The Walking Dead: Emperor of...

Bởi FriendlyNeighborhoo2

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Y/N Bio
Chapter 1: Beginning of The End
Chapter 2: A New Day
Chapter 3: On the Farm
Chapter 4: Moving On
Chapter 5: New People, New Problems
Chapter 6: Quiet Steps
Chapter 7: Not So Lucky
Chapter 8: Cleaning House
Chapter 9: Attention
Chapter 10: Starved For Help
Chapter 11: News & Action
Chapter 12: The Brothers
Chapter 13: Farmers & Bandits
Chapter 14: Approaching Madness
Chapter 15: When the Cows Come Home
Chapter 16: Hell on Earth
Chapter 17: Too Much Salt & A New Resolve
Chapter 18: Survival of The Fittest
Chapter 19: Long Road Ahead
Chapter 20: Traitors & Thieves
Chapter 22: Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
Chapter 23: One Foot In Front of The Other
Chapter 24: Fast Enough
Chapter 25: The Tracks
Chapter 26: On the Tracks
Chapter 27: Someone New
Chapter 28: On The Move
Chapter 29: Heavy Hearts & Empty Guns
Chapter 30: Confrontation & A Plan
Chapter 31: All Thought Out
Chapter 32: What Could Go Wrong?
Chapter 33: A Part of The Group?
Chapter 34: On the Road Again
Chapter 35: Around Every Corner
Chapter 36: A Temporary Home
Chapter 37: Cleared
Chapter 38: Love Is In the Air
Chapter 39: Not So Quiet Streets
Chapter 40: Sewers
Chapter 41: Still Kicking
Chapter 42: Restored Hope
Chapter 43: The Heist of Crawford
Chapter 44: Unexpected Events
Chapter 45: A Simple Plan
Chapter 46: Supply & Demand
Chapter 47: Truths & Silent Steps
Chapter 48: Small Talks & Big Steps
Chapter 49: When The Past Catches Up
Chapter 50: Lost
Chapter 51: Don't Stop
Chapter 52: No Time Left
Chapter 53: Stuck
Chapter 54: Not Enough Time
Chapter 55: The Will to Keep On
Chapter 56: Thanks For Everything
Season 2
Season 2/Chapter 1: All That Remains
Season 2/Chapter 2: Gone Again
Season 2/Chapter 3: Out of Water
Season 2/Chapter 4: Mistrust
Season 2/Chapter 5: Thieves In The Night
Season 2/Chapter 6: Sparks Fly
Season 2/Chapter 7: After Last Night
Season 2/Chapter 8: A House Divided
Season 2/Chapter 9: A Running Gun
Season 2/Chapter 10: Questions & Answers
Season 2/Chapter 11: Quick Steps, Slow Breaths
Season 2/Chapter 12: Arguments
Season 2/Chapter 13: The Moonstar Lodge
Season 2/Chapter 14: Old Friends
Season 2/Chapter 15: Little Missions
Season 2/Chapter 16: Dinner Table Arguments
Season 2/Chapter 17: The Past Catches Up
Season 2/Chapter 18: No Say In The Matter
Season 2/Chapter 19: Nothing Left to Do
Season 2/Chapter 20: In Harm's Way
Season 2/Chapter 21: Locked Up
Season 2/Chapter 22: Reunited
Season 2/Chapter 23: Catching Up
Season 2/Chapter 24: Unfortunate
Season 2/Chapter 25: The Trials Ahead
Season 2/Chapter 26: What Can You Do?
Season 2/Chapter 27: Look Out Below
Season 2/Chapter 28: Painful Reminder
Season 2/Chapter 29: Still Standing
Season 2/Chapter 30: The Longest Night Yet
Season 2/Chapter 31: Cold Blooded
Season 2/Chapter 32: Achilles Heel
Season 2/Chapter 33: Permanent Reminder
Season 2/Chapter 34: Batter Up
Season 2/Chapter 35: On Foot
Season 2/Chapter 36: Amid The Ruins
Season 2/Chapter 37: Against The Wall
Season 2/Chapter 38: We All Have Dead People
Season 2/Chapter 39: Similarities
Season 2/Chapter 40: Bird's Eye View
Season 2/Chapter 41: A Walking Inferno
Season 2/Chapter 42: Search Party
Season 2/Chapter 43: A Possible Threat
Season 2/Chapter 44: Supply & Demand
Season 2/Chapter 45: A New Face
Season 2/Chapter 46: We'll Meet Again
Season 2/Chapter 47: Permanent Goodbyes?
Season 2/Chapter 48: Death & Russians
Season 2/Chapter 49: No Going Back
Season 2/Chapter 50: Decisive Action
Season 2/Chapter 51: Passing the Time
Season 2/Chapter 52: Slow Recovery
Season 2/Chapter 53: Tread Lightly
Season 2/Chapter 54: The Last Good Night
Season 2/Chapter 55: Watch Where You Step
Season 2/Chapter 56: A Misplaced Step
Season 2/Chapter 57: Static
Season 2/Chapter 58: End of the Road
Season 3: Info Drop
Season 3/Chapter 1: Ties That Bind-Pt.1
Season 3/Chapter 2: Nightmares
Season 3/Chapter 3: Ties That Bind-Pt.2
Season 3/Chapter 4: Never Hold A Sneeze
Season 3/Chapter 5: Where People Meet
Season 3/Chapter 6: Reunited
Season 3/Chapter 7: Above The Law
Season 3/Chapter 8: Other Plans
Season 3/Chapter 9: No Other Choice
Season 3/Chapter 10: Righteous Vengeance
Season 3/Chapter 11: Back In Town
Season 3/Chapter 12: Thicker Than Water
Season 3/Chapter 13: You And I
Season 3/Chapter 14: What Keeps Us Going
Season 3/Chapter 15: Put To Sleep
Season 3/Chapter 16: Retrieval
Season 3/Chapter 17: What Lies Ahead
Season 3/Chapter 18: No More Lies
Season 3/Chapter 19: From The Gallows
Season 3/Chapter 20: Consequences
Season 3/Chapter 21: No Child Left Behind
Season 3/Chapter 22: Am I My Brother's Keeper?
Season 3/Chapter 23: One Small Step For Man
Season 3/Chapter 24: What Have You Done?
Season 3/Chapter 25: We'll Meet Again
Season 4: Info Drop
Season 4/Chapter 1: Done Running
Season 4/Chapter 2: Piano Practice
Season 4/Chapter 3: Awaken
Season 4/Chapter 4: Troubled Youths
Season 4/Chapter 5: Kings, Queens, and Apologies
Season 4/Chapter 6: Talks By The River
Season 4/Chapter 7: Sentimental
Season 4/Chapter 8: Death, Feasts, and Relaxation
Season 4/Chapter 9: Never Hesitate
Season 4/Chapter 10: Suffer The Children
Season 4/Chapter 11: Leave or Stay
Season 4/Chapter 12: Leave
Season 4/Chapter 13: Familiar Faces
Season 4/Chapter 14: Strength and Tangents
Season 4/Chapter 15: Stressful Leadership
Season 4/Chapter 16: The Dearly Departed
Season 4/Chapter 17: One Step Closer
Season 4/Chapter 18: Something Potentially New
Season 4/Chapter 19: True Feelings
Season 4/Chapter 20: The Attack On Ericson's
Season 4/Chapter 21: The Clashing Of Powers
Season 4/Chapter 22: Broken Toys
Season 4/Chapter 23: Other Friends
Season 4/Chapter 24: An Old Barn & Older Memories
Season 4/Chapter 25: How It Goes
A/N: Please Read
Season 4/Chapter 26: The Pre-Party
Season 4/Chapter 27: The Party
Season 4/Chapter 28: After Party Fun +18
Season 4/Chapter 29: Dreams & Resolutions
Season 4/Chapter 30: Let's Light This Candle
Season 4/Chapter 31: Bonfires & Bon Voyage
Season 4/Chapter 32: Roasting On An Open Fire
Season 4/Chapter 33: Truth & Chains
Season 4/Chapter 34: Death or Chains?
Season 4/Chapter 35: Rise Of The Flame Emperor
Season 4/Chapter 36: Bad Luck & Sharp Bolts
Season 4/Chapter 37: Trust
Season 4/Chapter 38: Thoughts Of The Future
Season 4/Finale: Thank You, For Loving Me
Prologue: A Lit Match

Chapter 21: Suspicions & Culprits

778 43 10
Bởi FriendlyNeighborhoo2

As Y/n and Clementine sit by one another at the table, his guitar rests by a nearby wall. Clem has a smile on her face as anytime that she gets to spend with Y/n is good in her opinion. Even when he's down, since it gives her an opportunity to cheer him up. 

Clementine: Want to draw with me? 

Y/n looks at Clementine for a moment and nods. 

Y/n: Okay. 

Clementine hands him some paper and crayons as they start to color together. He raises up, this time Clementine rests her head on his shoulder as she draws with him, loving the attention she's getting from her best friend. 

Clementine: I was thinking we could draw something together. Like I draw the others and you draw the motel. 

Y/n: I guess we can. 

Slowly Y/n starts to feel like himself again as he and Clementine hang out. Nothing too extravagant, but something to make him feel better. And one crayon after another, the phenomenal piece of art starts to come together. Though the drawing of the motel isn't perfection as he's more musically talented than anything. 

Clementine: See, isn't this fun? 

Y/n: (Nods) Yeah, I like drawing with you. Although you're definitely the better artist. 

Clementine: Yes. Yes, I am. 

Y/n laughs as he looks at Clementine. 

Y/n: Not even going to deny it, huh? 

Clementine giggles and gives him a side hug. 

Clementine: Well you got all the musical talent, so I'm going to take this. 

Y/n: Fair enough. 

He takes his hat off and places it on the table before getting back to coloring some more parts in. Meanwhile, Lee opens Lilly's door and enters the room. She sits on the bed with her head buried in her hands, but looks up when Lee approaches. As she sees Lee, the first thing that she does is apologize for her actions before. 

Lilly: I'm sorry.

Lee sits in a chair opposite her as she raises from her hands. 

Lee: You don't have to apologize.

Lilly: Did you come in here to give me hell or to coddle me?

Cutting to the chase, Lee looks at Lilly. 

Lee: I wanted to follow up on what you said about stolen supplies.

Lilly: Do you know what's going on?

Lee: I don't, I just heard you mention it.

Lilly glares at him. 

Lilly: And you came in here to confess?

Lee hears the accusation and immediately fires back. 

Lee: I'm not stealing shit, I came in here to help.

Lilly: There's a traitor, somebody, one of us, out there. He or she or they have been taking things.

Surprised, Lee looks at her more intensely now. Listening to what she has to say and taking it with more than just a grain of salt. Sure she may sound paranoid, but last time someone else sounded paranoid, they were right. 

Lee: For real? Who? What do you got?

Lilly: Yes, for real. And I don't have shit. I just know.

Lee: Lilly...

She shakes her head, knowing with one hundred percent certainty that she's right. 

Lilly: The count's off and it's the good stuff. Antibiotics, oxy, fuck, anything with opium in it.

Lee: I see the count and it's fine.

Lilly: I keep my own. That one's getting messed with.

She looks down for a moment before looking back up to Lee. 

Lilly: I'm a fucking mess right now, but I'm not stupid. I know what happens if I start a witch hunt.

Lee points to his chest as he stares at Lilly. 

Lee: So you want me to start one?

Lilly: I want you to poke around.

Lee: What's there to go on?

Lilly reaches under her bed and pulls out a large broken yellow flashlight, which she hands to Lee. The glass is mostly busted out other than a few fragments still barely kept inside by the frame above the bulb. 

Lilly: I found this tossed into the garbage.

Lee: Hmm. 

Lilly: We don't toss out equipment. We fix it. You'd only try to get rid of a flashlight if you were using it when you shouldn't.

As unlikely as it may sound to him at first, Lee decides to take it seriously. 

Lee: Okay. I'll poke around a little bit.

Lilly: Thank you. If you don't find anything, I'm just going to assume it's you.

Lee rolls his eyes and stands up, exiting Lilly's room. As he closes the door behind him, he suddenly hears a voice come from behind him. 

Voice: A mystery!

Lee's eyes widen and he turns around, finding Duck standing behind him with the same old dumb grin on his face. His arms cross as he sees Duck standing in front of him. 

Lee: Jesus, Duck!

Duck: I'm sorry, I heard you guys talking.

Lee: You need to un-hear all of that.

Duck: Can I help?

Lee: What did I just say?

Duck: You're the greatest detective and I can be Dick Grayson! Your ward! That's Robin

Lee: I know who it is.

Looking at Duck, Lee pauses and sighs, knowing that he probably won't be able to get Duck to go away. Therefore he caves in and lets Duck be a part of his own "investigation."

Lee: Okay, you're Robin.

Duck: Yes! What do I do?

Lee: I don't know. Go look around. Let me know if you find anything weird.

Duck: I'm on the case!

As Lee and Duck look around for the flashlight's missing pieces, as well as clues, Clementine and Y/n are finishing up their drawings. Clementine holds hers up to Y/n for him to see as it is now all finished up. 

Clementine: So, what do you think? 

Y/n: I like it. You're really good at drawing people. 

Clementine: (Nods) Thank you. 

He holds his drawing up next of the motel and it doesn't half bad. Clementine nods as she looks at it and claps her hands after. 

Clementine: Now that's what I call art. I think you're a lot better than you give yourself credit for. 

Y/n: But you're still the best. 

Clementine: True. 

They place their drawings to the side of one another's, but before they can do anything else Duck comes up to them. He gets their attention and they look at him as he stands with both arms to the side. 

Clementine: Duck? 

Y/n: What's up? 

Duck kneels down and looks at the two as he whispers to them; trying not to look "suspicious." 

Duck: Do you guys know about a broken flashlight? 

They look at him confused, not knowing about any flashlight having been broken at all. 

Y/n: What flashlight? 

Clementine: We never broke a flash-

Duck stands up before she can finish as he spots something over near a wall. They watch as he walks away, towards the wall which had gotten his attention before looking back towards each other. 

Y/n: Is it just me or is Duck weirder than usual? 

Clementine: Definitely. 

Now looking around, Y/n notices that Duck is looking for something, but decides to stay where he's at for now. Clementine notices that he's now looking around and questions him about it. 

Clementine: Looking for something? 

Y/n: Not really. Just looking around. I wonder why Duck asked us about the flashlight. 

Clementine crosses her arms.

Clementine: He better not be blaming me for something again. 

Y/n laughs. 

Y/n: Like last time with the bug? 

Clementine: Yeah, exactly!

Y/n: But you did put the bug there. 

Clementine: ...That's not important, Mister. The important thing is neither of us broke that flashlight. 

Y/n: Yeah, if they ask us we'll just tell the truth. We didn't break the flashlight. 

Clementine: Yeah. Plus, why would we even need one? If I ever need to do something at night I just take you with me or have you create some lights. 

Y/n: Good point. 

The two share a bed in the same room as they always like being within arms reach of each other, but always leave a little room between them. They like think of it like having a sleepover, minus the option of going home. 

Clementine: It is a lot easier than grabbing a flashlight. 

If Clementine has to go to the bathroom she usually just wakes him up. He creates a few balls of decently bright fire to light her path to the restroom, and after she's done he puts them out. Lee sleeps in the room directly by theirs and normally they don't want to wake him up or leave their room for a light so this is the best option. 

Y/n: Yeah. Plus a lot less wasteful. 

Clementine uncrosses her arms and puts her hand on her chin as she looks at Y/n. 

Y/n: Thinking about something? 

Clementine: Hm, I bet Duck was the one who broke it and is trying to cover up his tracks. 

Y/n: You think he's smart enough for that? 

Clementine doesn't answer, but a little bit away from them, Lee is walking up the steps as he goes to talk to Carley. She's waiting at the top as she's covered in a purple jacket which keeps her warm. As he makes it up the steps, he notices her looking out at the road & the forest that sets in front of the motel. However, she notices Lee after a moment and turns to look at him as he walks up to her. 

Carley: Talk to Lilly yet?

Lee: Yeah. She thinks supplies have been walking away.

Hearing this, Carley nods. 

Carley: Really?

Lee: There's some broken equipment too. I'll look into it.

Carley: Thanks for doing that.

She looks at Lee closer. 

Carley: What I wanted to say was, I've been thinking a lot. About you.

Lee:  I think about you too.

Carley: Our group is small.

Lee smiles. 

Lee: You're small.

Carley lightly smiles, but it fades for a moment as she takes on a more serious look. 

Carley: You're a convicted killer.

Taken aback, Lee looks at Carley and speaks in a hushed tone. 

Lee: Carley, Jesus...

Trying to get across what she wants to say, Carley walks closer to Lee. 

Carley: And I think people should know. Not because they deserve to and not because you're a bad man. I think the opposite of those two things. 

Her gaze softens for a moment and she walks a step closer, looking at Lee closer. 

Carley: People need to know because we're hanging by a thread here and I can't see Lilly talk about you without thinking it's the next thing she's going to say. You don't have to tell everyone, but think about who you trust and take the opportunity while you have it.

Lee thinks about it for a moment. 

Lee: You're probably right.

Carley: Of course I'm probably right.

She pauses for a moment as she remembers about what Lee had told her sometime ago. About who knew his past when it came to his prison sentence that was never put through due to, well, the apocalypse.

Carley: Larry's gone, but he knew. If he didn't tell Lilly outright, he probably said enough to make her wonder. I'll tell you what I would tell anybody, apocalypse or not, there comes a time when you can get out ahead of something like this and discuss it on your terms. Do it before that chance is taken away.

Lee: (Nods) I'll let people know. You're totally right.

Carley smile's at Lee. 

Carley: Good. I think it's for the best.

Carley kisses Lee's cheek and whispers in his ear.

Carley: Don't call me small.

She pulls away from him, but asks him if he needs anything else. 

Carley: Now. Um, is there anything else you want to talk about?

Lee: You really think people are ready to hear about me?

Carley: It's not a manner of ready or not. There's never going to be a good time but there are going to be a lot of bad ones. Right now doesn't seem like one of them. But everyone's different. Who knows how each person would take it, you know? Maybe it's worth thinking about who you wanna tell.

Lee, again, nods, and with new found confidence he leaves Carley to think as he gets on with what he has to do next. On top of finding out about all the missing supplies, he's going to have to tell everyone about his past. 

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