The Walking Dead: Emperor of...

Par FriendlyNeighborhoo2

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Y/N Bio
Chapter 1: Beginning of The End
Chapter 2: A New Day
Chapter 3: On the Farm
Chapter 4: Moving On
Chapter 5: New People, New Problems
Chapter 6: Quiet Steps
Chapter 7: Not So Lucky
Chapter 8: Cleaning House
Chapter 9: Attention
Chapter 10: Starved For Help
Chapter 11: News & Action
Chapter 12: The Brothers
Chapter 13: Farmers & Bandits
Chapter 14: Approaching Madness
Chapter 15: When the Cows Come Home
Chapter 16: Hell on Earth
Chapter 17: Too Much Salt & A New Resolve
Chapter 18: Survival of The Fittest
Chapter 19: Long Road Ahead
Chapter 20: Traitors & Thieves
Chapter 21: Suspicions & Culprits
Chapter 22: Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
Chapter 23: One Foot In Front of The Other
Chapter 24: Fast Enough
Chapter 25: The Tracks
Chapter 26: On the Tracks
Chapter 27: Someone New
Chapter 28: On The Move
Chapter 29: Heavy Hearts & Empty Guns
Chapter 30: Confrontation & A Plan
Chapter 31: All Thought Out
Chapter 32: What Could Go Wrong?
Chapter 33: A Part of The Group?
Chapter 34: On the Road Again
Chapter 35: Around Every Corner
Chapter 36: A Temporary Home
Chapter 37: Cleared
Chapter 38: Love Is In the Air
Chapter 39: Not So Quiet Streets
Chapter 40: Sewers
Chapter 41: Still Kicking
Chapter 42: Restored Hope
Chapter 43: The Heist of Crawford
Chapter 44: Unexpected Events
Chapter 45: A Simple Plan
Chapter 46: Supply & Demand
Chapter 47: Truths & Silent Steps
Chapter 48: Small Talks & Big Steps
Chapter 49: When The Past Catches Up
Chapter 50: Lost
Chapter 51: Don't Stop
Chapter 52: No Time Left
Chapter 53: Stuck
Chapter 54: Not Enough Time
Chapter 55: The Will to Keep On
Chapter 56: Thanks For Everything
Season 2
Season 2/Chapter 1: All That Remains
Season 2/Chapter 2: Gone Again
Season 2/Chapter 3: Out of Water
Season 2/Chapter 4: Mistrust
Season 2/Chapter 5: Thieves In The Night
Season 2/Chapter 6: Sparks Fly
Season 2/Chapter 7: After Last Night
Season 2/Chapter 8: A House Divided
Season 2/Chapter 9: A Running Gun
Season 2/Chapter 10: Questions & Answers
Season 2/Chapter 11: Quick Steps, Slow Breaths
Season 2/Chapter 12: Arguments
Season 2/Chapter 13: The Moonstar Lodge
Season 2/Chapter 14: Old Friends
Season 2/Chapter 15: Little Missions
Season 2/Chapter 16: Dinner Table Arguments
Season 2/Chapter 17: The Past Catches Up
Season 2/Chapter 18: No Say In The Matter
Season 2/Chapter 19: Nothing Left to Do
Season 2/Chapter 20: In Harm's Way
Season 2/Chapter 21: Locked Up
Season 2/Chapter 22: Reunited
Season 2/Chapter 23: Catching Up
Season 2/Chapter 24: Unfortunate
Season 2/Chapter 25: The Trials Ahead
Season 2/Chapter 26: What Can You Do?
Season 2/Chapter 27: Look Out Below
Season 2/Chapter 28: Painful Reminder
Season 2/Chapter 29: Still Standing
Season 2/Chapter 30: The Longest Night Yet
Season 2/Chapter 31: Cold Blooded
Season 2/Chapter 32: Achilles Heel
Season 2/Chapter 33: Permanent Reminder
Season 2/Chapter 34: Batter Up
Season 2/Chapter 35: On Foot
Season 2/Chapter 36: Amid The Ruins
Season 2/Chapter 37: Against The Wall
Season 2/Chapter 38: We All Have Dead People
Season 2/Chapter 39: Similarities
Season 2/Chapter 40: Bird's Eye View
Season 2/Chapter 41: A Walking Inferno
Season 2/Chapter 42: Search Party
Season 2/Chapter 43: A Possible Threat
Season 2/Chapter 44: Supply & Demand
Season 2/Chapter 45: A New Face
Season 2/Chapter 46: We'll Meet Again
Season 2/Chapter 47: Permanent Goodbyes?
Season 2/Chapter 48: Death & Russians
Season 2/Chapter 49: No Going Back
Season 2/Chapter 50: Decisive Action
Season 2/Chapter 51: Passing the Time
Season 2/Chapter 52: Slow Recovery
Season 2/Chapter 53: Tread Lightly
Season 2/Chapter 54: The Last Good Night
Season 2/Chapter 55: Watch Where You Step
Season 2/Chapter 56: A Misplaced Step
Season 2/Chapter 57: Static
Season 2/Chapter 58: End of the Road
Season 3: Info Drop
Season 3/Chapter 1: Ties That Bind-Pt.1
Season 3/Chapter 2: Nightmares
Season 3/Chapter 3: Ties That Bind-Pt.2
Season 3/Chapter 4: Never Hold A Sneeze
Season 3/Chapter 5: Where People Meet
Season 3/Chapter 6: Reunited
Season 3/Chapter 7: Above The Law
Season 3/Chapter 8: Other Plans
Season 3/Chapter 9: No Other Choice
Season 3/Chapter 10: Righteous Vengeance
Season 3/Chapter 11: Back In Town
Season 3/Chapter 12: Thicker Than Water
Season 3/Chapter 13: You And I
Season 3/Chapter 14: What Keeps Us Going
Season 3/Chapter 15: Put To Sleep
Season 3/Chapter 16: Retrieval
Season 3/Chapter 17: What Lies Ahead
Season 3/Chapter 18: No More Lies
Season 3/Chapter 19: From The Gallows
Season 3/Chapter 20: Consequences
Season 3/Chapter 21: No Child Left Behind
Season 3/Chapter 22: Am I My Brother's Keeper?
Season 3/Chapter 23: One Small Step For Man
Season 3/Chapter 24: What Have You Done?
Season 3/Chapter 25: We'll Meet Again
Season 4: Info Drop
Season 4/Chapter 1: Done Running
Season 4/Chapter 2: Piano Practice
Season 4/Chapter 3: Awaken
Season 4/Chapter 4: Troubled Youths
Season 4/Chapter 5: Kings, Queens, and Apologies
Season 4/Chapter 6: Talks By The River
Season 4/Chapter 7: Sentimental
Season 4/Chapter 9: Never Hesitate
Season 4/Chapter 10: Suffer The Children
Season 4/Chapter 11: Leave or Stay
Season 4/Chapter 12: Leave
Season 4/Chapter 13: Familiar Faces
Season 4/Chapter 14: Strength and Tangents
Season 4/Chapter 15: Stressful Leadership
Season 4/Chapter 16: The Dearly Departed
Season 4/Chapter 17: One Step Closer
Season 4/Chapter 18: Something Potentially New
Season 4/Chapter 19: True Feelings
Season 4/Chapter 20: The Attack On Ericson's
Season 4/Chapter 21: The Clashing Of Powers
Season 4/Chapter 22: Broken Toys
Season 4/Chapter 23: Other Friends
Season 4/Chapter 24: An Old Barn & Older Memories
Season 4/Chapter 25: How It Goes
A/N: Please Read
Season 4/Chapter 26: The Pre-Party
Season 4/Chapter 27: The Party
Season 4/Chapter 28: After Party Fun +18
Season 4/Chapter 29: Dreams & Resolutions
Season 4/Chapter 30: Let's Light This Candle
Season 4/Chapter 31: Bonfires & Bon Voyage
Season 4/Chapter 32: Roasting On An Open Fire
Season 4/Chapter 33: Truth & Chains
Season 4/Chapter 34: Death or Chains?
Season 4/Chapter 35: Rise Of The Flame Emperor
Season 4/Chapter 36: Bad Luck & Sharp Bolts
Season 4/Chapter 37: Trust
Season 4/Chapter 38: Thoughts Of The Future
Season 4/Finale: Thank You, For Loving Me
Prologue: A Lit Match

Season 4/Chapter 8: Death, Feasts, and Relaxation

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Par FriendlyNeighborhoo2

3rd Pov. 

Violet: Well, we didn't kill this one. We wouldn't have left it hanging in our trap.

Brody: What the hell?

Y/n looks at the walker and pokes it with his baseball bat. It's dead and from the looks of it, it's been dead for a minute. Like Violet said, if it were them who had killed it then it wouldn't still be...well, there. They'd have taken it down to reset the damn trap. Whoever is, or was, here is being sloppy. 

Y/n: Seems that whoever's lurking around doesn't have any idea on how to hide their steps. 

Clementine: We found a bible page stuffed with old tobacco, too. 

Y/n nods and crosses his arms. 

Y/n: Whatever bastard was here used the page as cigarette paper. Was it one of the kids? Do any of them smoke?

Violet shakes her head as they stand by the trap. 

Violet: Nope. Nothing to smoke.

The group, while talking, hear footsteps approaching them and turn to possibly get ready for a fight. However, soon Louis and Aasim walk out of the tree brush; Louis still has the same dumb smile plastered on his face. 

Louis: Who is this unlucky fella?

Clementine: Where have you two been?

Aasim: Checking nearby traps. The ones that were sprung were all empty. All the rest are broken.

Y/n sighs in annoyance. Sure they caught some fish, but it would've been nice to have rabbit or deer. Something with a little bit more meat to it that they could possibly be saving for the next few days. He also knows that it means somebody had to have robbed the traps of whatever they had in them. 

Brody: Someone robbed us?

Y/n: Looks like it. Walkers aren't exactly smart enough to take apart traps without getting caught by them or making no noise. 

Louis: Oh, great. And now we're gonna starve.

Brody begins to pace back and forth, clearly afraid about something or somebody. She starts to hyperventilate as the others watch, like how Clementine was earlier when Rosie had appeared from behind the door. 

Brody: Fuck, that's...fuck. Fuck! It's just...fuck. It's okay, it's... breathe. Brody, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon...

Violet: You're gonna be fine.

Brody doesn't listen but keeps pacing. 

Brody: Fuck, fuck, c'mon, c'mon!

Violet looks at us. 

Violet: It's just a panic attack. 

Y/n: I can see that. 

Brody: Fuck, fuck!

Clem tries to reach out and help Brody, but she just yells back at her. 

Clementine: Hey, easy. We'll still find enough food to get us through the-

Brody: That's not what I'm worried about!

I look at Brody. 

Y/n: Brody, calm down.

Brody: I have to tell Marlon about this.

Louis: Um, we still need food. You know, to live? We definitely don't have enough here.

Brody: You guys figure it out.

Brody leaves, but Aasim is quick to follow as he's got to take back the fish. 

Aasim: I'll take this haul back to the school. Maybe we can ration out something.

Aasim leaves and it leaves but Louis, Violet, Clem, AJ, and Y/n. Louis, still trying to figure out what they'll be eating. 

Louis: So what do we do? Eat rocks?

AJ: You can't eat rocks.

Y/n: He was being sarcastic, AJ. 

Nervous, AJ looks at Y/n and Clementine.

AJ: Will Marlon kick us out if we don't find food?

Y/n doesn't know what to say or how to answer, but Clementine does. She looks at him and says they shouldn't find out. 

Clementine: Well, let's not find out.

Louis: Where else could we look?

Y/n thinks for a moment and comes to the conclusion that the train station is the best bet now. At least that's what Y/n suggests as it was the last place he saw that had enough food in it for a lot of people. Sure, majority of it was gone by now thanks to the explosion, but there has to be some left.

Y/n: We could try the train station. I don't believe it is too far from our local now.

They all look at Y/n, and Violet is skeptical along with Louis. Clem agrees with Y/n and pulls out a map, the same one given to them by Marlon himself. She points out the train station on the map. It's been circled outside the zone that Marlon allows them to go in and out of. Meaning that they would have to go against his words. 

Clementine: Y/n's right. The train station. It's not too far from here.

Violet rubs her shoulder.

Violet: I don't know, that's pretty far outside our perimeter.

Y/n looks at her. 

Y/n: I know you're scared by the thought of something bad happening, but even Aasim said the woods by the school are drying up. At the end of the day, this is our only clean shot of possibly snagging something good. 

Clementine: This is our best bet by a long shot. There was food when AJ, Y/n and I passed through. It's worth a look.

Violet pauses for a moment, but sighs. 

Violet: You sure there was food?

Y/n: Positive. Yeah, a good portion was destroyed by the explosion, but there has to be something. There was so much there. Either that, my new blonde bestie, or we starve. Personally...I'd like not to die in such a lame way. 

Louis raises his hand. 

Louis: I agree with the boy in orange. I'd prefer to keep my stomach full. 

Violet: Fine. Let's go.

After winning over the two by explaining themselves and the situation, they all leave for the train station as the afternoon light turns to night. Clem, Violet, Louis, Y/n, and AJ sneak up to the train station, which is swarmed with walkers. The explosion by that bitch grenade earlier sure did do a good job at stirring up the dead. 

Clementine: There. That's where the food is. Lot more walkers than last time, though.

Y/n: Yeah, but this time it's dark. Meaning we'll be better at sneaking so long as we're more quiet than a church mouse. 

Louis sighs and looks down. 

Louis: I regret siding with you now. We're gonna die.

Violet smacks him in the back of the head. 

Violet: It's either die here or die from hunger. Take your pick. Clem, Y/n, maybe you should scope things out. You know the place better.

Clementine: Let me get a closer look. Can't be too careful. Babe, give me a boost.

Y/n helps Clementine get up on the train. From the top, she scouts the area and finds the walkers she'd killed earlier in the same place. Only now they've been trampled on by the others leaving a good portion of their bodies smushed by the sheer weight of all of them. Clementine whispers to the others. 

Clementine: We barely got out of here. 

Y/n: It was close, I'll say that. 

Violet: Sounds scary.

Clementine: There's a reason.

Clem looks at the walkers.

Clementine: We need to get in there somehow. Maybe there's another way in...

Clem looks at a train car, slowly putting a plan together, but is still missing a single piece or two. 

Clementine: Could climb up there, but I don't know how that would get us inside.

Clem looks at the bell and then at Y/n, forming a plan. 

Clementine: Hey, Y/n, think you could help us out with some fireballs? I've got a plan brewing. And it involves that bell we used to attract that walker before.

Y/n: Sure. 

Clementine jumps down by herself, but is caught by Y/n. They duck down behind the trash cans their hiding behind. 

Louis: You look like you've got an idea.

Clementine: The noise from that bell could draw a lot of walkers and the light made by using some firefly lights could help by keeping them there. 

Violet: Why not just use a full power blast? Scorch them all. 

Y/n shakes his head. 

Y/n: It's true I could kill them all by simply roasting them with a big blast, but I've got to be very careful. If I'm not, I could end up blasting the train station into a big pile of ash. Including that food we're after. Or I might set the tree on fire that's to the side of the station by accident and it falls onto the station, crushing what's left. 

Violet: I thought you could control your fire? 

Y/n: I've gotten better at control over the years, but bigger blasts can be harder to fully control. Either way, it doesn't matter. Clementine's got a good plan that doesn't have me accidentally destroying our food. 

Violet pauses, but then speaks and points at Louis. 

Violet: Louis. I vote Louis.

Louis: Uh, hold on. I'd like to make an alternate suggestion.

Violet: Come on, Lou. You're loud, dramatic, a little annoying... You're basically a walking distraction.

Louis places his hand on his chest. 

Louis: I think you mean charming and theatrical. Entertaining is another word that comes to mind. Charismatic.

Violet rolls her eyes. 

Violet: See what I mean? 

Y/n: Louis, just grab the damn bell and climb up the train. It's a straight shot and you won't even have to touch the ground for a hot minute. In the meantime, I'll be creating something for them to watch. 

Louis sighs once more. 

Louis: Fine. 

Violet: I'll go with you. Give you some cover.

Louis: Fine, I'll do it. But if I die, I'm making sure walker Louis eats all of you first. 

Y/n: I'll make sure they've got something pretty to look at. Give us and Louis time to move. 

Louis: Okay. Then I'll try to redirect the smelly patrol to give you guys a chance to spring inside the building.

Clementine: When we get into position, I'll signal you. Then you can do your thing.

Louis: Good luck.

As Louis takes the bell and climbs onto the train car, Y/n holds out his hand as the others still there watch. He creates many small, glowing yellow fireballs that float around the air by his direction. With the fireballs, he uses them to get the attention of the walkers and distract them while Louis hits the bell and the chair leg against the train car to pull them towards his location. Louis starts taunting the dead. 

Louis: Hey, ugly! No, not you. Not you, either. Him! Fine. Make this confusing, why don't you?

In the meantime, Y/n uses some of the stray fireballs to kill some of the walkers standing in their way. With Louis's noise distracting them, most have stopped following the balls as soon as they appear in front of their faces, instead focusing on the noise which was louder than the balls were bright on purpose. Soon, the group hides behind some barrels and Violet looks at both Clem and Y/n. 

Violet: So far, not dead.

Clementine: So far. I'll let Louis know we're ready.

Clem stands up and signals to Louis, and he climbs down the train car. Clementine goes back to the hiding place & the group is staying down. With the noise gone until Louis gets in his position, Y/n is using the firefly lights to guide the walkers back toward a spot by the train cars, putting the dead in a corner. He made them brighter for a moment so the walkers would better see them, so right now they're a lot brighter than they'd been previously. 

Violet: What's taking Louis so long? 

Y/n: Give him a second, he'll be there. 

And like Y/n said, a moment passes by again and Louis climbs back up, ringing the bell. Y/n makes the lights disappear so now the dead will be strictly focused on the noise & he won't constantly have to be controlling them. 

Violet: I'll watch the door for walkers.

Y/n: I'll stay out here just in case some shit goes down. 

Clementine: Okay. AJ and I will sneak in, grab the food, and get out.

Y/n: Be safe. 

He gives Clem a kiss on the lips and then she and AJ sneak up to the station. A walker on the ground grabs Clem's leg, but it is quickly killed by AJ. They enter the station & go to the back room. Clem finds some duffel bags.

Clementine: Yes, these will be perfect.

AJ finds a lamp.

AJ: Clem, look!

Clementine: Try it out. See if it works.

AJ sets the lamp down and turns it on. In the meantime, a rather skinny man around the height of 5'9 with different colored eyes and a terrible haircut is skulking around. He'd heard the bell be rung and followed the noise back where he saw the kids doing their thing. Sneaking around, he goes all around the train station while ducking to not be spotted and manages to make his way to the opposite side of the house where he finds a window. Opening it, slowly, he crawls in with his gun ready and makes his way toward the back where Clementine and AJ are getting ready to fill their bags. Due to the noise of the walkers groaning and Y/n wanting to lookout for any of the dead trying to sneak in... he didn't hear the man. 

Clementine: Gonna need your help on this one, kiddo. You still got your gun?

AJ: (Nods) Just in case.

Clementine: Just in case. 

AJ jumps into the hatch. He returns with a jar of food.

Clementine: Good job, AJ! Is there more?

AJ nods. Clem puts the food in the duffel bag.

Clementine: Keep it coming.

AJ brings more jars of food, and Clem puts them away. Several jars of food later, Clementine suddenly hears the floorboard creak and turns around to find the man from earlier pointing a gun at her. The man is none other than Abel. An ugly bastard with fucked up teeth and an even worse hairline. 

Abel: Stand. Slowly.

Clem stands up and raises her hands, but narrows her eyes. She knows this man had to have snuck in by some other means, otherwise Y/n would've killed him without a second thought. 

Abel: Don't yell. Don't try anything. I won't hurt you. If I don't have to.

Clementine: What do you want?

Abel: I just want food. Same reason you're here.

He smokes a cigarette rolled with a Bible page, then puts it out.

Abel: You and your friends made a lot of noise out there. Not to mention that light I saw. Wasn't hard to follow. You live close by? You knew about this place already. And organized some effort to get inside. So you probably also knew the stash was there.

Knowing the man wasn't stupid, she goes ahead and answers him with a question of her own. Knowing that he probably already knew about them more likely than not. So there'd be no real point to lying. 

Clementine: I've seen those cigarettes before. You messed up our traps, didn't you?

Abel: Guilty as charged. But it was an honest mistake. I can be a real butterfingers sometimes.

He picks up a bag. 

Abel: You look a little young to be out on your own. You got a group? I count you, plus the three outside. I'm thinking, maybe more? You got a camp in these here woods? 

Clementine: Tell me about your group first.

As Abel chuckles, outside, Y/n and Violet are talking amongst themselves as Louis continues on his rant at the walkers. For some reason Y/n can't explain, he's got a bad feeling at the moment. Violet looks over at him and reluctantly, out of slight embarrassment, puts her hand on his arm as to check up on him. He turns to look at her and she immediately removed it, not wanting to seem weird while also not wanting him to tell Clem and her maybe murdering her. Clem is a bit territorial after all. Even though Y/n would never go behind her back and she would never do it either, she still doesn't like people touching what/who's hers. 

Violet: Are you okay? 

Y/n shakes his head. 

Y/n: I... I got a feeling that Clem is taking a little too long in there. I think I should go check up on her. 

Violet: (Nods) Give another minute, if she's not out in the next minute or two go check up on her.

He nods and back inside the room where Clementine is being held at gunpoint, AJ is still grabbing stuff underneath the floorboard. 

Clementine: Who the hell are you? 

Abel: (Chuckles) My name's Abel. I miss the days when we weren't all so goddamn cagey. It's just me and my ugly face out here. Lonely, ugly, and hungry.

He sits down the duffle bag and unzips it. 

Abel: Now...I'm going to fill this pack real slow.

Clementine: We worked hard to get this stuff.

Abel reaches for one of the jars, and AJ appears out of the hatch which slightly takes Abel by surprise. At the same time, the sudden appearance of Abel surprises AJ as he sees the gun he has. 

Abel: Well, hey there, squirt. Playing hide and seek, are we?

AJ points his gun at Abel.

Abel: Now, that's impolite.

AJ narrows his vision much like Clementine. One of the things he picked up from her. 

AJ: Don't steal from us.

Abel: I'm not stealing. This isn't yours.

AJ: I can kill you, you know.

Abel: Come on, kid. I'm faster than you. Listen up, squirt, you're gonna quit pointing that gun at me, and let me go my merry, you understand?

As Abel speaks to AJ, Clementine suddenly notices the door to the station open and sees Y/n. He enters the station and that's where he finds Abel, some man he doesn't yet know, holding up AJ and Clem. Seeing Clem have her hands up, that means more than likely the man has a gun. All of this is just fuel on his funeral pyre. He can't just shoot the man or the guy could drop the gun and it could go off, so he'll have to sneak. 

Abel: I'm just going to take a little bit, and then I'm leaving. Like it never happened. You wouldn't let a hungry man starve, now, would you? Kid...I don't want to do this.

Y/n is slowly getting closer and as he's almost upon the man, the floorboard creaks and Abel turns around to find Y/n standing over him. Almost immediately, Clementine grabs AJ while yelling. 

Clementine: AJ, get down!

Before Abel can fire, Y/n slams his baseball bat into his hand with such force it instantly breaks, causing him to scream and drop the gun; with a final attack, Y/n spartan kicks the guy through the window where he's immediately getting swarmed by walkers. Screaming and cursing at the teen as he goes. 

Abel: Fuck! Fuck! You piece of shit! No! Damn it!

As he's pulled out by the walkers, Y/n immediately goes over to his family and checks on them. He hugs Clementine and AJ. 

Y/n: Fuck, are you guys okay? 

Clementine: Yeah. He just snuck up on us is all. 

AJ looks up at Y/n, whose essentially like an older brother or father figure, and as he does, all he feels is safety. 

AJ: How'd you know we were in trouble? 

Y/n: (Chuckles) Call it a gut feeling. 

Violet soon comes running in, wondering what all the ruckus was. 

Violet: What the fuck was that?!

She looks out at the window and finds Abel being attacked by the dead. 

Y/n: Doesn't matter. Just grab a bag and fill it up!

AJ brings out the last jars of food, and they all put them in the duffel bag. As the group is about to run out, Y/n picks up another bible cigarette and quickly unfolds it, reading what it says next. Romans 12:19 "Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord." 

Y/n: (Sighs) Sorry, Jesus. Looks like I got to him first. 

He burns the bible paper to put it to rest. Soon, the group all run out of the station. Clem looks over at Louis. 

Clementine: Run! Now!

Louis starts to run as well. Multiple walkers are coming their direction, but Y/n ignites his baseball bat and slams it into a walker's head before Violet chops into one walker's head. Clementine has a walker come at her and AJ, but she quickly takes it down with a sweep. Stomping on it's head after to finish it off. The group runs into the woods and Louis directs his attention at them.

Louis: What happened in there?

Violet: Just move!

Y/n: We can talk about it on the way. 

The group returns to the school after some time passes and as they approach the gate, Brody and Marlon are talking. Rather, Brody is talking at Marlon while he just listens to her about the robbery of their traps. Although, he's just trying to brush it off like it was nothing or a one time thing. 

Brody: You are not listening to me. Marlon, listen to me, I'm telling you, the place was ransacked!

Marlon: It's fine. We'll deal with it.

Mitch opens the gate. Vi, Clem, Louis, Y/n and AJ enter the courtyard. They're holding the duffle bags. Ruby comes over to them as they head for the nearest table to lay the spoils they received down upon it. 

Ruby: Took y'all a while.

Louis: "How poor are they that have not patience!"

The group sets down the duffel bags and unzips them to reveal the jars of food much to the shock and awe of the other kids. 

Willy: Aasim! Mitch! Check it out! Food!

Mitch: That's, like, a lot of food.

They all stare at it the large bags. 

Louis: Observant as ever, Mitch.

Aasim: I can't believe this. Look at it.

Willy looks at Y/n and Clementine. 

Willy: Y/n, Clem, you're our saviors.

Mitch: Like, seriously. It's a lot.

They both just shrug. 

Y/n: You helped us out first. 

Clementine: Besides, Louis and Violet helped, too.

Aasim: Neither of them ever brought back this much before.

Louis looks at his pal, a little annoyed by his comments. 

Louis: Neither have you... 

However, out of everybody there, Brody was the one with the stick up her ass. She looks at the food, then at the two who lead the hunt. 

Brody: Where did you find all this?

Louis: The old train station. Clem knew where it was.

Her face almost goes pale upon hearing this. 

Brody: Train station...that's outside the safe zone.

Violet looks at her. 

Violet: We'd have even more... but we ran into the creep that fucked up our rabbit traps.

Brody: Creep? What creep?

Louis: Clem saw him smoking those nasty-ass Bible cigarettes. She told us about it on the way here. 

Y/n: Apparently his name is Abel, like Abel and Cain from the bible. 

Clementine describes his eyes to the group. 

Clementine: He had weird different-colored eyes.

Brody: Did he follow you?

Y/n shakes his head. 

Y/n: I broke his hand then kicked him into a pack of walkers. Dude's totally dead now or at least bitten. 

AJ looks up at Y/n with a great amount of admiration. 

AJ: It was awesome.

Y/n pats his head and Clementine looks at Brody. 

Clementine: Look, I don't know if he got out of there, but if he did, he won't make it for long.

Brody looks at Y/n with disbelief. 

Brody:  You attacked him?! What the fuck?! If he survived, you know he's coming back for revenge. What the hell were you thinking? This is fucked. How could you be so stupid?!

Clementine stands in front of her boyfriend and like before, she narrows her eyes at Brody. 

Clementine: Wanna try stepping back, Brody? I'd recommend it. He might not lay hands on a woman, but I sure as hell will. 

Brody: I'd recommend you two getting your heads out of your asses before we'll all dead!

Clementine keeps her glare on Brody and she starts pacing around. 

Brody: I just can't...I won't...just not again...fuck!

Marlon overhears and comes over by the table. 

Marlon: What the hell's going on here?

Brody: They took them outside the safe zone... They saw someone! You know what that means!

Marlon, getting annoyed, raises his voice at her. 

Marlon: Enough! It just means there's a hungry guy out there looking for food. It's happened before. You are overreacting.

Brody: You can't be serious!

Marlon grabs her arm, trying to get her to come with him. 

Marlon: Come on, let's go somewhere and talk about this.

Brody shoves him to the ground and walks over to Y/n and Clementine. 

Brody: If anything happens...I'm holding you responsible!

She points at them then walks away, and Marlon gets up.

Marlon: Clem, I know I asked you and Y/n for help... And you both did. You did. But...shit. God. Nothing's easy.

Clementine: It was risky, but it was worth it. 

Y/n: Like you said... We can't lose another kid. 

Marlon sighs. 

Marlon: Yeah. Yeah, I did say that. least we're eating tonight. And for the next few, I'd wager. Um, I'll go talk to Brody. Thanks for the haul, guys. You guys should go enjoy it. You've earned it.

Marlon walks away and they join the others at the table. Louis looks at them. 

Louis: Don't sweat it, you two.

Violet: Ever since we lost Sophie and Minnie, Brody's been freaked out by anything that happens past the safe zone. She'll be alright eventually.

Aasim nods in agreement, but still thinks it better to be safe than sorry. 

Aasim: Still, we should make sure this is a one-time thing. We can take Rosie out in the morning, see if she catches a scent. You know, just in case.

Aasim leaves. Soon, Violet and Louis do as well. 

Violet: I'm gonna go clean up.

Louis: I think I'll go, too. See you later.

Violet and Louis leave, and Y/n waves at them, but it's noticeable that they're kind of down in the dumps. 

Tenn: Don't worry about them. They're just sad.

Y/n: Why? 

Tenn: My sisters died around this time last year. I think it's starting to get to people.

Clementine: Doesn't it get to you?

Tenn: Not really. Dying's not scary. I mean, it's sad, but...not scary.

Y/n looks at Tenn and even though he's older than AJ, with Tennessee being twelve, he's more innocent than AJ is in a way. He hasn't really experience death first hand, even though he has probably got some experience with walkers, he's not seen anyone die for real. Even if it isn't the best thing to be in this world the way it is, Y/n and Clem both wish AJ could've been as innocent as him. 

Y/n: I...don't know. I just think being a walker is a lot worse than being dead.

Tenn: How do you know? Maybe being a walker is really nice.

Clementine: I doubt it. 

Tenn chuckles. 

Tenn: Me too, but it's not like you can go ask one. I try not to focus on them being gone. I like picturing where they'd be now, instead.

He shows them the picture he'd been drawing. 

Tenn: Sophie was awesome at making stuff. She'd build a place big enough for all of us to live, and paint it, too, and Minnie'd be playing whatever new song she wrote. I guess death doesn't scare me because I know I have something waiting on the other side. 

He looks up at them from his drawing which he'd continued to do after showing them. 

Tenn: Some place safe, and happy. All of us together. Do you guys believe in it? A safe place after we die? 

AJ looks at Y/n and Clem as he'd never actually thought about it, but Y/n just nods.  

Y/n: I do. 

Tenn: Really? 

He nods. 

Y/n: Honestly, if a person made up of literal fire can exist in the world as well as walking corpses then I think it's not farfetched. At least for all the good people, anyway. Heaven, I guess. I mean, as a Christian, it's my bread and butter. I just hope I'm good enough to be let in to the safe place. 

Tenn and AJ look at Clementine next; She agrees with him. In all honesty. 

Clementine: Me, too. When I was younger, I didn't really give it much thought. But over the years, I've grown to believe it's true. Like Y/n said, corpses walking and a guy made of fire sounds like a crazy idea but here he is and walkers exist. If anything, you'd have to convince me otherwise. But either way, we won't know until we die. 

Tenn: That's nice. I think there's one, too. 

They both look at his picture. 

Y/n: That place you've drawn looks like a nice place to end up. Like a personal heaven of sorts. 

Tenn: Yeah, I think so, too. A lot better than some smelly old school.

The group laughs a bit and Y/n thinks for a moment. 

Y/n: Y'know, Tenn, this reminds me of a poem I once read by myself after finding it in a book. It was by some lady, I think. It's called "Do not stand by my grave and weep" by somebody in the 1930's. Some old lady.  

Tenn: How's it go? 

Y/n: Let's see if I can remember it. "Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there. I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain. I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the morning's hush, I am the swift uplifting rush of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry; I am not there. I did not die." 

Tenn grins. 

Tenn: That was...nice. I liked it. 

Clem looks at Y/n. Despite looking like it, Y/n's not an airhead and is really good at remembering certain things. Whether it be music or poetry, he's got a knack for instantly remembering almost anything he reads. She likes this side of him a lot & it wasn't just his handsome face that got her to fall for him, but his softer more gentle side like this. 

Y/n: It stuck with me for a long time. I really like the message of it. Like we're never truly gone. 

Tenn nods and Clementine looks at his drawing. 

Clementine: Who are those guys?

Tenn: The walkers who killed them.

Clementine: You want them there too?

Tenn: There weren't always walkers. Wherever this place is, everyone gets to be a person again. Sometimes I draw the walkers the way they probably looked...sometimes I draw Minnie and Sophie the way they probably left them... But sometimes I draw this, too.

AJ: Can I be there?

Tenn: Sure. 

He draws in AJ. 

Tenn: You guys wanna be there, too? I promise I'll draw you both well. You just gotta hold still.

They both nod. 

Clementine: Sure. Why not?

He draws both of them in. 

Tenn: Oh, almost forgot.

He draws a smile on their faces. 

Tenn: Here you go.

He gives it to them. 

Clementine: It's yours.

Tenn: It's ours.

Looking at the picture, it's clear to see he has talent. But looking at the time, it was probably getting late. 

Y/n: It's getting late.

Tenn: Yeah, you guys should get some sleep.

Clementine: Aren't you coming? 

Tenn shakes his head as he draws some more. 

Tenn: Not yet. I want to finish this first.

AJ: Goodnight. 

Tenn: See you tomorrow.

The three walk away and go back to the administration building where they go back to their dorm. AJ slowly opens their door and he enters it first. Before the other two do, they stop as they're quick to notice Violet opening her door. They look at her and she gets their attention. 

Violet: Oh, hey guys. I was just coming to see you. 

Y/n: Oh. Cool. 

Clementine: What for? 

Violet looks at Clem and Y/n, getting a slight shade of pink on her cheeks, but it isn't noticeable due to the barely lit hallway which Y/n had been lighting up just enough for the small trio to see with his firefly light. 

Violet: Oh, well, you and I look like we're about the same size. And I notice you have been wearing the same thing since you got here so... I thought I'd bring you both a new pair of clothes... Y'know? To sleep in. I'm still looking for something AJ's size, so sorry about not having...any for him. 

They look slightly surprised, but are happy to accept. 

Y/n: Thanks, Violet. 

Clementine: Yeah. 

Violet There's also a bath across the hall from your room. It's cold water but I assume since you're a fire guy you could just heat up the water... So, uh, yeah. I'm going back to bed now.

Y/n: Thanks. 

They take the clothes and Violet walks off to her room. Soon, the two enter the room with AJ. Clementine looks at AJ and tells him that it's time for sleep after putting the cat skull she had found in the shack earlier, on the shelf. 

Clementine: Time for bed, little guy.

AJ: Can I stay up?

Clementine: Nope. 

AJ looks towards Y/n, but he chuckles and takes his hat and necklace off, placing both on the dresser along with the clothes given to them by Violet. They'll have to find some for AJ to use tomorrow. 

Y/n: Don't look at me, Kiddo. If she says sleep, you gotta sleep. 

AJ: Two more minutes?

Clementine looks at him. 

Clementine: Tell you what. You lay down, and then we'll see.

Clem takes off her hat, putting it on top of his own. AJ gets in bed.

Clementine: You got in bed! By yourself!

Y/n: Good job. 

AJ looks at them. 

AJ: I like it here. I got to kill fish! Violet looked like she was having a good time.

Clem sits next to AJ while Y/n kneels down in front of his bed. 

AJ: It's nice. Not driving everywhere, or running away. But the ranch was nice, too. Before the blood.

Clementine: This isn't the ranch. 

Y/n: She's right, AJ. You've got nothing to fear. 

AJ looks at his guardians and asks them earnestly if they like the place. 

AJ: Do you both like it? I like it, now that I'm used to it. There's games, and the walls make it feel safe.

While reluctant at first, the place had really grown on them. I mean, Y/n agreed about how shitty the car was to sleep in. Especially when you're 6'2. The leg room was utterly atrocious. It's nice to have a bed for him and Clem to cuddle on. 

Clementine: I do. I really do. It's good to feel safe somewhere.

Y/n: Yeah. As cool as the car was... It was a terrible bed. Half of the time your foot kicked me in the cheek. 

AJ: Like you said, the car wasn't a good bed. 

Y/n: Yep. 

Soon, the two stand back up and look at AJ. 

Clementine: There, you got to stay up two minutes more. Time for sleep.

AJ: But I can't sleep yet... Hey, Y/n? 

Y/n looks down at AJ. 

Y/n: Yeah? 

AJ: Can you sing me that song you usually do when I can't sleep? 

Y/n chuckles and nods, leaning down and patting his boy's head. 

Y/n: Sure thing, kiddo. 

He goes over to grab his guitar while Clem hangs up Tenn's drawing on the wall by AJ's. As Y/n grabs his guitar, he sits on the bed across from AJ while Clem sits beside him on the bed. She takes off her jacket and boots, while Y/n kicks off his boots as well. With a little tune up of his guitar, he starts to play AJ's favorite song. The same one he sung to him as a baby and still the same one he sings every single time AJ's unable to get to sleep, "Future Days". It brings back a lot of memories. 

Y/n: ♪If I ever were to lose you, I'd surely lose myself. Everything I have found here, I've not found by myself♪ Try and sometimes you'll succeed, to make this man of me. All my stolen missing parts, I've no need for anymore♪ I believe. And I believe 'cause I can see... Our future days, Days of you and me♪

Y/n: ♪Back when I was feeling broken, I focused on a prayer. You came deep as any ocean, Did something out there hear?♪ All the complexities and games, no one wins, but somehow, they're still played. All the missing crooked hearts They may die, but in us they live on♪ I believe, and I believe 'cause I can see, our future days... Days of you and me♪

He strums his guitar. AJ slowly begins falling asleep and as his eyes are about to shut, Y/n stops strumming his guitar. He doesn't finish the song, but it was enough to help AJ feel sleepy. With him almost asleep, Clementine goes over to him. 

Clementine: Goodnight. Sleep tight. Don't let a walker bite. And if they try?

AJ: (Yawn) I never let 'em bite.

Clementine: Come on, play it right. One time?

AJ makes finger guns. 

AJ: Bang!

Clementine: Good work. And thanks.

As he lies there, finally falling asleep for real, Y/n goes over and he pulls the cover over him so he won't be cold at night then goes back and sits down while Clementine lays her head against him. Little did they know, Violet in the room next door had heard the song too, and it was soothing. As if Y/n couldn't get any dreamier to her, there he goes being a good dad which was something Violet didn't know was appealing. But Clem has to agree, it's one of his best qualities.

Clementine: Y'know... He really does look up to you. 

Y/n: (Chuckles) I know. He does to you, too, good lookin'.

She moves onto Y/n's lap and leans in, kissing him. He kisses her back.

Clementine: (Smirks) Yeah, but I'm starting to think your music is going to make you his favorite parent. I think I might have to step up my parenting game and learn how to play the guitar, too.

Y/n: Well I'm always happy to teach you. Y'know... I seem to remember us talking about finishing something earlier that we couldn't... 

Clementine: (Whisper) Would that something have to do with you groping my ass? 

Y/n: (Smirks) Maybe. 

They share another kiss and with AJ asleep, they don't have to worry about him catching them doing anything. Especially since they will also be spending their special time in the bathroom.

Clementine: Do you still have the Yucca soap in your bag? 

Y/n: Yep. Tomorrow we'll have to tell AJ to take a bath after we find him some new clothes to wear. 

He leans in closer to Clem. 

Y/n: But in the meantime, we have a little time to ourselves. 

Clementine: I like that Idea~

She grabs their sleep clothes while Y/n takes the Yucca soap out of his bag. Like a smart person, he had learned during his stay at the New Frontier how to make soap out of a plant. The Yucca plant to be exact, thanks to Ava. And since the plant is available throughout the United States, it was easy to come by. While AJ sleeps, they slip out of the room and make hardly any noise while they walked as it was something they had learned how to do over many years of sneaking by the dead or people. Using his firefly lights, of course, he gives them lights so they wouldn't be in the dark accidentally running into the door or wall. 

They make it across the hall to the bathroom and like Violet said, there was a bathtub along with a few candles. Using his fireballs, he lights up each candle. But back to the tube, It was one of those huge sturdy ones that was big enough to be like a jacuzzi, and despite the years, looked super clean. Ruby, specifically, was the one who always cleaned up the bathrooms with the help of Tenn and Willy, or sometimes Aasim. She is always super particular on how it has to be done...

Clementine: Looks clean. Good enough for me. 

By the tub there is a large trough that a horse would be able to drink out of, filled up with water from the river that had been boiled just in case. And by the trough are two buckets that are used to pour said water into the tub as well as it fill the trough back up with water from the river after it is emptied. 

Y/n: Honestly? Better than I expected. 

Clementine: Me, too.  

He locks the door and goes over to the trough, taking the two very large buckets and filling up the tub using them. Y/n then fills up the bucket again, but lays it to the side since it will be the bucket they soak their clothes in. He places his hand on tub and using his flames, he heats it up. The water starts to steam, not enough to where it'll boil them, but enough to where it won't be freezing their tits off. Finally, he turns to his girlfriend and walks over to her. With nothing left to do... It's time for their fun. 

Clementine: (Giggles) I hope these walls are soundproof~

They are definitely soundproof. 

Y/n: Me, too. 

(18+ Lemon starting here/Don't Read unless your old enough)

The two start to make out with one another as Y/n holds Clementine by her waist. After a minute, they let go and start to undress. Y/n takes off her shirt and reveals her black sports bra that have both of her nipples sticking out of the fabric. He grabs sports bra by the bottom and slowly pulls it up, having both of her boobs fall out, slightly bouncing as they do, now leaving her in just her pants. 

Y/n: Damn, it feels like forever since I've seen them? 

Clementine: Forever? More like last night. I swear, your hands were groping my tits all last night. 

Y/n: But, my love, that's feeling. I like to see what's mine, too. 

He lifts her by her ass and she wraps her legs around his torso; While she's lifted up, he leans forward and starts to suck on her right nipple, while tugging on the left one as Clem quietly moans and wraps both of her arms around his neck. 

Clementine: Mmmh...

Y/n switches up and does the vice versa, grabbing and tugging on her right as he sucks on her left. She grinds against him, rubbing against his body as hers starts getting hotter and hotter. 

Clementine: C'mon, I need more~ Don't make me beg. 

With a final small bite on her left one, she starts feeling her crotch get wet and Y/n looks down to find how much she rubbing against him. Finally, she's wet enough where she can actually take it without it hurting her. Something they learned the very first time they had sex. Standing her up, Y/n kneels down and unbuttons Clem's pants, showing her black panties that are soaked in the crotch. Deciding not to say anything in and just take in the sight, he pulls her pants down the rest of the way and she kicks them off. Clementine is rubbing her legs together in anticipation. She quietly raises her voice.

Clementine: C'mon, c'mon, c'mon~ I know you're taking your time on purpose!

Y/n: (Smirks) Making you wait is the best part. I like building you up. It's always worth it in the end, right? 

Clementine: (Blushes) Yes... 

Unlike most people, Y/n's just a natural at sex. Every single time they've ever had sex or done anything remotely sexual, Clementine always ends up more than satisfied. It's always a thing both of them prided themselves on. And going on with it, he finally grabs her panties by their sides, pulling them down slowly until he sees sees her pussy. Like he knew, it was completely soaked. In his pants, he could feel himself getting stiffer every second he looked at his girlfriend.

He leans forward after he pulls off her panties and she kicks them to the side, wrapping his arms around her legs so she wouldn't fall. Y/n leans forward, kissing her from her stomach and slowly moving down until he's right above her crotch. However, to tease her a bit more, Y/n starts to kiss her thighs while squeezing her ass and finally he makes it to her pussy. She looks down at him and forces his head forward, having him eat her out as her eyes close and she starts to pant like a dog in heat. 


Flattening his tongue, Y/n sticks it out of his mouth and starts eating her out while taking his time. Keeping a steady pace as he does, making sure to take care of every part of her. In what feels like mere moments, soon, Clementine is about to burst and with Y/n finally shoving his finger in her and pressing up, she finally squirts all over his face; she breathes a sigh of relief. Standing up again, he grabs Clem and they make out for another good minute as she tastes herself. 

Clementine: (Panting) That was...

She catches her breath more now. 

Clementine: ...fucking awesome. 

Y/n: (Smiles) I pride myself in how I take care of you. Both sexually and survival wise. 

Clementine reaches down and grabs the front of his pants, feeling how big he'd gotten while servicing her. 

Clementine: Looks like I should do the same. 

She gets down and starts to unbuckle his belt; at the same time Violet gets out of bed to go get some water, only to hear noises coming from the bathroom. Confused, she knows Y/n and Clem had gone to use it but she didn't hear any splashing from the water. While she didn't want to be nosy, Violet wanted to make sure everything was alright. But instead of knocking, however, she looks through the lock hole because in case they were fine she didn't want to make any noise & just be able to leave. 

Violet: (Mind) I hope they're-

Her voice catches in her throat and a huge flush of pink crosses her face as she watches Clem suck on Y/n's dick. She wants to pull away, but she can't. Instead of leaving, she looks to her sides and notices no one coming so she continues to watch them. She feels her crotch getting hot as she slowly begins to rub it. As she watches, Violet sees Y/n slowly pull out his cock and slap it onto Clem's face. The size and utter girth of his penis was no joke... He wasn't lying when he talked about it at the table. 

Violet: (Mind) Holy fuck...

She undoes the front button on her pants and unzips the front a little, licking her fingers, then rubbing her pussy as she watches Clementine get her throat fucked. As fucked as it might be... Violet hasn't been with anybody since Minnie and this is the first time in a long time she's got something to look at instead of her imagination. Soon, Y/n pulls her head in closer, gripping her hair, and finally cums in her mouth. As soon as he pulls his cock out, she swallows it up and he pats her head. Violet, upon seeing it, makes a sharp moan but quickly covers her mouth to try and mask it. Unfortunately or fortunately for her... they heard it. Y/n looks at Clementine who tilts her head.

Y/n: (Whisper) Violet's outside the door. I think she just...moaned. 

Clementine seems surprised, but that's when a thought crosses his mind. The way to tease her in the ultimate fashion. He picks up their clothes and tosses them in the bucket of water to soak before quickly grabbing up Clem and making her lean up on the door. 

Clementine: (Whisper) What are you-

Before she can finish, Y/n shoves the tip of his dick inside her soaking folds and she gasps. He leans down and whispers to her. 

Y/n: (Whisper) Giving her a show. 

She has to catch her breath for a moment but then looks back at him.

Clementine: Oh, you're bad~

Slowly putting the rest in, Clementine has to brace herself until she's almost down to the base. Violet is close enough to the door to hear her moans & looks through to find Clementine's tits shaking every time he thrusts until her. Violet starts to rub even faster, biting her lip to try and cease the noise she'd been making. She watches as Y/n grabs both of Clem's wrists and bends her over, holding her up as her fucks her. Already having came a few times within the last ten minutes, she's been more than satisfied, but he's not stopping until he hears...

Violet: (Whisper) Oh, fuck...

Violet, without him touching her, came, but quickly rushes to clean up & go so she's not caught. That was his cue to finally ease up on Clem, finally pulling out as her legs almost buckle from the pleasure, and shooting onto her back. Honestly, he could've kept going, but he had to take it easy on Clem considering they'll probably be working some more tomorrow and she will need to able to walk.  Clementine falls forward a bit but Y/n catches her and picks her up holding her like a princess and she snuggles into his chest. 

Clementine: I-I think you might've fucked the energy out of me... You're gonna have to wash me up instead.

Y/n: (Chuckles) Sure. And how did you feel about being listened to by Violet? Sounds like you were kind of into it~

He teases her, but her face goes slightly pink and she crosses her arms. 

Clementine: Shut up... Bathe me. 

Y/n: Yes, ma'am. 

(18+ Over/There won't many, but I'll probably do another this season with Violet.)

He carries her into the tub, but reheats it first, and as he steps inside he feels weakened but he's still able to move. Typically he doesn't often need to take bathe as his flames keep him clean and he smells like applewood, but he still likes to shower. Or when Clem asks Y/n to bathe with her in a shallow pond while AJ is asleep, he will do it. In the bathtub, he lays against the back of it with Clem in his lap as he cleans her off and she lays against him. They use the soap they made and it gets them smelling real good. 

Clementine: (Yawns) This is relaxing... And at feels even better after amazing sex. I think you get better every time, which I don't even know how is possible. 

Y/n: 'Cause every single day, I get to know and love you a little bit more than the day before. 

He kisses the back of her head and soon, after about twenty minutes, they get out, dry off with Y/n's head, and put on their sleeping clothes. Which for Y/n is just a pair of Grey sweatpants over his black boxers while Clementine's are black shorts and an old Grey tank top. Both of which belong to Violet while the pants Y/n is wearing belonged to one of the male students before he died. The grab their clothes after they've soaked and Y/n dries the off, folding them up, and emptying the tub. The couple soon leave the bathroom with only Violet having known what they did, and they go back to their room. 

They lay their clothes down on the dresser and hop into bed, Clem crawling on top of Y/n and them kissing. 

Clementine: Goodnight. I love you. 

Y/n: Goodnight. I love you, too. 

Continuer la Lecture

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