TMNT x Reader Scenarios

By blue_divergents

1.5M 35.1K 24.9K

Ever wondered what it would be like to date a Ninja Turtle? Well don't hesitate hit that button to read! Ran... More

When You Meet: Leo
When You Meet: Raph
When You Meet: Donnie
When you meet: Mikey
When You Meet: Casey
When You Meet Again:Leo
When You Meet Again: Raph
When You Meet Again: Donnie
When You Meet Again: Mikey
When You Meet Again: Casey
When He Realizes He Likes You
What He Likes Most About You
When You Tell April You Like Him+ A/N
When He Gets Advice:Leo and Raph
When He Flirts in Front of April
When He Gets Advice:Donnie ,Mikey, Casey
When He Tries to Ask A Question
When He Really Asks
When You Meet His Family
His Nickname For You
When You Cuddle With Him
Your First Kiss With Him
When You Get Jealous
Christmas With The Turtles (Part One)
Christmas (part 2)
New Years: Leo
New Years:Raph
New Years:Donnie
New Years:Mikey
New Years:Casey
The "L" Word
When You Catch Him Singing
When He Gets Jealous
When You Disappear (part one)
When You Disappear (2)
Valentine's Day
When You Train
When You Talk Again
When He Goes to High School
When He Does Homework
When He Joins a Sports Team
When He Takes You to Prom (1)
When He Takes You To Prom (2)
When He Has A Game: Leo and Raph
When He Has Game: Don & Mikey
When You Save Him (1)
When You Save Him (2)
When You Save Him (3)
When You Save Him (4)
When He's Sick/Healing
When They Play Shirts and Skins
When It's That Time...
When You and Splinter Prank Him
When You Sleep in His Room
When Someone Catches You Kissing
When You're Caught Staring
When You Break Up
When He's Sad/Apologizes
When He Talks In Japanese
When He Talks Sweet About You
When He's Embarrassed
When He Defends You
When He's Drunk
When He Has a Hangover
When He Sings To You
When It's Halloween
When His Brother Flirts With You
His Favorite Type of Pizza
His Best Subject in School
When You Go to the Beach
When You Fight the Foot
How you Spend Your Free Time
When He Studies for Finals
When You Move In
When He Sings
When You're on Your Period (2)
When He Meets Your Sibling(s)
When Splinter Meets Your Family
Spending Time With Splinter
Spending Time with April
Cute Couple Moments
When He Cooks for You
Tickle Fights
Mating Season
Prank Wars
When It's Your Birthday *short*
When You Talk About Him
When He Blushes
His Form of PDA *Short*
Cute Text Messages
When You Fangirl
Movie Night *Short*
When You Are Sick *Short*
Vacation: Leo
Vacation: Raph
Vacation: Donnie
Vacation: Mikey
Vacation: Casey
His Favorite Show on Netflix
Extra Character Scenarios (1)
When You See Your Ex
Extra Characters (2)
When He Falls
When You Fall
When a Guy Flirts with You
When He Sees You Naked
Random Chapter
When the Kraang Find You
Nightmares (1)
Nightmares (2)
Nightmares (3)
Nightmares (4)
A Portal? How Interesting..
When He Accidentally Hurts You
Divergent? You're Kidding! -Leo
Akron What Now? -Raph
Hey There, Michael -Donnie
So, You're Percy?- Mikey
Did You Just Call me Greenie? -Casey
Dating Him Would Include...
Leo~ Difficult Decisions
Raph~ Difficult Decisions
Donnie~ Difficult Decisions
Mikey~ Difficult Decisions
Casey~ Difficult Decisions
We're Alive?~All
Extra Characters Scenarios (3)
When You Cook Together
When You Play Uno
Turtle Tots Scenarios (1)

When You Disappear (3)

15.1K 367 265
By blue_divergents


You sit in the empty jail cell in the basement of Foot HQ. Mutants pass, keeping guard to make sure you didn't leave. After about an hour of quiet you finally speak up.

"Why do you want me? What makes me special?"

"Master Shredder knows of your importance to the turtle-what's his name?-Leonardo," his slightly hisses through his accent.

"Yeah but why do you care? What do you want with Leo?" You stand.

"We want him dead, destroyed. With him gone, along with the others, nothing will stand in our way."

"You won't get away with this! Leo will come and he'll beat the living-"

"Shut it before I claw out your vocal cords!"

You shrink back without another word.

|Leo's PoV|

As I crawl through the air shaft, I can hear a conversation directly underneath my location.

I listen closely to the conversation and make out her voice. I relax a little knowing she is okay.

Breaking the vent, I land on top of Tiger Claw and knock him out cold.

"(Y/n) it's me," I whisper. I start to unlock the cell.

"L-Leo?" She looks up in disbelief.

"Yeah I'm here. Now I have to get you out," I look to see her smile. Her facial expression turns into a frightened expression.

"Leo look out!"

I turn around and see FishFace kicking towards me. I pull out a katana and block his foot. We battle back and forth for a few minutes before he, too, gets knocked out by something.

As his body falls I see (y/n) smirking triumphantly, holding a pipe.

"Take that you ugly tuna!"

She runs into my arms, crying. I kiss her forehead and hold her tightly.

"I'm so sorry. I won't let you get kidnapped again."

"I love you so much Leo," she says in between sobs.

"I love you more."


Your tied to a pole in the middle of a junk yard. I can hear Slash end a conversation with my phone.

He turns and stomps towards you. He puts his finger under your chin and makes you look at him.

"Hmm I suppose you are rather beautiful. Raph has taste."

"Do you expect me to say thank you?" You glare at him.

"It would've been a nice gesture. But, tell me this: How do you want to die? I'll give you three choices."

"The only thing that is deadly right now is your breath. It's horrid!"

He growls,"Choice one: I beat you to death-"

"That's sounds amazing. I can't wait to hear my other two options," you roll your eyes, hoping your sarcasm will buy you time.

He squeezes his hands into fists. "Choice two: I'll be you with my weapon," he gestures to his side, where it laid.

"The third choice is-"

"To let her go and no one gets hurt, except you, of course."

"Nice to see you again old buddy," Slash smirks.

|Raph's PoV|

"You're just in time to watch her die," he turns around reaching for her.

"I don't know, I think I have other ideas," I throw a ninja star at his hand and step forward. It bounces off his skin and falls to the ground.

He charges at me, punching and grunting. I block his attacks with my sais. I hit him with a swift kick to the face.

He grabs at my ankle and holds me upside down. I struggle to get free and drop my sais.

He raises his fist to take me out, but before he can, I see a hand embed my sai into his arm.

He screams, releasing me. I look toward to owner of the hand and see that it's none other than (y/n).

She smirks,"I couldn't let you have all the fun."

I pull her into a hug and throw a ninja bomb into the ground.

We return back on her roof. I hand her the bracelet. "I think you dropped this."

"Thanks Raphie. I love you."

"I love you too," I kiss her, glad that she is back in my arms.


You sit, tied to a chair in his Stockman's lab.

As you watch him buzz around, you see him carrying a green ooze like substance.

"Is that mutagen?"

"Yes, I will use the you to make myself human once more," he brings out a needle and inserts it into the mutagen.

"No. Look, if you let me go I can have Don make you some retromutagen. Just please let me go," you lean your head back on the top of the chair.

"Why wait?" He brings the needle closer to your skin.

You back up in the chair,"Injecting me with the mutagen won't help! I'd just end up being a chair or something."

"Who careszz. It's worth a try."

"I suggest you get away from my girlfriend."

|Donnie's PoV|

I stand with my boā staff extended. I knock the needle away and it breaks into pieces in the corner.

"Go away turtle. Or I'll call Shredders forces."

"I'm not afraid of your little robot toys. Now let her go," I lunge at him and knock him back with my staff.

I start to untie the rope binding (y/n) together, when strong metal hands pull me back. A circle of Foot bots surround me while Stockman rolls her away.


"I'll be there in a second, Sweetheart."

I easily take out the circle of Footbots and run to where she is located.

I see Stockman knocked out on the ground and (y/n) hovering over him with a broken beaker.

When she sees me, she runs into my arms.

"Thank you for coming Don."

"Anything for you. I love you."

"I love you more."


You struggle to get out of their grasp as they carry you through their headquarters.

"Kraang, what will Kraang do with the girl known as (y/n)?"

"Kraang suggests we make the girl into an animal known as a mouse."

You scream again. This time they dropped you on the ground. A few more robots brought out a jar of mutagen. One cockroach scurried across the floor and in front of your face.

You turn your head slightly to the side, observing the small bug. A small camera sits on top of its head.

|Mikey PoV|

"Do you see her?" I anxiously ask Donnie.

"The camera isn't focused yet... there!"

"Let me see!" I scream and push Raph out of the way."

I observe the camera and see (y/n)'s confused face. A Kraang droid grabs her arm and begins to drag her into another room.

Before I had a chance to think clearly, I run out of the Shellrazer to find her.


I hear a robotic voice say, "Is the mutagen ready, Kraang? "

"Yes, why must the one known as Kraang be an idiot?"

I sneak in through the door while they argued. (Y/n) sat with her head down. I untie her which causes her to jump up.

"Shh it's just me. You ready to leave?"

She shakes her head yes and smiles. I look back and see an army of Kraang standing behind us. I take most of them down within five minutes and the rest retreat.

I grab (Y/n) and kiss her.

"I love you and don't you forget that."

"I love you too Mikey."

I pull away and we run through the halls. My brothers were running towards us.

"We got the mutagen!"

"That's great Don,but honestly I'm only glad that I got her back."

I turn and kiss her cheek as my brothers make a puke face.


You stand cornered by five of the Purple Dragons. You try to hide your fear.

"Just wait until Casey gets here. He'll -"

"Shut up! We aren't afraid of him."

"You should be!"

One of the scrawnier Pg's slap you across your face. You throw a punch back, but something stops your arm.

|Casey's PoV|

"Let me handle this, babe." I say as I release her arm.

"Now do you want to be pummeled by my bat or do you want a beating from my hockey stick?"

"Get him!" I hear the leader exclaim.

"I'll take that as all of the above."

I smirk as I charge at them with my bat first. I take down two of them with a single swing. I send another flying into the nearest wall with a kick to the chest.

Before I can use my hockey stick, they all retreat.

"Come back you wimps!"

I feel a light embrace tackle me from behind with a hug. I fully turn around and hold her in my arms.

"Thanks for coming Case, I owe you one. "

"You can repay your debts with a kiss,"I motion towards my lips.

She pulls me in and gently kisses me.

"I love you, Jones. "

"I love you too."

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