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Two little Lights - Jackson Guthy

Cause two little lights can light up the dark

You might be shattered, don't fall apart

She likes to see the rain fall

And always finds the beauty in the pain


The room broke out in loud cheering once the hat finally announced the house. Kali looked over to Dumbledore who had a shocked expression spread across his face. He took the hat off her head and gestured her to a table.

" Hi welcome to the Hufflepuff, I'm Cedric" Kali simply smiled at him and glanced around the room, she grabbed his hand, shaking it slightly. His eyes held a warm and welcoming gaze. " Thank you, I'm Kali, though you already know that, "She spoke with a nervous chuckle and pushed some hair behind her ear. Kali felt a hand placed on her back causing her to look up.

" Do you mind if I take her for a minute?" Dumbledore said to Cedric who just smiled and shook his head. " See you later," Kali nodded standing up and following Dumbledore over to another table.

" That was quite shocking, you would be the first Hufflepuff in the family." He said but she couldn't help but hear the slight disappointment laced in his voice. Causing the girl to frown slightly" Harry, please I would like to personally introduce you to Kali"

The boy turn around and his eyes widened looking at the new Hufflepuff. Kali looked over to see another boy who had red hair looking up at her just as intensely, Kali heard him say wow and the girl beside him smacked his arm. Kali couldn't help but laugh to herself, bringing her hand up to hide her smile. " Hello, Kali" she turned back to Harry and smiled at him.

" Hello it's nice to finally meet you, I've heard so many stories about you." He gave her a questioning look but nodded " Wish I could say the same but I didn't know you existed until today" Kali only looked away not sure what to even say. 

" Well hello Kali, I'm Hermione Granger and this is Ron Weasley" She looked slightly at them but wished she could walk away. But to her unfortunate request, Harry spoke again to her.

"Please sit with us" Harry slid to the side and Kali looked at Dumbledore who only nodded and gestured to the seat. She hesitantly sat down next to Harry while Dumbledore walked away. " So why are you just starting now" the girl looked at Harry confused and shook her head slightly not comprehending what he meant " Like why start year four and not first I mean"

" Oh, well, It's complicated, we just had to wait until it was safe I guess, from you know who." They all just nodded but seemed confused. "Unfortunately, you didn't get placed in Gryffindor," Ron said shrugging and changing the subject." Yeah, it was quite shocking to me too." the girl frowned looking across at the table that held more people of her house.

" At Least you didn't get placed in Slytherin" Kali looked over to Harry who slouched down and looked angered at the table across from the one they were sitting at. She looked confused at the others " What's wrong with Slytherin?" Kali asked. Hermione scoffed. " They are the worst, rude and annoying," Ron said." Don't get caught up with any of them especially Malfoy," Harry hissed , looking almost even angrier if it was possible. " Malfoy?" the girls eyes were scanning the crowded Slytherin table.

" He's bad news, just stay away from him," Hermione spoke to the girl with almost a demand and Kali  just nodded slowly to her. " If he ever bothers you just come to find us," Harry seeming oddly protective.

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