The Walking Dead: Emperor of...

By FriendlyNeighborhoo2

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Y/N Bio
Chapter 1: Beginning of The End
Chapter 2: A New Day
Chapter 3: On the Farm
Chapter 4: Moving On
Chapter 5: New People, New Problems
Chapter 6: Quiet Steps
Chapter 7: Not So Lucky
Chapter 8: Cleaning House
Chapter 9: Attention
Chapter 10: Starved For Help
Chapter 11: News & Action
Chapter 12: The Brothers
Chapter 13: Farmers & Bandits
Chapter 14: Approaching Madness
Chapter 15: When the Cows Come Home
Chapter 16: Hell on Earth
Chapter 17: Too Much Salt & A New Resolve
Chapter 18: Survival of The Fittest
Chapter 19: Long Road Ahead
Chapter 20: Traitors & Thieves
Chapter 21: Suspicions & Culprits
Chapter 22: Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
Chapter 23: One Foot In Front of The Other
Chapter 24: Fast Enough
Chapter 25: The Tracks
Chapter 26: On the Tracks
Chapter 27: Someone New
Chapter 28: On The Move
Chapter 29: Heavy Hearts & Empty Guns
Chapter 30: Confrontation & A Plan
Chapter 31: All Thought Out
Chapter 32: What Could Go Wrong?
Chapter 33: A Part of The Group?
Chapter 34: On the Road Again
Chapter 35: Around Every Corner
Chapter 36: A Temporary Home
Chapter 37: Cleared
Chapter 38: Love Is In the Air
Chapter 39: Not So Quiet Streets
Chapter 40: Sewers
Chapter 41: Still Kicking
Chapter 42: Restored Hope
Chapter 43: The Heist of Crawford
Chapter 44: Unexpected Events
Chapter 45: A Simple Plan
Chapter 46: Supply & Demand
Chapter 47: Truths & Silent Steps
Chapter 48: Small Talks & Big Steps
Chapter 49: When The Past Catches Up
Chapter 50: Lost
Chapter 51: Don't Stop
Chapter 52: No Time Left
Chapter 53: Stuck
Chapter 54: Not Enough Time
Chapter 55: The Will to Keep On
Chapter 56: Thanks For Everything
Season 2
Season 2/Chapter 1: All That Remains
Season 2/Chapter 2: Gone Again
Season 2/Chapter 3: Out of Water
Season 2/Chapter 4: Mistrust
Season 2/Chapter 5: Thieves In The Night
Season 2/Chapter 6: Sparks Fly
Season 2/Chapter 7: After Last Night
Season 2/Chapter 8: A House Divided
Season 2/Chapter 9: A Running Gun
Season 2/Chapter 10: Questions & Answers
Season 2/Chapter 11: Quick Steps, Slow Breaths
Season 2/Chapter 12: Arguments
Season 2/Chapter 13: The Moonstar Lodge
Season 2/Chapter 14: Old Friends
Season 2/Chapter 15: Little Missions
Season 2/Chapter 16: Dinner Table Arguments
Season 2/Chapter 17: The Past Catches Up
Season 2/Chapter 18: No Say In The Matter
Season 2/Chapter 19: Nothing Left to Do
Season 2/Chapter 20: In Harm's Way
Season 2/Chapter 21: Locked Up
Season 2/Chapter 22: Reunited
Season 2/Chapter 23: Catching Up
Season 2/Chapter 24: Unfortunate
Season 2/Chapter 25: The Trials Ahead
Season 2/Chapter 26: What Can You Do?
Season 2/Chapter 27: Look Out Below
Season 2/Chapter 28: Painful Reminder
Season 2/Chapter 30: The Longest Night Yet
Season 2/Chapter 31: Cold Blooded
Season 2/Chapter 32: Achilles Heel
Season 2/Chapter 33: Permanent Reminder
Season 2/Chapter 34: Batter Up
Season 2/Chapter 35: On Foot
Season 2/Chapter 36: Amid The Ruins
Season 2/Chapter 37: Against The Wall
Season 2/Chapter 38: We All Have Dead People
Season 2/Chapter 39: Similarities
Season 2/Chapter 40: Bird's Eye View
Season 2/Chapter 41: A Walking Inferno
Season 2/Chapter 42: Search Party
Season 2/Chapter 43: A Possible Threat
Season 2/Chapter 44: Supply & Demand
Season 2/Chapter 45: A New Face
Season 2/Chapter 46: We'll Meet Again
Season 2/Chapter 47: Permanent Goodbyes?
Season 2/Chapter 48: Death & Russians
Season 2/Chapter 49: No Going Back
Season 2/Chapter 50: Decisive Action
Season 2/Chapter 51: Passing the Time
Season 2/Chapter 52: Slow Recovery
Season 2/Chapter 53: Tread Lightly
Season 2/Chapter 54: The Last Good Night
Season 2/Chapter 55: Watch Where You Step
Season 2/Chapter 56: A Misplaced Step
Season 2/Chapter 57: Static
Season 2/Chapter 58: End of the Road
Season 3: Info Drop
Season 3/Chapter 1: Ties That Bind-Pt.1
Season 3/Chapter 2: Nightmares
Season 3/Chapter 3: Ties That Bind-Pt.2
Season 3/Chapter 4: Never Hold A Sneeze
Season 3/Chapter 5: Where People Meet
Season 3/Chapter 6: Reunited
Season 3/Chapter 7: Above The Law
Season 3/Chapter 8: Other Plans
Season 3/Chapter 9: No Other Choice
Season 3/Chapter 10: Righteous Vengeance
Season 3/Chapter 11: Back In Town
Season 3/Chapter 12: Thicker Than Water
Season 3/Chapter 13: You And I
Season 3/Chapter 14: What Keeps Us Going
Season 3/Chapter 15: Put To Sleep
Season 3/Chapter 16: Retrieval
Season 3/Chapter 17: What Lies Ahead
Season 3/Chapter 18: No More Lies
Season 3/Chapter 19: From The Gallows
Season 3/Chapter 20: Consequences
Season 3/Chapter 21: No Child Left Behind
Season 3/Chapter 22: Am I My Brother's Keeper?
Season 3/Chapter 23: One Small Step For Man
Season 3/Chapter 24: What Have You Done?
Season 3/Chapter 25: We'll Meet Again
Season 4: Info Drop
Season 4/Chapter 1: Done Running
Season 4/Chapter 2: Piano Practice
Season 4/Chapter 3: Awaken
Season 4/Chapter 4: Troubled Youths
Season 4/Chapter 5: Kings, Queens, and Apologies
Season 4/Chapter 6: Talks By The River
Season 4/Chapter 7: Sentimental
Season 4/Chapter 8: Death, Feasts, and Relaxation
Season 4/Chapter 9: Never Hesitate
Season 4/Chapter 10: Suffer The Children
Season 4/Chapter 11: Leave or Stay
Season 4/Chapter 12: Leave
Season 4/Chapter 13: Familiar Faces
Season 4/Chapter 14: Strength and Tangents
Season 4/Chapter 15: Stressful Leadership
Season 4/Chapter 16: The Dearly Departed
Season 4/Chapter 17: One Step Closer
Season 4/Chapter 18: Something Potentially New
Season 4/Chapter 19: True Feelings
Season 4/Chapter 20: The Attack On Ericson's
Season 4/Chapter 21: The Clashing Of Powers
Season 4/Chapter 22: Broken Toys
Season 4/Chapter 23: Other Friends
Season 4/Chapter 24: An Old Barn & Older Memories
Season 4/Chapter 25: How It Goes
A/N: Please Read
Season 4/Chapter 26: The Pre-Party
Season 4/Chapter 27: The Party
Season 4/Chapter 28: After Party Fun +18
Season 4/Chapter 29: Dreams & Resolutions
Season 4/Chapter 30: Let's Light This Candle
Season 4/Chapter 31: Bonfires & Bon Voyage
Season 4/Chapter 32: Roasting On An Open Fire
Season 4/Chapter 33: Truth & Chains
Season 4/Chapter 34: Death or Chains?
Season 4/Chapter 35: Rise Of The Flame Emperor
Season 4/Chapter 36: Bad Luck & Sharp Bolts
Season 4/Chapter 37: Trust
Season 4/Chapter 38: Thoughts Of The Future
Season 4/Finale: Thank You, For Loving Me
Prologue: A Lit Match

Season 2/Chapter 29: Still Standing

616 37 0
By FriendlyNeighborhoo2

3rd Pov. 

Clementine and Y/n are walking past the comic book store on their way back to the clothing store. As they walk past the door, Clem is pulled into the store as Y/n chases after and as he's able to get inside, he surrounds his fist with fire preparing to torch whatever had grabbed her. 

Y/n: Alright, who's trying to die today? 

However, before he can do anything he's stopped by Clem as she walks up to him. 

Clementine: Wait! 

Y/n: Clem? What happened? 

She nods behind her and that's when Y/n finally sees Luke crouched behind them. He looks a little worse for wear. His eyes are sunken in a little and he looks like he hasn't slept for days, but still the two are glad to see him. 

Y/n: Holy shit. Hey, Luke. Glad to see you're still alive. 

Clementine: We were all worried. 

Luke: Aw, it's good to see you too, guys.

Luke looks around for a moment to make sure the coast is clear before turning back to the kids with a serious look on his face. 

Luke: Alright, listen, we ain't got much time, okay? I followed y'all here best I could. Haven't had a night's rest since y'all got nabbed and well, this is the first chance I got to talk to somebody. They're everywhere, okay? They got guards. Watching everything. 

Suddenly Luke stops. 

Luke: Shh.

Footsteps are heard outside the store.

Luke: There's a herd'a lurkers just south of us. It's bigger than I ever seen around these parts.

Y/n: And? Carver mentioned it already. 

Clementine: Said he hopes it passes us.

Luke: Yeah, I heard folks talking about that, but that ain't so, okay? It's gonna hit this place, I know it is. I don't know when, but it's coming and it's gonna be soon. See, I've been looking for places get y'all free... but haven't been able to find anything yet. They plugged up all the holes we used when we got out.

Y/n looks around at the store they're inside and notices how this place is probably where Luke has been ever since he made it back. The place seems empty majority of the time, so it would sense for it to be used as a little resting area. However Luke's condition is still one that concerns the two as he occasionally looks out into nothing. 

Y/n: Luke, are you alright? You seem a little out of it. 

Luke snaps out of whatever it was he was doing and turns to Y/n. 

Luke: Yeah, yeah, I'm alright... I just could use some sleep, you know? Hard to rest when you think a lurker's about to get the jump on you at any moment, but, yeah. Yeah. I'm fine, okay? Don't worry about me.

Clementine: It seems dangerous.

Luke: Well, the whole situation's dangerous, but, well, we're in it now. It's what we got. We just... we just need a plan, y'know, a way to get you and... and everyone...

More footsteps are heard outside the door this time and they pause for a moment until the leave. Noticing the urgency, Clementine rushes Luke to get the point. They didn't have long. 

Clementine: Luke. 

Luke: Oh, sorry, sorry. Shit, okay. Troy ain't gonna like you being late. Listen, guys, I need you to meet me here tomorrow, about this time, 'cause I-I need you two to get me one of those radios, okay? Do you think you can do that? 

Y/n: You want us to steal you a radio? 

Luke: Just... just one of those walkie-talkies. I just need to be able to tell y'all what's going on with them guards... you know, I'll figure out the schedule their patrols are on. I mean, they're... they're all over the place, but I can keep an eye on 'em for y'all from out here. Look, we ain't gonna be able to shoot our way outta here, so we gotta be careful. W-We just gotta be smart, okay? We gotta plan. That radio is crucial to that.

Y/n sighs and looks at Clem. 

Y/n: What do you want to do? Chances are Madison might take me away for the night so you might have to do this alone, but on the off chance she doesn't I'll be able to help. Though, it isn't... well, guaranteed. 

Clementine thinks about it for a moment and seeing no other way, she decides to go along with it. 

Clementine: Okay, I'll do it. 

Luke: Thanks, guys. I'm so glad I can count on you. Remember, you two meet me here tomorrow. I'll try and be here around this time. But if I ain't, just wait as long as you can, 'cause I really need one of those radios. Just let everybody know I'm alright, okay? I'm worried they, uh-

Before Luke can finish, they all hear Troy calling out for Clementine and Y/n as they never showed back up to Bonnie and she called for them. She was worried and wanted to check on the two but unbeknownst to her it kind of fucked them over just a little bit. 

Troy: Clementine! Y/n! Get out where I can see ya!

Luke: Go on! Get outta here.

The two leave the store and Troy sees them. 

Troy: The hell were you doing? Huh? Answer me!

Thinking quickly, Y/n just grabs Clem's hand while staring at Troy. 

Y/n: Totally making out. 

Troy rolls his eyes. 

Troy: Don't play with me, boy. 

Y/n: Or what?

Y/n steps forward and looks at Troy. 

Y/n: I may have to put up with Madison, but at least since she's so fond of me I don't have to worry about stooges like you fucking with us. Now get out of our way so we can get back to work. 

Troy wants to say something, but he know he can't after what Madison said she'd do to him should he lay a finger on Y/n or the girls Madison would take the said fingers. And he knows Madison doesn't lie when it comes to hurting people. So he grits his teeth and looks at them.

Troy: Bill radioed. Wants a word with you two up in his office. So get on up there, now.

Y/n grabs his girlfriend's hand. 

Y/n: Excuse me. 

The two start walking back to the store and as they do, they look at one another. They start to laugh at the fact they made Troy look like a bitch. Even though Madison torments them, there are...ways to use it to their advantage. They make it back inside and walk towards Bill's Office. While walking up the stairs that lead to his office, they pass Rebecca on the stairs who they'd tried talking to, but she was crying the whole time. 

Clementine: Rebecca? 

Y/n: Are you okay? 

She doesn't say anything and continues walking as Carver walks out of the room. 

Carver: She's a strong woman, surrounded by weak men. I ain't letting my kid get raised around that. Get in here.

Clementine, Y/n, and Carver enter his office. When they enter the office which seems to be pretty standard for the boss of a place, a big desk in the middle and some things on top of it. Though in the corner they find Alvin laying in a chair unconscious after being beaten by Carver & Madison it seems. 

Y/n: Shit...

Clementine: Alvin. Alvin!

Carver: He passed out hours ago. He can't hear nothing. No point in making a racket.

Y/n: Why are you doing this?

Carver: Me and him, we got history. Understand? A couple things we had to... get worked out. But I wouldn't be so concerned about his well-being if I were you two. Not with you both being so close to the fire yourself. Now...

Carver waves his hand towards a pair of chairs in front of his desk. The two sit down by the desk in front of the chairs while Carver sits on the edge desk. 

Carver: You make sure you tell me the truth when you're sitting where you are and you won't end up over in that chair. Clear? 

Y/n: Crystal.

Carver nods. 

Carver: You might not believe this after what happened earlier, but I liked Reggie. He was a funny guy. He kept things light. You need folks like that... it's easy to let depression sink in during times like this. But he was weak. 

Y/n: He only had one arm. 

Carver: I don't mean just 'cause he was maimed, that wasn't his problem. He was weak of will. Weak of character. And we can't have that around here, not anymore. Not with what we got at stake. You have to be able to contribute...

Clementine: We...understand. 

Carver: I knew you were smart. You see, Reggie put us at risk with his incompetence. He's had a string of screw-ups lately. Killing one in order to save many is part of survival. It's one of the tough decisions that a weaker person couldn't make.

Carver leans in and looks at the kids. 

Carver: It's why it falls to people like us to lead them to safety. Do you understand? Well, I wish it was different, I do. But they are weak and we are strong. That's why it's our responsibility to shepherd the flock, to keep them safe. It's their nature to follow, not to lead.

As much as the two hate listening to Carver, a literal psychopath, he made a good point about leading. Ever since the group met the kids they've been leaving a bunch of shit up to them and's irritating at some points. 

Y/n: (Sigh) As much as I'd like to disagree with you, I can see what you mean. We've been having to do everything for them ever since we met. It's exhausting. 

Carver: Of course it is. But that's the role you're both meant to play. And we're more alike than you think. In fact, I think you both realize it, but you're not comfortable with it yet. There's no way you could've lasted this long otherwise. I realized it back in that cabin. 

He crosses his arms and looks at the kids. 

Carver: You were scared, both of you were, but you looked me straight in the eye. Kept your nerve. That's what we need if we're gonna get through this. The next generation has to be stronger than the last to lead us out of this. Kids like you, raised the right way. The way my child'll be raised. It ain't this herd that keeps me up at night. 

Y/n rolls his eyes. 

Y/n: (Mind) "His Child," pfft. 

Carver: We can handle that. It's not knowing if I got anyone to hand all this off to... but I ain't worried about that anymore.

Clementine: What if it's not yours?

Carver: Well, even if that was true, it's mine now.

Y/n looks at Carver. 

Y/n: Permission to speak freely? 

Carver: Permission granted. 

Y/n: You already have a daughter, so why were you worried about leaving this to anyone? I mean the way you speak and address things... Madison should be your perfect candidate. Even if she's not a good person. 

Carver stops for a moment and sighs. 

Carver: That girl, I love her, but she's not fit for leading. I'm sure you've figured out by now that she's not exactly the type of person who thinks things through. She just does what she wants & the consquences don't bother her even if they affect someone else. My daughter makes a good soldier, but even I can see the cruel things she does. 

Y/n scoffs. 

Y/n: And how is that any different from you? 

Carver: Because I do what I have to in order to keep people alive. My presence brings order and the thought that the person could face punishment from me is usually enough to keep them in line. I only do things because I want to make the lesson stick. My daughter does them because she enjoys the things she does. You may not want to acknowledge it, but she and I are different. 

Before any of them can say anything else, the radio near Carver goes off and it's Tavia. 

Tavia: (Radio) Bill? You there?

Carver: Yeah? I'm here.

Tavia: (Radio) The loading bay door is jacked. Troy really knocked the shit out of it.

Carver: How bad is it?

Tavia: (Radio) Rails are tweaked so it won't shut all the way. I don't think it's an emergency or anything, but it's something Stan should take a look at when he can.

Carver: I'll get him on it. Out.

Carver puts the radio away.

Carver: That fucking idiot. Herd on its way and he puts a goddamn ding in my door. Go on back out to the yard. It's almost supper time.

The two stand up and look at Alvin one last time before leaving the office and walking back towards the yard. While they walk together Clem leans against Y/n, feeling exhausted after today. 

Y/n: You okay? 

Clementine: Yeah. 

Y/n: Face still hurt? 

Clementine: Like a bitch. 

Y/n sighs and wraps his arm around her waist. 

Y/n: I'm sorry. Later, lord willing, will actually be able to spend the night together. Hopefully you can sleep off the pain. 

At the bottom of the stairs, they meet up with some woman and she leads them back to the yard. Inside everyone is sitting in lawn chairs by the roaring campfire. Even Molly and Carley made it back in one piece. Molly was tempted to attack Madison, she held herself back from it. The two overhear the others talking as they get closer to the fire with Kenny's voice being the loudest of the bunch. 

Kenny: 'Cause we all know what happened this morning! I don't know what that son of a bitch is gonna do next!

Molly: Not to mention what happened with Madison outside at the store. 

Carley cracks her knuckles. 

Carley: I swear that woman is going to pay. 

Mike: So you wanna ring the dinner bell for a herd of walkers to show up? How is that better?

Kenny: 'Cause this place'll be fucking chaos when that thing hits. No one'll be paying any attention to us. And that's when we go. That's our opening. We just gotta figure out a way to draw 'em to us.

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