Die for Him

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Georgia - Phoebe Bridgers 

If I breathe you

Will it kill me?

will you have me 

Or watch me fall

If I fix you

Will you hate me?


" It's my eleventh birthday Dumbledore. I don't understand why I can't go." The small girl said with slight anger.

" I told you before you would only be able to go if it was safe. And it's not-"

" Safe, I get it" The girl rolled her eyes folding her arms across her chest. " I'm only trying to protect you, Kali, I promised your mother I would. I can't fail you as I did-"

" I Don't want to talk about it" Kali stood walking to the stairs but Dumbledore tried to stop her. " Rose wait please under-"

" Did you just call me Rose?" Kali asked in disbelief, hurt lingering in her voice. " Kali I-"

" I'm not my mother, so stop trying to make me be her." Kali snapped. " It's not safe-"

" It's not? Or do you just not want it to be? You know I don't think you'll ever let me go. Because you're worried that I'll die just like-"

" Enough!" Dumbledore yelled. Riley who was in the kitchen rushed in. " Is everything alright?"

" Everything was great, Dumbledore was just leaving" Kali glared at the man and he remained silent. With one last glance, she stormed up the stair. If only she knew that would be the last time in years until she saw him again. Maybe she would have gone running back downstairs, pleading with him not to leave her behind. Or maybe she would have just let him still leave begging him not to come back for her. I guess we'll never know.


A tear fell from her eyes hitting the paper where Dumbledore was smiling back at her, but a red X crossed him out. She wiped the tear away and placed the folders back in the drawer. " it's not here" Kali said harshly. Harry agreed and they left.

When they had gotten out the commotion Harry caused was done and everyone turn to look at them. But they quickly walked off before questions were given. They had gotten in the elevator but were silent. Harry saw her staring at the picture of Dumbledore in the office but didn't want to question her about it.

When the elevator stopped Ron got on not even recognizing them. Harry spoke with Ron about where Hermione was and the three had agreed to make their way to her. The thought crossed Kali's mind wondering how much longer until the polyjuice had vanished and they would be seen.

Kali could hear Umbridge speaking but like Harry, she hear something else too. A sizzling. " It's here," Kali and Harry said at the same time. Ron stepped forward to his meant to be wife and Kali glanced around the room.

" wands only choose witches and you are not a witch," Umbridge spoke and Kali felt sick to her stomach. Oh, how she did not miss her voice. The woman pleaded with Ron who was meant to be her husband to speak and defend her.

Harry lurked to the side staring at Umbridge Kali was confused until she saw what was on her neck and Kali and Harry slowly took out their wands.

" What on earth are you doing Albert." Her icy voice made Kali glare. " You're lying Dolores" kali smirked her voice was coming through. As the polyjuice was now worn off. " And one must not tell lies," Harry said. And quickly Harry a fight broke out. Hermione quickly got the locket from Umbridge. And the polyjuice had not disappeared.

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