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Easy - Gavin James

Whenever you hold me

I never want to let go, let go

You're the only one I follow, follow

We never have to pretend, pretend

I think that you're my best friend, best friend

Baby it's a mad world, mad world


A paper bird flies around the room. Kali tugged on Draco's sleeve pointing up to the bird. He laughed, shoving her hand away from him. " Adorable" He whispered to her slightly where she almost didn't hear it. But then the bird lit up burning to ash and falling in front of Kali.

" Good morning children'' Her voice sent a shiver down Kali's spine. The entire class turned to look back at Umbridge. She began to speak walking forward to the front of the class. Kali felt this overwhelming of uncomfort from the woman.

Clearly, Draco could tell and he grabbed her shaky hand under the table and gave it a squeeze before turning away from her.

" OWLS," She said and Kali blinked zoning back in and looking up at her. " study hard and you will be rewarded."

The small girl groaned resting her head on the table in front of her. She did not do well at school here in Hogwarts, she always struggled. The Slytherin watched her closely letting out a sigh knowing why she was upset.

" Fail to do so and the consequences may be, Sever," Umbridge said scanning over the group of children. Kali felt herself cringe thinking that she might be able to pass. Books began to fly around placing one in front of a student.

"Kali pulled the book towards her flipping through the pages. Beginning the front read, she scrunched her nose looking confused. She looked up at Draco who didn't seem to be phased. The girl raised her small hand and Umbridge called on her.

" There is nothing in here about the use of spells" And the large grin that spread on Umbridge's face, Kali knew was all fake. Umbridge slowly started making her way to the Hufflepuff girl. " Using spells? Well, I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom" Kali sunk in her seat a little more wanting to get out of Umbridge's icy stare.

" We're not going to use magic" Ron spoke up, taking some of the attention off the gold-haired girl. Umbridge turned on her heels looking over at Ron. " You'll be learning about defensive spells in a secure risk-free way. " And by the look of everyone in the class, they were all confused.

" Well, what us is that if we're going to be attacked it won't be risk-free," Harry said just as confused. " Students will raise their hands in my class," Umbridge said, completely ignoring Harry's statement. But Harry wasn't having it.

Kali turned to Draco with an uneasy look. The blonde just nodded to her knowing she felt slightly uncomfortable when Harry yelled out the Dark Lord's name.

" So according to you, Cedric Diggory dropped dead" Kali instantly cowardly back in her seat remembering tonight. Draco reached over placing a hand on her knee squeezing it slightly. She felt the pain of losing Cedric fill her blood again.

" Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident," Umbridge said, giving the fakest sympathetic look. " It was murder, Voldemort Killed him, you must know that" Harry yelled back. " Enough" Umbridge screamed back at Harry. The small girl jumped in her seat slightly hearing the sudden rise in her voice.

Fallen Star : Draco MalfoyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang