy. 

Lilly walks over to our door, I can hear her footsteps on the metal. She sits across from us with her gun still in her hand. 

Lilly: Normally, the trouble you caused, I'd shoot you, both of you, and toss you overboard. But I'm genuinely impressed. First, the two of you organize these idiot kids into a fighting force, and kill two of my most experienced soldiers. 

Y/n: Oh, I've killed more than two since I've been here. 

Lilly: (Sighs) Then you sneak onto my boat under the cover of a herd? I bring a prize like the two of you back to the Delta, it might make this whole clusterfuck of a mission worth it. People like you, so young, with so much potential... You're far too valuable to kill. Especially you, Y/n. I'd bet a lot on you being worth hundreds of men. You're practically invincible and maybe... Maybe you could make more soldiers for us like you using your...DNA~

I look at her and realize what she's talking about. As do Clem and Violet. 

Clementine: If you so much as think about touching him I will fucking end you. 

Violet: What she said. 

I groan at the thought. God, Lilly must've gone crazy a long time ago if she's talking about using me like a fuck machine to pump out more super babies. Especially with women other than mine. She literally used to watch me when I was eight, now eight years later she's spouting this fucking crazy shit.

Y/n: It'll be a cold day in hell before I sleep with anyone other than them or work for you. Face it, you should have never attacked us, Lilly. Your "mission" was really fucking dumb and you failed.

Lilly: And yet you're still mouthing off despite being in a cell. That'll change. 

Y/n: Fuck you. You know, you used to be okay back in the day but now you're a fucking nutcase just like Minerva. And I promise I'll kill you if you even think about touching any of them. Any of them. 

Minnie enters the cell and looks at me, but I ignore her as Lilly keeps talking. 

Lilly: You know, my father, Larry, was a military man, and when I was a kid, he had all kinds of rules. The thing that bugged him most was waste. If I ever left a light on after leaving a room, he'd flip. No matter how many times he ranted about the cost of electricity, I could never remember to hit that switch.

Clementine: So?

Lilly: So one day he let our power get cut. He liked "illustrations". To show that actions have consequences. No more TV. No more hair dryer. No more ice cream sandwiches. Just a miserable family sitting in the dark.

I chuckle. 

Y/n: I see being an asshole runs in the family just as much as being badass runs in mine. God, only your dad would go to dumbass extremes like that. Turns out he was as much of a jerk in youth as he was as an old man. 

Lilly: It was extreme, but I never left the lights on again. My father had his faults, but he showed me the effectiveness of teaching by example. 

Clementine: Oh, is that what this is? A lesson?

Clem takes a step forward, and Minerva raises her crossbow. Lilly raises her hand, signaling her not to shoot. Lilly gestures at Clem with her gun, and Clementine moves to stand in front of her. As do I. Lilly looks at Minerva then back at us, beginning some long drawn out speech or story a dumbass like her would think is cool. 

Lilly: I want to tell you a story. Let's call it "The Parable of the Twins". 

Y/n: (Sighs) This better have a happy ending. 

Lilly: Two girls were taken from their home, and brought to a new place to live. They had to leave their friends and family behind, and that was hard at first. They shed a lot of tears, but the new place was a good place. The people there grew corn and raised pigs, and the twins ate well for the first time in years. They had hot showers, clean clothes, beds. 

She starts pacing back and forth. 

Lilly: They were given guns and trained to use them. The people there were kind to these girls. All that was asked in return was that they help defend the group. You see, this place had a lot of enemies, killers and thieves, who wanted what they had. They needed help fighting, or they'd lose everything they built. Their crops, their power, even their lives.

Clementine: Putting guns in their hands and forcing them to fight? How generous.

Lilly: They were just doing what they needed to survive. One of the girls saw that this was a place worth fighting for, and her tears dried. But the other twin, she could never forget her old home. She rejected every gift, every opportunity. Stirred up trouble every chance she got. She convinced her sister to help her steal a raft and leave on the river. Of course, they didn't get far. What happened then, Minerva?

Minerva: I killed her.

Upon hearing the news, the others immediately erupt in anger with some shock and betrayal in the mix. I knew Minnie was further gone that I'd thought. A brainwashed puppet like the rest but honestly, I shouldn't have expected anything else. Anything different. 

Aasim: What the fuck?!

Omar: Jesus Christ!

Violet looks at Minerva. 

Violet: Minnie, no. Tell me it's not true.

Lilly looks at Minerva. 

Lilly: Your own sister? Why would you do that?

Minerva: She was twisting my head with her lies.

Lilly: And? 

Minerva: I made a mistake. I needed to show my loyalty to the place I call home.

Lilly: Like it or not, you're one of my people now, Clem, Y/n. The question is, which twin are you going to be? The loyal one, or the dead one?

Violet: What have you done to her head, you fucking psychotic bitch?! You're evil! You are fucking evil!

I grab Violet's hand and she calms down. Clem looks at Lilly.

Clementine: We'll be the ones that break out at night and cut your fucking throat while you sleep. 

Lilly: Kind of what I expected you to say. But you'll see I'm not kidding around.

Lilly looks at one of the guards. 

Lilly: Pull the mouthy one out of the cell. 

One of the guards grab Violet's arm. 

Y/n: Don't you fucking touch her!

I walk towards them, but Minnie raises her crossbow at me. Violet looks back at me and shakes her head as she's pulled out. 

Lilly: They clearly didn't get the moral of the story. We'll have to help them understand.

The woman guard pulls out a cleaver and approaches Violet. AJ manages to crawl through the bars of his cell and jumps between them. 

AJ: Stop! Don't hurt Violet or I'll hurt you. 

Woman: Ey, yo. You better cool it or you're gonna get yourself hurt.

She grabs Violet's arm and throws her to the ground. 

Violet: What the fuck?! No! Get off of me!

Clem steps forward, but Lilly cocks the gun. 

Woman: Easy. Stay still.

The woman grabs Violet's wrist and raises her cleaver.

Violet: Shit! Fuck you! No!

Woman: Don't make this hurt more than it has to. Come on. Just breathe.

AJ sneaks up behind the lady as Lilly and Minerva are in here with us and it's just that woman outside. Lilly and Minerva are focused on us, but I look behind them at AJ. I nod at AJ and he jumps on the woman, biting a piece of her ear off. She yells and throws him backward into the wall. 

Clementine: AJ!

AJ spits out a piece of Dorian's ear. She grasps her wound and kicks him in the face.

Y/n: You bitch! 

Woman: You little bastard!

Clementine: Stop!

Lilly looks back at her guard.

Lilly: That's enough.

Woman: He bit me.

Lilly: I said that's enough!

The woman drags Violet back into the cell where we tend to her. But we look over at AJ who's staring down Lilly. 

AJ: You deserve to die. We'll kill you!

Lilly walks up to AJ.

Lilly: You think you can kill me?

AJ: I know I can! We'll throw you in the river! Or we'll put a knife right in the side of your head!

Lilly: Big talk for a little guy.

I look over at AJ, but he's still talking to her. 

AJ: I know I can do it. I killed Marlon. And I was justified.

AJ mimics firing a gun at Lilly.

Lilly: So you killed Marlon, huh? I bet you'd make a great soldier.

Clem and I stand, helping up Violet. We look at Lilly, but Minerva still has her weapon pointed at us. There's a chance the arrow is made of seastone and with these cuffs on it wouldn't matter if it was or wasn't. Either way, it'd still kill me. I was able to choke out Minerva because she's weak. Weaker than me even when I'm weakened by the cuffs. Lilly isn't the same. She'd be able to hurt me and probably take me down due to the cuffs really restraining my physical and flame abilities which really bites. 

Y/n: Lilly, leave AJ alone. This is between us!

Lilly: Clem seems to care a lot about you, huh? Come on, let's go have a chat. Just us.

Lilly grabs AJ and drags him out of the cell. Clem runs forward, but Minnie closes our cell door. There's nothing we can do at the moment, but Lilly knows better than to lay a harmful finger on him. Especially if she wants to try & convince us to be soldiers. The moment I get these cuffs off she'd be fucked. 

Clementine: Don't you fucking touch him!

Clem bangs on the door, but I place a hand on her shoulder as we both look out it. 

AJ: Y/n, Clem! 

Clementine: No, please!

Lilly: Keep an eye on them, Minerva.

Y/n: Lilly. If you hurt him, you'd better be prepared for the consequences. 

Lilly: Get this thing moving. I want to be far away from here. Fast.

Woman: I'll start up the boiler.

Lilly, AJ, and the woman leave. Violet and the others from the school look at her. 

Minerva: Don't. Don't you dare look at me like that! This is the only way we survive.

Violet: Who are you? Fuck survival! Look at what you're doing! Minnie, please, I just want to talk to you for a second! I'm sorry we never searched for you, for Sophie... I'm sorry we trusted that fucker, Marlon. If I ever thought there was a chance-

Minerva: I know! I know, okay? But Sophie's dead. I have a new family...

Violet: Minnie...

Minerva: Just stop! Stop fighting, okay? We're going home.

Violet looks at us and then back at Minerva. 

Violet: I'm done, Minerva. I'm done with you and this fucking place! 

While Violet yells at Minerva, Clem grabs a shiv that she had and starts to chip away at the door. 

Minerva: You all need to understand. This is the only way. Lay down, stay in line, or you die. The people you love die. If you just do what they say, you can live. All of you. You can have a nice life, be rewarded. Just like I am.

Violet hits the door. 

Violet: I never should've cried over you. And you know what? You can sink with the rest of them.

As soon as she says that, I see Clem finally chips through what she aiming at. And with that out of the way, I kick the door out hard and it rams into Minerva knocking her to the ground. With a quick movement, I rush out the door and kick her crossbow away from her before grabbing one of her hands then the next. I might be weakened, but I'm still like 6'2 & 200lbs so I'm bigger than Minerva who's barely 5'4 and maybe around 110lbs. 

Y/n: Fuck you! You, Lilly, the Delta... You can all fucking sink to the bottom of this damn river. 

I pull my fist back and punch her in the face, knocking her out with a single punch. I stand up after and pull out the key I had in my pocket to the mom and Maria's cuffs. They should work. Trying to fit them in, fuck, of course they don't work to these. I pat down Minerva, but she has none of the keys on her. 

Y/n: Fuck, I guess Lilly thought ahead to make two different keys for two different pairs of cuffs. Guess we're doing this old school. 

I pop my neck as Violet and Clem come out of the cage, getting the others out of theirs by using the shivs to pop the locks. Everyone gets out, but I still see Violet looking at Minerva. I place my hand on her shoulder and she grabs it, holding it. 

Violet: I'll catch up. I'm done with Minerva, but I've gotta say my final goodbyes for closure. 

Clementine: We get it. 

Y/n: Yeah. Just don't lag behind to long. 

Violet nods. 

Violet: I love you both, I really do. 

Clementine: We love you, too. 

Y/n: Yeah, honest to god. Say what you have to say, then get out as fast as possible. Don't know how long we have until this bitch explodes. 

She nods and we give her a hug before looking at the others. 

Y/n: You guys, get the hell out of here. We've gotta find our son. 

Aasim: Better see you on land.

Clementine: You will. 

We both run outside and climb the ladder up to the next deck. I've got my hat, my beads, and my courage. I can't lie, this is the most high stakes situation I've felt in years without my powers but it reminds me when I was younger and didn't have as good control on my powers. So, I guess it's going to be a trip down memory lane. Both for that and for the fact Lilly is going to get another & harsher rude awakening then the last. Last time I saved Carley from her. Now I'm saving our new family from her. The way the world works is so fucking nuts. 

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