The Truth

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Belong - Cary Brothers

With a thousand things to say

I was born with a broken heart

What I'd give for the first night you were mine

Thought you were mine


" Do you ever think about your- umm- parents?" Harry asked shyly. Kali sat beside him late at night in the Gryffindor common room. " All the time." She said with a warm smile. Harry tried his best to hide the emotions trying to peer through.

" It's just-" He paused dropping his head. " It's weird, I miss them more than anything, yet I never got to know them." Kali listened to the boy speak his heart, knowing exactly what he ment.

" It's not weird Harry, It's love. You can love someone without knowing them. You love them, you miss them, it's all normal." Harry finally let one tear spill over and when Kali grabbed his hand, he felt her warmth radiating over him. And he let it all spill out.

She simply hugged tightly to the crying boy, rubbing his back, clutching his hand, and whispering sweet things to him. " People lie you know when they say it gets better." Harry only listened to the girl speak. " Somedays you simply don't think of it, and that's okay. But somedays it's worst than the day it happened. It doesn't get better with time. You just learn to accept that it happened, and it becomes a little easier."

Harry looked up at the girl, she giggled pulling his glasses from his face and gently cleaning off the tears from them. When she was done she brought them to her eyes making sure they were clean enough. And then she turned back to Harry, which he was already watching the green eyed girl closely.

She placed the glasses back on his eyes, and he blinked a few times. Her warm smile sparked that light inside him. " Thank you, Kali, I don't know what I would do without you" Kali nodded and stood. She kissed the top of his head, right on the scar. And for once it didn't burn at the touch it almost felt like she was healing it.

" I'm sure you'd be fine" She whispered so gently against his forehead.


" Together?" Kali looked up at Harry. He nodded. They were both about to watch the memories of Snape. And together they both dipped their head in. A little girl who must have been Harry's mother was there and then other who was beside her both gifted with magic.

Snape was there and everything was making so much more sense now. And then Tom Riddle was there laughing genuinely beside Rose, while snape watched. And finally when the memories finished...

" Tom Riddle is you-"

" He's my dad," Kali said for the first time. Harry walked over sitting on the stairs. Harry was stunned, finding out this information along with the thought of having to die. But Kali already knew about a certain stone that he would have soon enough.

" Harry I must tell you something" Kali walked over to sit beside him. " I didn't know until today, well I always had the answers but I was too blind to see."

Harry listened to her go on. " Harry I can hear the Horcruxes too." Harry turned to her and his eyes became sad. " No, you can't die-"

" Harry" She stopped him grabbing his hand. " I'm not a Horcrux" for a moment had wanted to smile in relief but when he saw how serious she was he knew something was wrong.

" You see a Horcrux is just like another piece of his soul linked to it, an extra barrier to his life. But me" She paused looking around the room. " He thought it would be best to link us together, he knew then Dumbledore would never Kill me. So even if you killed all the Horcruxes, he would still live, as long as I still live."

Harry said nothing but looked into her eyes shaking his head. " Harry I need to ask something of you because I couldn't bare ask any of them." She clutched his hand tighter.

" When the time comes, you must kill me." Harry ripped his hand from hers. " Are you crazy!" He yelled and she shook her head shushing him. " Please be quiet I don't want the others to know. " How could you ask such a thing from me" He hissed, he couldn't even look at the girl anymore.

" Because I know you are the only one who could go through with it." Her voice was gentle. " You are the only one who could do this for everyone."

" I can't Kali-"

" You must Harry"

The door creaked open and Draco stuck his head through. " Everything okay?" He asked and Kali smiled to him. " Everything is fine Blondie, Harry and I were just discussing a plan."

Harry watched her walk over and join hands with the Slytherin. And Harry followed her out. Them joining the others.

" Where have you been?" Hermione asked, " we thought you went to the forest." Ron added. " I'm going there now" Harry walked right past them. " You can't give yourself up to him," Draco spoke from behind. Kali was even surprised he said anything.

Harry stopped " What is it, Harry? What is it that you know?" Hermione asked. But Kali had already sensed Hermione knew. "There's a  reason I can hear them. The Horcruxes. I think I've known for a while. And I think you have too." Hermione started breaking down.

" I'll go with you," She said slightly " No, kill the snake, then it's just him" He hesitantly looked over at Kali and she nodded. Hermione walked forward engulfing him in for a hug. At the moment Kali was worried they would mention something about her. But even Hermione forgot.

Harry started walking off down the stairs. Kali let go of Draco's hand and ran down after her. " Harry" He turned around catching her in his arms. And he held her tightly. And felt tears falling down and landing in the nook of his neck.

They pulled apart and he looked into her eyes. " Kali I lov-"

" I know Harry, I hope you find love again one day." She whispered and he nodded. " I don't think I can do this." He said to her. And she nodded to him. " You'll be okay, Harry Potter." She glanced at the others behind her and smiled. " They will all be okay."


"I forgot my quill," Hermione said with fright. OWL's were today and Hermione forgot her quill. " How could I forget my quill!" Hermione practically screamed. Kali laughed and Hermione glared at the girl.

" Don't laugh, this is serious!" Hermione was almost screaming now. Kali held up a hand for Hermione to hang on. Kali reached down in her bag pulling out another quill. She gently handed it to the worried girl.

Hermione released a heavy breath. " You're a lifesaver, what would I do without you."

" I'm sure you'd be fine," kali said with a gentle voice.

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